Know the truth

Hours passed, and the library began to empty as closing time approached. Despite his thorough search, Chance found nothing of substance. Frustration gnawed at him, but he was not ready to give up. As the lights dimmed and the library staff began their closing rounds, he slipped into one of the restroom stalls, deciding to wait until the library was completely empty.

Once the last of the staff had left and the lights were turned off, Chance emerged from his hiding place. The library was now eerily silent, the only sound the faint hum of the air conditioning. He moved through the darkened aisles with a flashlight, determined to continue his search.

He combed through the shelves, pulling out book after book, but nothing mentioned the Freemasons in any detail. Just as he was about to give up, his flashlight beam fell upon a small, dusty room at the far end of the library. The door was slightly ajar, revealing shelves filled with old and worn books. Intrigued, Chance approached the door and tried to open it further, but it was locked.

"Of course, it would be locked," he muttered under his breath. His frustration was mounting, but he was not ready to leave empty-handed. He remembered seeing a cleaning supplies closet nearby and made his way to it. Rummaging through the supplies, he found a piece of wire. He bent it into a makeshift lock pick, hoping it would do the trick.

Back at the door, he inserted the wire into the lock and began to manipulate it, just as he had seen in movies. It took several tense minutes, but finally, he heard a satisfying click. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, the musty smell of old paper and leather filling his nostrils.

The room was dimly lit by a single flickering bulb, casting long shadows over the shelves. The books here were ancient, their spines cracked and their pages yellowed with age. Chance carefully selected a few that looked promising and began to sift through them.

As he read, his heart began to race. He found references to the Freemasons, describing them as a secretive society with roots in the 19th century. The books detailed how the Freemasons had grown in power and influence, drawing members from the highest echelons of politics and business. They were described as a shadowy organization that manipulated events from behind the scenes, their true motives and operations known only to a select few.

The deeper Chance delved, the more he realized the extent of their reach. The Freemasons were not just a fraternity; they were a powerful network that wielded significant influence over global affairs. Their motto, "Ordo ab Chao" or "Order out of Chaos," hinted at their methods of creating disorder to achieve control.

Chance's mind reeled with the implications. His professor, T. Ramayah, was involved with this clandestine group. The projects and research in the lab were not just academic pursuits; they were part of a much larger, more sinister agenda. The professor's daily reports were not mere updates but were feeding into the plans of a powerful and potentially dangerous organization.

His thoughts were interrupted by a faint noise outside the room. He froze, straining to listen. Footsteps were approaching the library. Panic surged through him. If he were caught here, there would be no easy explanation for his presence. He quickly closed the books and returned them to their places on the shelves, ensuring everything looked undisturbed.

He slipped out of the room and quietly made his way back to the restroom stall, his heart pounding. He waited, scarcely breathing, until the footsteps passed and the library fell silent once more. When he was sure it was safe, he cautiously exited the stall and made his way to the library's exit.

The cool night air was a welcome relief as he stepped outside. His mind was still buzzing with the revelations of the evening. He knew he had stumbled upon something far bigger and more dangerous

And now the identity of modern times, he no longer has the power and status of the ancient times, at this moment the chance should be how to do it, he thought about the way, the only way he can think of at this moment is to destroy the time machine, but this also means that the safety of their families and their own lives will be in danger by that organization, and even their own life will be thrown away for the sake of this act, so it is worthwhile to do so, he asked over and over again himself, thinking that his research results are going to be a threat to the world and even destroy it, he decided to soak his life in the back of his mind, so he walked towards the lab ....