Chapter 130 Duel (Part 1)

Bartemius Crouch Sr. arrived at Hogwarts on Tuesday and handed me the terms of the contract for the future duel. By the way, the information didn't reach the masses, and everyone unanimously decided to keep it within certain limits, especially since Dumbledore became Snape's second. Unexpected, huh?

The first clause was that no steel-bladed weapons were to be used. I guess they figured I wouldn't be as strong without a sword. Well, they were right. Three months ago, but now my arsenal is broader. They forbade the use of "unforgivable" spells, muggle weapons, golems, and familiars.

I don't know why or why not, but Crouch told me that Dumbledore insisted on a clause banning amulets and talismans, but when Barty Sr. demanded in response that Battle Alchemy be excluded, "Light" started talking utter nonsense, but the man wouldn't budge, so my arsenal of seals remained allowed.

There are also no restrictions on potions and artifacts down to the lower end of "high" rank, so no Felix Felicis or Draconis Spiritus, which is certainly welcome.

However, combat alchemy is very serious, especially in the hands of a master. Then came the lines of official stationery and places for signatures, checking for "surprises", I signed the parchment, which will go to the archives of the Ministry, well, and Snape and I on a copy. Curiously, there was a note at the end of the parchment with a reciprocal condition for the winner to receive the trophies.

And it was also strange that there was not a word about hoarders, they did not even talk about them, because that thing, as it turned out, is extremely rare or expensive in Britain. Well, I didn't see anything critical in the conditions, otherwise I wouldn't have signed it. On behalf of myself and the Ministry, Barty Crouch asked me to keep everything secret until the very end. Naturally, I agreed.

The date of the duel was one o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and the place was near Hogwarts. I had time to prepare thoroughly, and the most intelligent people, but a special letter with instructions and a bracelet with some sealed property, I left Kiriko. It's no big deal, right? Anything could happen.


There were a lot of people gathered, many of them interested in watching an authorized assassination with a spectacular prelude. A few miles from the castle, in the folds of the hills, there was a very comfortable and spacious plain, about four hundred meters wide at its widest point.

 Those present did not make any noise — not the right audience and not the right occasion, for there were no idle gawkers (those present would refuse to recognize themselves as such even in the case of reasoned confirmation), but only "important" gentlemen who had come to fix... something — they had prepared a variety of options. A few silent men in uniforms were preparing the area for the spectators: setting up shields, preparing dynamic defenses, and so on. No grandstands were planned.

No spectator arrived alone. The minimum number of attendants, i.e. bodyguards, started at two, but not more than four. However, many whispered as Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape arrived... with an escort of seven wizards, including Alastor Moody.

Then came a group of twelve Frenchmen, led by a tall, stocky brunette with the weathered face of a former soldier. They were followed by the Chinese, fifteen souls in all. No one knew what they had forgotten here, and it was impossible to ask them or find out anything else, for they stood apart from the others.

Ten minutes later, the second participant of the current event appeared, accompanied by a dozen robed magicians. The faces were revealed, but only one former teacher was present. Many, if not all, of Snape and Dumbledore's escorts looked at Lupin disapprovingly, some even shaking their heads in disapproval.

The werewolf himself kept a neutral expression on his face, but tried not to look at his friends. For a few minutes, the people looked at the figures and discussed the Japanese man's apparent lack of edged weapons.

After about ten minutes, Bartemius Crouch Sr. and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore separated from their groups. The men came together, talked about something, the wind and distance obscuring the gist of the conversation, and then each turned in his own direction with a wave of his hand.

Severus Snape and Sora Hoshino walked toward them. If one had been paying attention, one might have noticed the Delacour sisters taking each other's hands, clasping their sister's palms tightly, and pressing their lips together. Dumbledore put his wand to his throat, and his voice was instantly audible to all.

— Before the duel begins, the parties may call it off. Do the parties wish to reconcile? Do they refuse a violent resolution? — The intonation of the headmaster's voice expressed concern and sadness. Both duelists shook their heads negatively. — In that case, please take your seats. The duel will begin at the signal of the red sparks. And another reminder: The use of weapons other than magic, potions and artifacts up to the lower bar of 'high' is forbidden by mutual agreement. — The Headmaster removed his wand from his neck.

The parties took their seats and waited for the signal. All around them fell silent. Barty Crouch raised his wand and unleashed a thick sheaf of red sparks.

Before the people could comprehend anything, the well-known potionist in Britain raised his wand, his lips moved, and he leapt back ten meters, shrouded in visible shields, and nimbly pulled out several vials of potions, which he drank immediately. At the same time, Hoshino waves his right arm, in which two straight sticks as tall as he appears.

He caught one with his left hand and smashed the other into the ground with a swing of his right hand. A wave of blue light traveled down the stick, and the tree itself crumbled into ash, turning into a blob of energy that, with a second's delay, spread out in a ring around the area.

The spectators were not afraid — powerful shields and personal defense artifacts are not toys. But the target, as it turned out, was something else. About thirty meters away from the main group of spectators was another group of spectators, obviously hidden by Disillusionment Charms that had just been rudely torn off. In addition, some sort of leather armor was revealed on a wizard.

No sooner were the people surprised than a second staff was thrust into the ground, only this time the wave was invisible — only the distorting air indicated its presence. Nothing seemed to happen. Only the Hogwarts Headmaster's bronze orb in his pocket, covered in runic writing, fell to pieces.

Some of the attendants also had their anti-apparition barrier artifacts destroyed. Next, Hoshino began shielding himself. The most knowledgeable recognized them as elemental.