Crisis moment

Chance was led away by the soldiers, his hands bound tightly with rough ropes. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on him, but he knew he had to remain calm and find a way out. The Emperor's obsession with the time machine was dangerous, and Chance couldn't allow it to be misused.

As they marched through the dimly lit corridors of the palace, Chance feigned a wince, clutching his stomach. "Wait, please," he groaned. "I need to use the latrine."

The soldiers exchanged skeptical glances, but one of them sighed. "Fine, but make it quick," he said, gesturing toward a nearby door.

Chance was led into a small, dimly lit room. As soon as the door was closed, he moved to the corner, pretending to be in great discomfort. The soldiers stood guard outside, their attention momentarily diverted.

Taking advantage of the moment, Chance reached up to his hat, feeling for the long, ornate pin that held his hair in place. His fingers closed around the smooth, cool metal, and he carefully pulled it free. With his hands still bound, he maneuvered the pin into the lock of the restraints, working methodically.

The minutes stretched on, each second feeling like an eternity. The pin scraped and clicked against the lock, and Chance's heart pounded in his chest. He could hear the soldiers talking outside, their voices a dull murmur.

Finally, the lock gave way with a soft click. Chance suppressed a triumphant smile as the ropes around his wrists loosened and fell away. He quickly concealed the pin in his sleeve and took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Hey! Are you done in there?" one of the soldiers called out, impatience clear in his voice.

Chance opened the door, feigning weakness. "I'm done," he said, his voice deliberately shaky. The soldiers grabbed his arm and resumed their march, unaware that he was now free.

As they passed through a narrow hallway, Chance saw his opportunity. With a sudden burst of energy, he twisted away from the soldier's grip and sprinted down the corridor. Shouts of surprise and anger echoed behind him, but Chance didn't look back.

He navigated the maze-like passages of the palace with practiced ease, his mind focused on one goal: returning home to secure the time machine. His lungs burned and his legs ached, but he pushed on, driven by determination and fear.

Bursting through a side door, Chance found himself in the palace gardens. The cool night air was a welcome relief, and he took a moment to catch his breath. The shouts of the soldiers grew fainter as he made his way through the shadows, heading toward the palace walls.

With agility born of desperation, he scaled the wall and dropped down on the other side, landing with a soft thud. The streets of the city stretched out before him, and he ran, his feet pounding against the cobblestones.

The journey home felt like a blur, each step bringing him closer to safety. As Chance approached his house, he glanced around to ensure he wasn't being followed. The street was quiet, and he slipped inside, bolting the door behind him.

His mind raced as he hurried to the hidden room where the time machine was kept. He had to protect it, to ensure that it wouldn't fall into the Emperor's hands. The room was dark, but the faint glow of the machine cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Chance took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his responsibility. He had managed to escape, but the danger was far from over. The Emperor's men would soon realize he was gone, and they would come looking for him.

Chance's heart pounded as he rushed through the dimly lit streets, the weight of the impending confrontation heavy on his shoulders. He knew the palace soldiers would soon be upon his home, and the fate of the time machine—and potentially his life—hung in the balance.

As he neared his residence, the sight that met his eyes confirmed his worst fears. Soldiers had already surrounded the building, their stern faces illuminated by the flickering torchlight. At their head was General Ethan, a formidable and loyal warrior, known for his unwavering loyalty to the Ming Dynasty.

Ethan spotted Chance and immediately made his way over. "Prince Chance," he said, his voice low and urgent, "the Emperor has ordered us to confiscate the time machine. But I know you, and I trust you. Tell me, what is happening?"

Chance looked around, ensuring they were not overheard, and quickly explained. Ethan, that machine is not what the Emperor believes it to be. It cannot grant immortality. It is merely a device to traverse time. If he uses it, he could disrupt the fabric of history itself."

Ethan's eyes widened, but his resolve did not waver. "What do you need me to do, Your Highness?"

Chance took a deep breath. "We need to get to the time machine before they do. I need you to use your strength and skills to clear a path through these soldiers. Once inside, I can secure the machine and ensure it remains safe."

Ethan nodded, his grip tightening on his sword. "Stay close to me, Your Highness. I will make sure you reach that machine."

With a fierce battle cry, Ethan unsheathed his sword and charged at the soldiers blocking their path. The clash of steel echoed through the night as Ethan's blade met those of the palace guards. His movements were a blur of precision and power, each strike calculated and lethal. Soldiers fell back under the onslaught, and Chance followed closely, his heart racing with both fear and determination.

The skirmish was intense but brief. Ethan's prowess was unmatched, and the soldiers, though numerous, were unable to withstand his assault. One by one, they were driven back, creating a narrow path for Chance to slip through.

As Chance reached the door to the room housing the time machine, he paused, looking back at Ethan who was holding off the last of the guards. "Ethan, hold them off as long as you can. I'll secure the machine."

Ethan nodded, his expression grim but resolute. "Go, Your Highness. I'll handle them."

Chance slipped inside, the familiar hum of the time machine greeting him. He hurried to the control panel, his fingers flying over the buttons and switches. He had to ensure the machine was ready for immediate use if necessary, but more importantly, he had to safeguard it from falling into the wrong hands.

As he worked, the sounds of battle continued outside, the clang of swords and the shouts of men creating a chaotic symphony. He could hear Leiting's voice above the fray, barking orders and rallying his men. Chance's heart ached with gratitude and fear for his loyal friend.

Minutes felt like hours, but finally, the machine was secured. Chance stepped back, taking a moment to catch his breath. He knew he couldn't stay here. The Emperor would stop at nothing to obtain the machine. He had to think of a plan to protect it long-term.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Ethan stumbled in, bloodied but unbowed. "Your Highness, we need to leave. More soldiers are on their way."

Suddenly there's a bright light from the time machine!!!