Chapter 14

"I've already got about half the output I used when I fought Saitama under control." Adrian muttered in slight excitement as he expertly manipulated the destructive black orb that if he didn't control properly, could destroy him.

But now he could actually control it properly, if he were to get caught up in it he would still take damage, massive damage but at least now he could instantly fire it out thanks to his high control.

"I'm not Saitama training alone won't get me far, I need something to test it o-"

Before Adrian could complete his sentence he felt a pull in his soul, notifying him of something.

"Interesting, it seems the one I gave the staff to has some potential. He completed his mission." Adrian muttered in interest.

"Well then, time to finally see what universe is blocking me from entering."

Pulling on the connection he felt, Adrian's will slowly entered the staff of the General Ranked Nether lifeform as he prepared to see just what type of universe he was facing.








* General Ranked Nether lifeform POV *

'I've finally gotten enough essence to summon the master's will.' I thought.

Laying on the ground was the half destroyed body of the giant green creature I fought along with the now limbless body of the flying armored human. Beside them were two not so extraordinary humans, one male and one female. The female had her head ripped from her body and the male, carried a bow, though that did nothing against me, his head was also ripped off.

In Front of me right now were what I assume to be their last hope. The one with the blonde hair and the hammer was very powerful, slightly weaker than the giant green creature. The human carrying a shield for a weapon was not dead only because of his powerful shield and the fact that the blonde human was protecting him.

"Give up." I said

"Whatever tricks you may have up your sleeve means nothing, I've already completed my mission."

"T-Thor, you need to leave, go get help. Don't you basically have an army? I'll stall him." Captain America said in exhaustion.

" It is not my army, but my father's." Thor said

"I'll die fighting." Thor continued as he raised his hammer and pointed it at me.

Lightning coursed through his hammer as he lifted it up and threw it at me with full force.

'I've learned from last time, that hammer is dangerous, no matter what I do I can't lift it.' I thought.

Quickly moving out of the hammer's way, I slammed the staff master had given me on the ground, trying to summon his will with all the essence I've gathered.

"Mjölnir!" Thor shouted as his hammer instantly stopped midair and started to fly back to where he was.

I didn't try to stop him from getting his weapon back because whether or not he was alive or dead , after I'm finished with summoning the master's will, everything they tried would be futile. The world itself would kneel to the master, I only need to finish my mission.

Quickly grabbing his hammer back, Thor charged at me and swung his hammer at my staff, trying to break it. Easily dodging his attack I coursed nether energy through my feet and kicked at him, landing a hit right in his abdomen

"UGH." Thor grunted in pain as due to the force of the kick, he flew back.

By literally digging his hands into the ground, Thor managed to slow himself down until he finally stopped. Seeing this, Captain America threw his shield at me, knowing that if he tried to engage in hand to hand combat with me he would die.

Seeing the shield flying to me in slow motion due to my heightened senses, I placed my free hand out as I easily grabbed the shield, wondering if that was really it.

"Pitiful." I said to the now unarmed human in disdain.

'Is this world really that weak.' I thought to myself. There were really only two powerful enemies I faced, the rest were just so…..weak

'Why exactly was the master struggling to enter this world then?' I thought in confusion

Before I could dwell on my thoughts further, the air suddenly crackled with energy. I felt a slight movement in the staff in my hand . Almost instantly right after that the sky darkened and everywhere as far as I could sense was trembling , as if this very world was reacting to the presence of the master's will. I stood firm, looking at the power my master displayed with just his will trying to enter this world in amazement.

The shield in my other hand had already broken into many pieces the moment the staff started to tremble, showcasing the master's power once more.


In the next second, I felt a heavy amount of nether energy instantly appear around me, the places I could sense that were once trembling were now being destroyed as the master's will was almost here.

Buildings started to crumble in a ten mile radius, the ground split apart and the two humans were struggling to even move. The now useless human, the one without his shield was completely stuck on the ground due to the high pressure coming from only a tiny percent of the master's will. The stronger one of the two wasn't on the ground but he also couldn't move.

