Yet Another Identity

As the end of summer approached, Lucius Malfoy decided it was time for Lily to understand her full heritage. He arranged a visit to Gringotts, the wizarding bank, to have her heritage checked. Meanwhile, Narcissa took Draco to Diagon Alley to collect his school supplies for the upcoming year.

Lucius and Lily arrived at Gringotts early in the morning. The imposing white building towered over them, its goblin guards eyeing them warily as they approached. Lucius led Lily through the grand entrance and up to the nearest available goblin.

"We have an appointment," Lucius said, his voice firm and commanding.

The goblin nodded and led them to a private office deep within the bank. They were seated at a large desk, and a senior goblin named Griphook entered, carrying a set of documents and a small, ornate box.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Rose," Griphook began, his voice raspy but authoritative. "We are here to confirm Miss Rose's heritage and to discuss any inheritances she may be entitled to."

Lily felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had always suspected that there was more to her background than she knew, and now she was about to find out the truth.

Griphook opened the ornate box, revealing a silver dagger and a small vial. "Miss Rose, if you would please provide a drop of your blood."

Lily nodded, taking the dagger and making a small cut on her finger. She allowed a drop of blood to fall into the vial, which Griphook then sealed and placed into a device on his desk. The device whirred and clicked, and after a few moments, a piece of parchment emerged.

Griphook read the parchment, his eyes widening slightly. "Miss Rose, you are indeed a true blood of the Rosier family. Your lineage is pure, and as the last remaining member of your family, you are the rightful head of House Rosier."

Lily's heart raced. She was the head of House Rosier? The revelation filled her with a sense of pride and responsibility. She looked at Lucius, who gave her a nod of approval.

"This means you have inherited all the properties, assets, and titles of the Rosier family," Griphook continued. "You are now a very influential figure in the wizarding world, Miss Rose."

Griphook handed Lily a set of keys and documents detailing the Rosier family's holdings. "These are the keys to the Rosier vaults, where you will find your family's treasures and records. It is important that you familiarize yourself with your heritage and responsibilities."

Lily took the keys, her mind reeling with the enormity of what she had just learned. "Thank you, Griphook," she said, her voice steady despite her excitement.

Lucius placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have a great responsibility now, Lily. The Rosier name is respected and feared. Use this power wisely."

Lily nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. She had a legacy to uphold, and she was ready to embrace it fully. The darkness within her seemed to resonate with this newfound power, urging her to seize the opportunities before her.

Griphook led them to the entrance of the Rosier vaults. The massive doors were adorned with intricate carvings and the family crest. Lily inserted the key, and the doors swung open, revealing a vast chamber filled with treasures, books, and artifacts.

Lily stepped inside, her eyes wide with wonder. She could feel the weight of her family's history surrounding her. She walked through the vault, taking in the wealth and power that was now hers to command.

Lucius watched her with a mixture of pride and calculation. "You have much to learn, Lily. The Rosier family has a long and complex history. Study these records and understand the power you now wield."

Lily nodded, feeling a sense of purpose and destiny. She knew that her path was set, and she was ready to walk it with confidence. The darkness within her was a part of her heritage, and she would use it to achieve greatness.

After their visit to Gringotts, Lucius and Lily returned to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Draco were waiting for them in the grand entrance hall. Draco greeted Lily with a smile, while Narcissa's expression remained as cold and distant as ever.

"How did it go?" Draco asked, curiosity in his eyes.

Lily smiled, holding up the keys to the Rosier vaults. "I am the head of House Rosier."

Draco's eyes widened in admiration. "That's incredible, Lily! You're going to be one of the most powerful witches in the wizarding world."

Narcissa's gaze softened slightly, a hint of respect in her eyes. "Congratulations, Lily. The Rosier name is a powerful one. Use it wisely."

Lily nodded, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. She knew that the summer had been a turning point in her life. She had discovered her true heritage, embraced her new identity, and was ready to face the future with determination and confidence.

As she stood in the grand hall of Malfoy Manor, surrounded by the darkness that had shaped her, Lily knew that she was ready to seize her destiny. The path to greatness was before her, and she was prepared to walk it, one step at a time.