Genius or Insanity

In the days following the announcement, Hogwarts welcomed the visiting students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The Beauxbatons students were assigned to join Ravenclaw in their studies, while the Durmstrang students integrated with Slytherin. This arrangement created an air of both camaraderie and rivalry within the castle, as students from different backgrounds mingled and competed.

Lilith Rosier observed the newcomers with keen interest. The Durmstrang students, with their rugged demeanor and powerful magical abilities, particularly caught her attention. She saw in them potential allies, or at the very least, worthy adversaries. She made a point of watching them closely, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses.

One morning, as the Slytherins and Durmstrang students gathered for a joint Potions class, Lilith took her seat near the front, her eyes scanning the room. Professor Snape, who seemed to take a particular interest in the Durmstrang students, began the lesson with his usual stern demeanor.

"Today, we will be brewing the Draught of Living Death," Snape announced. "A highly advanced potion that requires precise control and skill."

Lilith smirked, her confidence in her abilities unwavering. She glanced at the Durmstrang students, noting their focused expressions. One of them, a tall boy with a serious look, caught her eye. She could sense his power and determination.

As the lesson progressed, Lilith worked methodically, her movements precise and controlled. She felt the eyes of the Durmstrang students on her, and she welcomed the attention. She wanted them to see her skill, to recognize her as a formidable witch.

At the end of the class, Snape walked around to inspect their potions. He stopped by Lilith's cauldron, his eyes narrowing in approval. "Excellent work, Miss Rosier," he said, his voice low. "As always."

Lilith nodded, a hint of pride in her expression. She knew that gaining Snape's approval was no small feat, and it further cemented her reputation among her peers.

During the breaks between classes, the students from different schools gathered in the courtyard and the Great Hall, exchanging stories and getting to know one another. Lilith spent these times observing and listening, learning as much as she could about the visiting students.

One afternoon, she found herself standing near a group of Durmstrang students who were discussing their school's rigorous training regimen. The tall boy from Potions class, whose name she learned was Viktor Krum, was recounting a particularly grueling exercise.

"It's not just about raw power," Krum was saying. "It's about control and precision. You can have all the magic in the world, but if you can't control it, it's useless."

Lilith nodded in agreement, her mind flashing back to her own training under Bellatrix. Control and precision were lessons she had learned well, albeit through much darker methods.

The Beauxbatons students, meanwhile, brought a sense of elegance and grace to Hogwarts. Their presence in Ravenclaw's classes added a new dynamic, and Lilith couldn't help but be intrigued by their refined approach to magic. She watched them with a mix of admiration and curiosity, noting their different techniques and spells.

As the days passed, the anticipation for the Triwizard Tournament grew. The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang continued to impress, and the sense of competition intensified. Lilith relished the atmosphere, feeling more alive and focused than ever.

One evening, as the Great Hall buzzed with conversation, Dumbledore stood once more to address the students. The room fell silent, all eyes on the headmaster.

"Tomorrow night, we will hold the selection ceremony for the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore announced. "The champions will be chosen by the Goblet of Fire, and they will face three challenging tasks over the course of the year. I wish all those who have entered the best of luck."

The hall erupted in applause and cheers. Lilith felt a thrill of excitement, knowing that the tournament would bring new opportunities for chaos and power. She glanced around at her fellow students, her mind already plotting and strategizing.

As the selection ceremony approached, Lilith knew that she had to stay sharp and focused. The Triwizard Tournament was not just a competition; it was a chance to observe, learn, and grow stronger. And she was determined to make the most of it.

The night before the champions were to be announced, an air of palpable excitement and anticipation filled Hogwarts. Students from all three schools gathered in the Great Hall for dinner, their conversations animated and speculative. Among the hustle and bustle, the whispers of the upcoming selection ceremony dominated every table.

As the evening grew late, the stars began to twinkle above the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall. The soft glow of the floating candles cast a warm light over the gathered students. Among the topics of conversation, one name repeatedly surfaced: Viktor Krum.

"Did you see him earlier?" a Ravenclaw girl whispered to her friend. "Krum was out swimming in the Black Lake!"

"You're joking!" her friend replied, wide-eyed. "In this weather? It must be freezing!"

"I swear, I saw it with my own eyes," the girl insisted. "He was out there, like it was nothing."

The news of Viktor Krum swimming in the frigid waters of the Black Lake spread quickly, capturing the attention of students from all three schools. The Durmstrang students nodded approvingly, while the Beauxbatons students exchanged curious glances.

"Typical Durmstrang," a Beauxbatons boy remarked to his friends. "They're always pushing the limits."

As the conversations swirled around Viktor Krum's impressive display, a few students began to draw parallels to another individual known for her peculiar habits—Lily Rosier.

"Remember last year?" a Slytherin boy whispered to his tablemates. "Lily used to swim in the lake, too. In her undergarments, no less."

