The Disappearing Professor

Chance had barely caught his breath from his recent return when the laboratory doors burst open. Professor Ramayah, with a look of stern determination, strode in, his steps echoing through the room. The professor had been urgently summoned by a notification from the surveillance system, informing him of Chance's reappearance.

"Chance," Professor Ramayah said, his voice a mix of anger and disappointment, "where have you been? You disappear for days, and now you show up as if nothing happened. This kind of behavior is unacceptable."

Chance, feeling a wave of mixed emotions, took a deep breath before responding. "Professor, there's something I need to say. Do you remember why I chose to study here under your guidance?"

Ramayah crossed his arms, his expression hardening. "What does it matter now? You're here to complete your work, not to reminisce."

Ignoring the professor's dismissive tone, Chance continued, "It matters because it's about who you used to be. Twenty years ago, I read your paper on classical quantum mechanics. It wasn't just the insights that inspired me; it was your evident passion for the subject. That passion is what brought me here. But now, I see a different person in front of me. A man who has traded his passion for money and power."

Ramayah's eyes narrowed, but he remained silent.

"Do you remember that paper, Professor?" Chance pressed on. "You spoke about the elegance of quantum mechanics and the potential for discovering the unknown. You wrote about the importance of integrity in scientific research. What happened to that man?"

For a moment, something flickered in Ramayah's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cold, steely resolve. "People change, Chance. You will understand someday. In the real world, idealism doesn't pay the bills. Money and power are what keep the wheels turning."

Chance shook his head, frustration bubbling up inside him. "At what cost, Professor? Human lives? Moral integrity? You're working with people who have no regard for anything but their own gain. You've abandoned your principles, and for what?"

Ramayah's lips curled into a mocking smile. "Principles don't put food on the table, Chance. They don't build empires. When you reach my position, you'll see that power begets power. The more you have, the more you need. It's a simple law of nature."

Chance's voice rose, filled with defiance. "Even if it means sacrificing innocent lives? I used to look up to you, Professor. But now, I see a man who is willing to compromise everything for a fleeting sense of power. It's pathetic."

Ramayah's face twisted in anger. "You know nothing of the real world. Your naive idealism will get you nowhere. Do you think you can stand against the Freemasons and their power? They will crush you."

Chance took a step forward, his gaze unwavering. "Maybe I can't change your mind, but I can't let you continue down this path. If you persist in your collaboration with the Freemasons, I'll have no choice but to stop you."

Ramayah laughed, a harsh, cynical sound. "Stop me? How? You and what army? You're just a misguided fool playing with forces you don't understand."

Chance's hand moved to the control panel of the time machine, his decision made. "I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but you've left me no choice. You need to be stopped, and I know how."

Ramayah watched him, a mix of curiosity and contempt in his eyes. "What are you planning, Chance? Another one of your futile attempts at heroism?"

Chance's fingers flew over the controls, setting the time machine to the fifth dimension. "You once taught me that science could be a tool for good. It's time to put that lesson into practice."

Ramayah's expression shifted to one of concern as he realized what Chance was doing. "What are you doing? Stop this at once!"

Chance looked at Ramayah, his face set in grim determination. "Goodbye, Professor. I'm sending you to a place where your lust for power can't harm anyone."

A bright light enveloped the room as the time machine powered up. Ramayah's protests turned into a shout of rage and desperation. "You can't do this! You'll regret it!"

Chance didn't waver. He pressed the final button, activating the machine. "This is for the greater good. I hope someday you'll understand."

With a flash of light, Professor Ramayah vanished, sent to the fifth dimension—a place where his ambitions would be rendered harmless. The room fell silent, the hum of the machine the only sound.

Chance stood there for a moment, a wave of exhaustion washing over him. He had done what he needed to do, but the cost weighed heavily on his shoulders. He turned away from the control panel, knowing that the battle was far from over, but feeling a small sense of relief that one threat had been neutralized.

As he walked out of the lab, Lucy entered, her face a mix of relief and worry. "Chance, where have you been? Professor Ramayah has been looking for you everywhere. And your mother... she's still being held hostage."

Chance nodded, his resolve hardening. "I know. We have to save her and put an end to this once and for all. But first, we need a plan."