Being Summoned

Lilith Rosier had received a summons from Headmaster Dumbledore, and though she felt a flicker of annoyance, she was also curious about what he wanted. As she made her way to his office, she kept her face carefully composed, hiding the torrent of thoughts and emotions that churned beneath the surface.

The gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's office sprang aside as she approached, having been alerted to her arrival. She ascended the spiral staircase and knocked on the door.

"Enter," Dumbledore's calm voice called from within.

Lilith pushed open the door and stepped inside. Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. The room was filled with the usual assortment of strange and wonderful objects, and Fawkes, the phoenix, watched her with intelligent eyes from his perch.

"Good evening, Miss Rosier," Dumbledore greeted, gesturing for her to sit.

"Good evening, Professor," Lilith replied, taking a seat opposite him.

Dumbledore studied her for a moment before speaking. "I've heard remarkable reports about your recent progress in magic, particularly your control over spells. It's both impressive and, I must admit, a bit concerning."

Lilith raised an eyebrow. "Concerning, Professor?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes, concerning. Such rapid advancement often suggests either a natural prodigious talent or the use of unconventional and potentially dangerous methods. I summoned you here to understand how you achieved this level of control in such a short time."

Lilith had anticipated this question. She had crafted her answer carefully, knowing that Dumbledore would be wary of any hint of darkness. "It's quite simple, actually, Professor. I realized that my control over magic needed refining, so I devised a training exercise to help with that."

Dumbledore leaned forward, intrigued. "What sort of exercise?"

Lilith smiled slightly, sensing his genuine interest. "I used the Room of Requirement to create a space where I could practice in solitude. I set up a series of candles at one end of the room and stood at the other. The goal was to light each candle using a tiny, controlled thread of magical energy. It forced me to focus on maintaining a steady flow of power."

Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise. "That is indeed a clever and safe method, Miss Rosier. It shows both creativity and discipline."

Lilith nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "It was challenging, but effective. I've managed to light five candles simultaneously, though six still eludes me."

Dumbledore sat back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "You have shown great ingenuity, Miss Rosier. I must commend you for your approach. It is a testament to your dedication and skill."

Lilith inclined her head, accepting the praise. "Thank you, Professor."

Dumbledore's expression softened, and he leaned forward once more. "However, I must caution you to remember the importance of balance and responsibility in your studies. Power without wisdom can lead to dangerous paths."

"I understand, Professor," Lilith replied, though a flicker of annoyance crossed her mind. She had heard similar warnings from McGonagall and Snape, and while she knew they were well-intentioned, they often felt like chains holding her back.

Dumbledore nodded, his blue eyes twinkling with a mix of concern and hope. "Very well, Miss Rosier. I trust you will continue to apply your talents wisely. If you ever need guidance or assistance, my door is always open."

"Thank you, Professor," Lilith said, rising from her seat. "I appreciate your concern and your willingness to listen."

As she left Dumbledore's office, Lilith felt a sense of relief mixed with triumph. She had managed to deflect his concerns and even earned his praise for her methods. However, she knew she had to remain vigilant. The headmaster was not easily fooled, and any misstep could lead to further scrutiny.

As Lilith walked back to the Slytherin common room, she reflected on her journey. The past months had been a whirlwind of intense training and rapid advancement. She had pushed herself to the brink, but the results were undeniable. Her control over magic had reached new heights, and she was on the cusp of mastering Human Transfiguration.

Yet, despite her progress, Lilith felt a lingering dissatisfaction. The warnings from Dumbledore and her professors echoed in her mind. She understood their concerns, but she also knew that true power required risk and determination. She couldn't afford to be held back by fear or caution.

Entering the common room, she found Draco sitting by the fire, looking pensive. He glanced up as she approached, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"How did it go?" he asked.

Lilith shrugged, taking a seat beside him. "Dumbledore wanted to know about my progress. I explained my training methods, and he seemed satisfied."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "That's good, I suppose. But you need to be careful, Lily. Dumbledore isn't easily fooled."

"I know," Lilith replied, her eyes flickering with determination. "But I have a plan, and I'm not going to let anything or anyone stop me."

Draco sighed, his concern evident. "Just don't lose yourself in the process. Remember, there's more to life than power."

Lilith smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Don't worry, Draco. I know what I'm doing."

