Infiltration Part 2

Inside the huge tent, the ringleader, an obese man in his forties with a thick beard, was leisurely smoking tobacco. His imposing figure slouched over a makeshift desk, littered with various maps and documents. His greasy hair was pulled back into a sloppy knot, adding to his unkempt appearance. Despite the summer heat, he wore a heavy, stained jacket that seemed too tight around his broad shoulders.

Across from him stood a strikingly beautiful maiden, no older than fifteen. Her blonde hair was styled in twin braids that elegantly framed her face and draped over her shoulders, ending in loose curls. She wore a white regal dress that spoke of her status. 

Her blue eyes was filled with defiance, and fixed on the ringleader. She was unmistakably a princess.

"So, one of our prisoners, which is your personal maid got away from us," the ringleader's voice boomed, his tone mocking as he blew a cloud of smoke towards the princess. "But no matter, we still hold the more valuable prize," he gestured lazily with the hand holding his tobacco.

The princess's expression hardened, her fear momentarily overtaken by indignation. "You won't get away with this," she asserted. "My father is one the powerful figures in the Kingdom of Eldoria, he is a duke and when he learns about this, he will not hesitate to rain down every available force upon you."

The ringleader chuckled, a thick cloud of smoke billowing around him. "Don't worry about your father learning about your situation because we already sent our messenger to the Kingdom of Eldoria demanding ransom. We have put a high price on your end, princess and your father will have to pay dearly for your return," he smirked, his eyes glinting with greed. 

"You will pay for this!" the Princess shouted back.

The ringleader leaned closer, his lecherous gaze making the princess recoil. "And if your dear father decides not to pay," he sneered, "well then, I guess I'll just have to find my own way to have fun with his precious daughter." 

His vile statement was met with laughter from the bandits crowded in the tent. About twenty rough-looking men stood or sat around, their eyes greedily following every movement of the princess. They cheered and jeered, throwing lewd comments her way, further fueling the ringleader's contemptible demeanor.

The ringleader soaked in the approval of his men, his smirk widening. "See, boys, we have ourselves a real treasure here," he declared, standing up to address his crude audience. His voice carried over the noise, silencing the chatter momentarily. "But remember, she's worth more to us unharmed for now—until the gold arrives."

The moment was shattered by the unexpected entrance of a man—. He wasn't one of the ringleader's rough bandits. The bandits turned, confusion etched on their faces, not understanding the threat before them.

Without a word, Vincent pulled the trigger, sweeping his rifle across the room. The sound of gunfire erupted as bullets sprayed in rapid succession. The bandits were caught off-guard, their reactions sluggish, nothing more than easy targets in Vincent's trained sights. One by one, they fell, their blood splattering across the worn tent canvas.

Within mere moments, the gunfire ceased, leaving behind only the ringing echoes of the rifle and the labored breathing of those few who were left alive.

The ringleader, who had ducked behind his desk at the onset of gunfire, peeked over, his face a mask of shock and disbelief. His eyes were wide. He hadn't seen those types of weapons before and he struggled to comprehend the speed and efficiency with which his guard had been dismantled. As he tried to rise, trembling from fear and shock, Vincent approached him.

Vincent grabbed the ringleader by the collar of his heavy jacket, lifting him with surprising ease. The ringleader's eyes widened as he was hoisted up, coming face to face with the cold, unyielding gaze of his captor. Vincent's pistol was already aimed squarely at his forehead.

"Are you the one in charge here?" 

The ringleader's throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, his earlier bravado evaporating under Vincent's steely stare. 

He nodded slowly, his voice a croak. "Yes... I... I am."

Vincent's grip tightened, a flash of anger passing through his eyes. "Then you are responsible for all of this."

The princess, still in the tent but now standing a safe distance away, watched the confrontation with bated breath. 

"Please... I can pay you... more than they ever could," the ringleader stammered, trying to bargain for his life, his eyes darting around, looking for an escape that wasn't there.

"No thanks, I don't accept contracts from scum like you. Consider your free trial in life expired." 


The ringleader's body slumped lifelessly in Vincent's grasp, and he let it drop unceremoniously to the ground. Vincent holstered his pistol and turned to the princess, who was watching him dumbfoundedly.

"Let me guess. Are you the master that Miss Luminova served? Lady Elinalise Claes?" Vincent nodded towards the princess.

"We need to leave quickly, Lady Elinalise. More of these bandits might come back any moment."

Elinalise, still processing the swift and brutal end of her captor, managed a nod. "Yes, I am Elinalise Claes. Thank you for rescuing me…"

As she got up, Vincent heard footsteps from outside. So far he had killed 21 of them, including the ringleader. But there are forty of them so 10 must still be out there patrolling.

Vincent quickly moved to the entrance of the tent. He motioned for Elinalise to stay low and quiet as he peered outside.

As expected, ten bandits rushed to their location from all fronts. Vincent reloaded his G36 and after that, he opened fire.

The first few bandits fell swiftly, their bodies hitting the ground before they even realized what was happening. Vincent continued to fire, each pull of the trigger sending another bandit to the ground.

As he shot down the ninth bandit, Vincent's rifle clicked empty. He cursed under his breath, his hand moving to draw his sidearm. But before he could react, the tenth bandit threw a knife, aiming directly at Vincent's chest.

Vincent's combat-honed reflexes kicked in, and he dodged to the side. But before he could return fire, a loud bang echoed from a distance. The tenth bandit's head snapped back, a bullet piercing his skull. He collapsed, lifeless, to the ground.

Vincent turned, his eyes scanning the area. Standing a few meters away, he saw Luminova, holding the handgun he had given her.

"Nice shot," Vincent called out in admiration. 

But instead of relishing the praise from Vincent, Luminova simply rushed to the princess that was behind her and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so glad you're safe, my lady."

Elinalise returned the embrace, her own eyes glistening with relief. "You are still alive…"

Vincent gave them a moment as he read through a series of system notifications. 

[Mission completed! You have received 50,000 gold coins.]

[You have gained: 4,000 experience points!]

[You have gained: 20,000 gold coins!] 

 [Your level has risen to 5]

[Experience points: 4300/8,693]

[Current balance: 76,000 gold coins.]