The Duelling Club

As October rolled into November, Hogwarts buzzed with anticipation. A notice had appeared on the bulletin boards in every common room, announcing the formation of a Duelling Club. The club promised to teach students the art of magical combat, an invaluable skill in these uncertain times. For Lily Rosier, this was an opportunity to further hone her abilities and test herself against her peers.

The day of the first meeting arrived, and the Great Hall was transformed. The long house tables were pushed against the walls, and a raised platform stood in the center, serving as a duelling stage. Torches cast flickering light across the room, adding to the air of excitement and tension.

Lily entered the hall with Draco, her eyes scanning the crowd. The room was packed with students from all houses, eager to participate. She felt a thrill of anticipation; this was her chance to demonstrate her skills and observe potential allies and rivals.

At the front of the hall, Gilderoy Lockhart stood, resplendent in his turquoise robes. Beside him was Professor Snape, his expression as dour as ever. The contrast between the flamboyant Lockhart and the austere Snape was stark, and Lily couldn't help but smirk.

"Welcome, everyone!" Lockhart called, his voice echoing through the hall. "To the first meeting of the Hogwarts Duelling Club! Tonight, we will learn the basics of duelling and engage in friendly competition. And who better to demonstrate than myself and Professor Snape?"

Snape's lip curled in disdain, but he stepped forward, wand at the ready. "Indeed," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Let us begin."

The students watched in rapt attention as Lockhart and Snape took their positions on the platform. They bowed to each other, wands raised. Lily could feel the tension in the room as they prepared to duel.

"Expelliarmus!" Lockhart shouted, waving his wand dramatically.

Snape barely moved, his wand flicking effortlessly. "Protego," he intoned, deflecting the spell with ease. "Stupefy!" he countered, sending a jet of red light towards Lockhart.

Lockhart stumbled back, barely managing to deflect the spell. "Ah, yes, very good!" he said, his voice slightly strained. "And now, let's see what you can do!"

He turned to the students, clearly eager to end the demonstration before Snape could embarrass him further. "Pair up, everyone! Let's practice disarming spells."

Lily and Draco paired up, wands at the ready. They took their positions on a smaller duelling platform, mirroring the steps they had seen from Lockhart and Snape.

"Ready?" Draco asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Ready," Lily replied, her voice steady.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco cast, aiming his wand at Lily.

Lily blocked the spell with a swift movement. "Protego!" she countered, feeling the familiar rush of magic.

They continued to duel, practicing disarming spells and basic defensive maneuvers. Lily felt her confidence grow with each exchange, her movements becoming more fluid and precise.

As the practice session continued, Lockhart moved through the crowd, offering advice and encouragement. When he reached Lily and Draco, he paused, watching them with a critical eye.

"Very good, very good!" he exclaimed. "But let's see something a bit more advanced, shall we? How about a proper duel?"

Lily and Draco exchanged a glance, both eager for the challenge. They took their positions once more, the students around them pausing to watch.

"Bow to each other," Lockhart instructed, "and begin!"

Lily and Draco bowed, their eyes locked in mutual respect and determination. They raised their wands, ready to duel.

"Stupefy!" Draco shouted, sending a jet of red light towards Lily.

"Protego!" Lily deflected the spell with ease. "Rictusempra!" she cast, aiming for Draco's midsection.

Draco dodged, retaliating with "Petrificus Totalus!" Lily sidestepped the spell, her wand moving in a graceful arc.

"Expelliarmus!" she cast, catching Draco off guard. His wand flew from his hand, landing on the ground a few feet away.

The crowd around them erupted in cheers and applause. Lockhart clapped enthusiastically. "Well done, both of you! Excellent duelling!"

The excitement from the first session of the Duelling Club still lingered as Lily and Draco left the Great Hall. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation for the next meeting, and rumors were already spreading about the students' performances.

The following week, the Great Hall was once again transformed into a duelling arena. Students gathered eagerly, discussing tactics and previous duels. Lily and Draco arrived early, securing a spot near the front.

"Ready to show them what Slytherins are made of?" Draco asked, a confident grin on his face.

Lily nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Always."

As the students settled in, Gilderoy Lockhart and Professor Snape took their places on the platform once more. Lockhart, as usual, was resplendent in bright robes, while Snape's dark presence provided a stark contrast.

"Welcome back, everyone!" Lockhart announced, his voice echoing through the hall. "Tonight, we'll be focusing on more advanced duelling techniques. But first, let's start with a demonstration. Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, please join us on the stage."

Draco's eyes lit up with excitement as he made his way to the platform. Harry Potter followed, looking determined but slightly wary. The students watched with bated breath, eager to see the duel between two of the most well-known students at Hogwarts.

Lockhart positioned Draco and Harry on opposite ends of the platform. "Remember to bow," he instructed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "And begin!"

Draco and Harry bowed to each other, their eyes locked in mutual challenge. They raised their wands, ready for the duel.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted, his wand aimed directly at Harry.

Harry blocked the spell with a swift "Protego!" and countered with "Rictusempra!" The tickling charm sent Draco into a fit of laughter, but he quickly recovered.

"Serpensortia!" Draco cast, conjuring a snake that slithered menacingly towards Harry.

The crowd gasped as the snake hissed, its eyes locked on Harry. To everyone's astonishment, Harry began to speak to the snake in Parseltongue, the hissing sounds echoing through the hall. The snake paused, seemingly confused by Harry's words.

"Harry!" Hermione's voice called out from the crowd, filled with concern.

Professor Snape's eyes narrowed, and Lockhart's face turned pale. The students whispered among themselves, shocked by Harry's ability to speak to snakes.

Snape stepped forward, his voice cold and commanding. "Finite Incantatem!" he said, and the snake vanished. "That will be enough for today."

Harry and Draco lowered their wands, the tension still thick in the air. The students continued to murmur as they filed out of the Great Hall, the revelation of Harry's Parseltongue ability the hot topic of discussion.

Lily and Draco rejoined their group of Slytherins, Draco looking both pleased and intrigued. "Did you see that? Potter's a Parselmouth."

Lily nodded, her mind racing with the implications. "Interesting. We need to keep an eye on him."

As they walked back to the Slytherin common room, Draco couldn't contain his excitement. "That was incredible! But why didn't you tell me you could speak Parseltongue?"

Lily raised an eyebrow. "I can't. That was Potter."

Draco looked confused for a moment, then shook his head. "I still can't believe it. This changes everything."

Lily agreed. The revelation of Harry's ability to speak to snakes was significant. It added another layer to the complex web of alliances and rivalries at Hogwarts. She knew that they needed to be strategic in how they used this information.

That evening, the Slytherin common room was abuzz with conversation about the duelling club and Harry's Parseltongue ability. Lily sat with Draco and their friends, discussing their plans for the future.

"We need to stay focused," Lily said, her voice steady and confident. "There's a lot happening, and we need to be ready for anything."

Draco nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. We have to use every advantage we have."

As the evening wore on, Lily felt a renewed sense of determination. The duelling club had provided valuable insights and opportunities, and she was ready to seize them.