"That's right," another student chimed in. "She was practicing silent casting underwater. Talk about dedication."

The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students, overhearing these remarks, turned their attention to the Slytherin table, curiosity piqued.

"Who is this Lily Rosier?" one of the Durmstrang students asked.

"She's... well, she's something else," a Slytherin girl replied, glancing around to ensure Lilith wasn't nearby. "She's incredibly talented in magic, but she's also... unsettling. She trains like no one else, always pushing herself to the edge."

"Some say she's a bit mad," a Ravenclaw boy added from a nearby table. "But you can't deny her skills. She's one of the best in our year."

The Beauxbatons students listened with a mix of intrigue and apprehension. "It seems Hogwarts has its own legends," one of them remarked, their tone half-joking, half-serious.

The conversations continued, the atmosphere in the Great Hall electric with speculation and curiosity. As the night wore on, the stories about Viktor Krum and Lilith Rosier mingled, painting a picture of two formidable students, each with their own unique approach to magic and training.

Outside, the cold wind howled, and the dark waters of the Black Lake lapped against the shore. The moonlight glinted off the surface, casting eerie reflections. Viktor Krum's earlier swim had left an indelible impression, but the stories of Lilith's underwater training added an extra layer of intrigue to the night.

As the students finally retired to their respective dormitories, their minds buzzed with excitement. The selection ceremony loomed ahead, promising to reveal the champions who would face the grueling tasks of the Triwizard Tournament. But tonight, the tales of extraordinary students—both past and present—filled their dreams with possibilities and anticipation.

The next morning, the buzz of anticipation for the champion selection continued to permeate Hogwarts. Among the Durmstrang students, one in particular, Ivan, had become fixated on the stories of Lily Rosier. Intrigued by the descriptions of her dedication and peculiar behavior, he decided to seek her out.

Ivan roamed the castle, asking discreet questions and listening for any mention of Lily. Eventually, his persistence paid off. He spotted her in the courtyard, sitting alone on a bench, her eyes closed as she seemed to be deep in thought.

"Lily Rosier?" he asked, approaching her cautiously.

Lily opened her eyes and regarded him with a steady, almost unnerving gaze. "Yes?"

"I'm Ivan," he introduced himself, extending a hand. "I'm from Durmstrang. I've heard a lot about you and thought it would be interesting to chat. My friends and I are curious about your... unique approach to magic."

Lily's lips curled into a small, enigmatic smile as she shook his hand. "I see. Lead the way."

Ivan led Lily to a quiet corner of the courtyard where a group of Durmstrang students had gathered. They greeted her with a mix of curiosity and respect, intrigued by the rumors they had heard.

"Thank you for joining us," said Ekaterina, one of the Durmstrang students. "We've heard about your training methods, particularly your underwater practice. It's quite impressive."

Lily nodded, her eyes glinting with a strange light. "Dedication to one's craft is essential. Magic requires constant honing and pushing of limits."

Ivan leaned forward, eager to delve deeper. "We've also heard that you practice silent casting. That must be incredibly challenging."

"It is," Lily admitted, her tone calm but her eyes alight with a peculiar intensity. "But it's necessary for true mastery. Being able to cast without uttering a word gives one a significant advantage in both combat and subtle magic."

The Durmstrang students exchanged impressed glances. They continued to ask questions, fascinated by her responses and the depth of her commitment to magic. However, as the conversation progressed, they couldn't help but notice the unsettling glint in her eyes, a madness that seemed to simmer just beneath the surface.

"And the Black Lake," Ekaterina ventured, hesitating slightly. "You swam in it during winter. Why?"

Lily's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with a manic intensity. "The cold sharpens the mind and body. It tests your limits and forces you to adapt. Besides, it's a good way to practice under extreme conditions."

The Durmstrang students shifted uncomfortably. The more they listened, the more they sensed that there was something off about Lily. Her dedication was undeniable, but there was a darkness in her gaze that hinted at something far more sinister.

"So, what drives you to such extremes?" Ivan asked, trying to maintain a conversational tone despite his growing unease.

Lily's expression softened, but the madness in her eyes remained. "Power, control, and the pursuit of perfection. To be the best, one must be willing to go where others fear to tread."

The group fell silent, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. Ivan glanced at his friends, noting their discomfort. He had sought out Lily out of curiosity, but now he found himself questioning whether this was a path they wanted to explore further.

After a few more moments of awkward silence, Ivan cleared his throat. "Thank you for sharing with us, Lily. It's been... enlightening."

Lily nodded, seemingly oblivious to their discomfort. "Of course. It's always good to share knowledge."

As the group dispersed, Ivan and his friends walked away with a sense of unease. The tales of Lily Rosier's dedication and prowess had intrigued them, but the reality of her presence was far more unsettling. The glint of madness in her eyes was a stark reminder of the fine line between brilliance and insanity, and it left them questioning how far they were willing to go in their own pursuits of magical mastery.