Thor's muscles strained as he tried desperately to move, his hammer now on the ground due to how difficult it was just holding it.

"AARGH." Captain America shouted in pain.



The pressure increased and Captain America's head caved in, his brain turning to mush in his now caved in head.

The sudden violence of Captain America's demise was shocking, a visceral reminder of the lengths of power that the master commanded. The ominous silence that followed was heavy with the weight of what had just transpired. I stood there, both in awe of the carnage and keenly aware of my role in this.

"Yield." I said to the last remaining fighter, Thor.

"You are strong, but the master is beyond mere physical strength."

"Nothing you do now will ever amount to anything."

"Give up." I said once more.

Thor fell to his knees, gasping for breath. The pressure of the master's will was suffocating, even for him. His blonde hair fell across his eyes, drenched in sweat, the bravado that he had when he first fought me was now gone, utterly wiped away. It was now replaced entirely with fear and desperation.

"You won't get far here!" Thor managed to yell, his voice cracking under the strain.

"The entire might of Asgard will be here, ready to face you and whatever master you serve!" Thor said once again through gritted teeth, blood now started to spill from his mouth, the pressure increasing even more.

"The All-Father HIMSELF will be here to kill your master and finally rid the world of your presence." Thor shouted again, this time the colour of his teeth was now entirely red due to how much blood was flowing out of his mouth. His eyeballs threatened to pop out and his fingers were now entirely crushed.

At this point, the corpses of the humans I had fought had been entirely crushed, the only thing left that proved they were once there was crushed pieces of flesh and their blood.

The one I had the most fun with, the giant green creature, the hulk they called him. He was also unfortunately crushed just like the rest of them, I had hoped to gain his body as a powerful ever evolving minion.

"Are those your final words?" I asked the blonde human

But he couldn't hear me because now the pressure was so strong that he was also crushed into nothing but flesh and blood.

The staff in my hand now trembled violently, the pressure increasing tenfold. Everything as I could see and sense was now completely destroyed. Out of the eye on the staff, an extremely potent nether energy flew out forming into a humanoid figure.

Without realising I kneeled to the forming humanoid figure, fanatical worship in my eyes and the desire for a name.

"Hmmm, this is just the embodiment of my will but it will do for now." Master said as he looked down on me kneeling.

"You've done well, what would you like as a reward?"

Feeling like if I didn't respond instantly the master would change his mind I Instantly blurted out.

"A name!" I accidentally shouted

"Please bless me with a name master." I said in a more softer voice, hoping the master wouldn't kill me now because of my earlier accidental shout.

"A name huh, ok, from now on your name will be Draalok."

* General Ranked Nether lifeform POV end *

As Adrian watched Draalok's evolution he thought to himself.

' This is one of the worst possible worlds for me to be in right now.' Adrian thought

Adrian could hardly recognise anything from the destroyed environment and the crushed pieces of flesh of what he assumed were the beings Draalok had to fight. But what he could recognise was Mjölnir, the hammer created by Odin, once wielded by Hela and now wielded by Thor.

'I'm in the fucking marvel universe.' Adrian thought in slight panic.

'Now the question is… I in marvel comics, or am I in MCU.'

'Either one is very dangerous, but the MCU is infinitely better than the comics for the current me.'

'Not only would I be able to get my hands on the power stones, I would also be able to get my hands on Odin and study his Odinforce.' Adrian continued.

'However this is all only possible if I'm in the MCU.'

'Shit.' Adrian suddenly thought

'Wouldn't TVA or The Living Tribunal come for me now that the embodiment of my will is in this universe!?'

'TVA would come for me because Draalok killed the avengers, disrupting the timeline and the fucking Living Tribunal would come for me because im not from this universe, im an outsider.'

'I need to find a way to hide my presence.'