An Emergency Quest

Vincent and his team returned to the Golden Stag. They were at the main entrance and they stepped out of the carriage one by one.

They waved their hands goodbye to the driver of the carriage before entering the establishment and made their way up to their room.

Immediately after entering their room, Vincent made a beeline toward the cabinet where they had stowed their assault rifles. When he opened it, he breathed a sigh of relief as they were still there.

"They are still here," Vincent announced, and the rest of the Special Forces also breathed a sigh of relief, glad that their rifles were safe. They had been anxious that someone might have entered their room and stolen the rifles for whatever reason.

"Get a good night's rest as we will go to the Adventurers Guild tomorrow," Vincent informed.

"Why?" Alpha 2 asked.

"Well, to find out anything about it," Vincent replied simply. "So I will take my sleep, and I hope you all do as well. Tomorrow might be a big—"

"Demon King Forces Alert! Demon King Forces Alert!"

An alarm blared throughout the capital with the announcement.

"What the heck," Vincent mumbled as he went over to the window and opened it. There, the emergency broadcast continued with the alarm informing the residents of a Demon King Forces.

"All adventurers present in the capital report to the city square immediately!"

Alpha 3 turned to Vincent, concern etched on his face. "Should we go?"

Vincent hesitated, weighing their options.

"I don't know," Vincent admitted. "We're not exactly part of the guild, and we don't have any official standing here."

Alpha 2 spoke up. "But we're equipped to handle this. If the city is under threat, shouldn't we help?"

"Yeah…but it's not really our obligation. The city has its own royal forces and there are adventurers in the city. I'm sure they can handle this threat. Though I'm curious about the demon king forces. Like, demon king, is it the devil of this world? Like Satan's equivalent," Vincent said. 

"Possibly, and judging from the emergency broadcast, this has happened before. I'm pretty sure the people here are equipped to deal with the threat," Alpha 2 replied. 

"But it is going to be uncomfortable to sleep while knowing there is a threat outside the city," Alpha 3 raised.

"I agree with you Alpha 3…"

As the special forces discussed among themselves, Vincent couldn't help but smile. So the summoned forces do really have a personality and behavior of their own, making them truly sentient. Would that be the same as his future summons? That is most likely.

"Okay guys, stop," Vincent called their attention. "We are going to the city square to investigate this phenomenon. And if the forces being deployed to resist the attack from the Demon King aren't able to handle it, we'll step in and assist. Let's gear up and move out."

The team quickly donned their tactical gear, ensuring they were prepared for any situation. With their sidearms and rifles at the ready, they moved out of their room and headed towards the city square.

The streets were filled with panic as citizens scrambled to find safety. Some citizens who were sleeping found themselves standing by the door, watching with wide eyes as the alarm blared through the city. 

As they navigated through the chaotic streets, they noticed soldiers and adventurers alike rushing toward the direction where the city square was located. They followed them and when they got there, it was already crowded with the kingdom's soldiers who were in silver full armor and adventurers of various ranks.

Vincent and his team scanned the area, taking in the scene of organized chaos. Soldiers were coordinating defenses, and adventurers were lining up as if filling their names in the form of an impromptu roll call. 

After that, they were led by a royal guard captain who looked dashing in his white horse and regal cape that hung behind his back.

Curious, Vincent and his team followed them and headed to the city gates. At the city gates, his eyes widened as he saw goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds in a row formation. They were equipped pretty decently with weapons and armor. 

And leading those monsters was a person hovering in the air with a pool of red liquid swirling beneath his feet. It looked human with a pale complexion, two horns protruding 

from its forehead, and eyes that glowed a menacing red. He was wearing robes similar to what the clergy might wear, but they were dark and sinister, adorned with ominous symbols. 

"No way…that's the Demon King General Telus!" One of the knights pointed out. 

Vincent approached that knight and got his attention by placing a hand over his shoulder.

"Demon King General? Who is it? I'm part of the volunteer forces."

Of course, Vincent wanted to know his enemy first before engaging it. 

"You don't know? He is one of the most fearsome demons in the world! He can manipulate blood and is very powerful..!" 

"Okay…how would you handle that kind of threat?" 

"Uhm…we have mages here…Sorry I can't entertain you now we are going to attack!" 

The knight, now focused on the impending battle, turned away and prepared to charge. Vincent watched as the knights and adventurers surged forward, weapons drawn and battle cries echoing through the night. The defenders clashed with the monstrous horde, swords meeting claws and shields blocking savage blows.

Vincent and his team held their position momentarily, observing the battle. The kingdom's forces and monsters collided in a flurry of steel and fury. The defenders seemed to have the upper hand initially, their well-coordinated attacks cutting down the goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds with remarkable efficiency.

However, as the battle raged on, the Demon King General Telus raised his hand, and a sinister red glow emanated from his fingertips. With a swift upward motion, he swept his finger through the air. Immediately, red spikes erupted from the ground, impaling scores of knights and adventurers. 

"So that's magic huh?" Vincent observed, and he glanced over his shoulder where a row of magicians fired their magical spells at the Demon King General. 

Fireballs, ice bolts, and different kinds of magic spells were hurled at Telus but they were blocked by a mystical barrier that surrounded him. 

Telus let out an amusing smile and spoke that seemed to echo in the ears of every combatant. 

"Listen you lowly creatures! This world will soon be dominated by Demon King Fregion, you are to submit to his will or be crushed beneath his feet!"

"Don't let him intimidate you! For Eldoria!" the royal guard captain shouted, spurring his men back into the fight.

Meanwhile, Vincent's system notification popped up. 

[Emergency Quest: Defend the City from the Demon King General Telus]

[Objective: Defeat Telus and his forces to protect the capital of Eldoria.]

[Rewards: 10,000 experience points, 100,000 gold coins, and a Wheel of Fortune ticket.]

Vincent dismissed the notification with a wave of the hand and turned to his men. 

"Okay boys, looks like the system wanted us to join," Vincent informed. "Let's fucking go."