As the fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls, Lilith Rosier steeled herself for the challenges ahead. 

As the school year began to draw to a close, the students at Hogwarts turned their attention to final exams and end-of-year activities. For Lilith, however, the focus remained on mastering Human Transfiguration. Her private lessons with Professor McGonagall had been intense, but she had made significant progress. Now, as the term neared its end, McGonagall prepared to teach her the last of what she was willing to reveal this year.

Lilith arrived at the Transfiguration classroom early, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew that today's lesson would be crucial, a culmination of everything she had learned so far. She took a seat and waited patiently for McGonagall to arrive.

The door creaked open, and Professor McGonagall entered, her expression serious but not unkind. She carried a stack of parchment and a small wooden box, which she placed on her desk before turning to face Lilith.

"Good afternoon, Miss Rosier," McGonagall greeted. "Today, we will be covering some of the most advanced aspects of Human Transfiguration that I am willing to teach you this year. Are you prepared?"

Lilith nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Yes, Professor. I'm ready."

McGonagall began the lesson with a review of the foundational principles they had covered over the past months. They discussed the importance of concentration, visualization, and precise magical control. Lilith listened attentively, absorbing every word.

"Today," McGonagall continued, "we will be focusing on two specific aspects of Human Transfiguration: altering physical attributes in a more complex manner and temporarily changing one's form into that of another person. These are highly advanced spells and require both skill and ethical consideration."

Lilith's heart quickened. She had been waiting for this moment, eager to push her abilities to the next level. McGonagall's cautious approach had frustrated her at times, but she knew the professor's wisdom was invaluable.

McGonagall started by demonstrating the first spell. She pointed her wand at a mirror and cast a complex incantation. Her reflection in the mirror changed subtly; her features softened, her hair lengthened, and her eyes shifted to a different shade.

"This spell allows you to make intricate changes to your appearance," McGonagall explained. "It requires a high degree of control, as even the smallest error can lead to unintended consequences."

Lilith stepped forward, eager to try. She focused on her reflection in the mirror, visualizing the changes she wanted to make. Slowly, she raised her wand and murmured the incantation. She felt the magic flow through her, and her features began to shift.

Her nose became slightly more pointed, her cheekbones higher, and her eyes turned a deeper green. She marveled at the transformation, feeling a surge of triumph.

"Very good, Miss Rosier," McGonagall said, her voice tinged with approval. "Remember, the key to this spell is subtlety. Large changes are more difficult to control and can be dangerous."

Next, McGonagall turned to the wooden box on her desk and opened it, revealing a small vial of shimmering liquid. "This potion will assist in the temporary change of form. However, the spell itself is what drives the transformation."

She took a sip from the vial and cast another incantation. Her form shimmered and shifted until she appeared as a younger version of herself. The change lasted only a few moments before she returned to her usual appearance.

"This spell is not to be taken lightly," McGonagall warned. "It requires immense concentration and control. Additionally, it is temporary and should not be used for deceitful purposes."

Lilith watched intently, eager to try. She took a small sip from the vial and focused on the spell, picturing herself as someone else—another student she had seen in passing. She cast the incantation, feeling the magic envelop her.

Her form began to shift, her features blurring and then re-forming into the likeness of the other student. She glanced at the mirror, amazed at the transformation. It was like looking at a completely different person.

"Well done, Miss Rosier," McGonagall said, though her tone was serious. "Remember, this spell is highly advanced and can be dangerous if misused. Always consider the ethical implications of your actions."

As the lesson came to a close, McGonagall looked at Lilith with a mixture of pride and concern. "You have shown great aptitude and dedication, Miss Rosier. However, I must reiterate the importance of using your skills responsibly. Power without wisdom can lead to perilous paths."

Lilith nodded, though her mind was already racing with possibilities. "I understand, Professor. Thank you for your guidance."

McGonagall sighed, her expression softening. "Very well. Continue to practice, but do so with caution. And remember, I am always here if you need further guidance."

As Lilith left the classroom, she felt a sense of exhilaration. She had mastered another aspect of Human Transfiguration, pushing her abilities to new heights. The ethical warnings from McGonagall echoed in her mind, but she pushed them aside. She was determined to achieve greatness, no matter the cost.