Great Forest of Arendel

Meanwhile, deep within the Great Forest of Arendel, the majestic Great Tree stood tall, its massive branches spreading wide and providing shelter to the elven kingdom. The throne hall, nestled within the heart of the tree, exuded an aura of ancient wisdom and serene beauty. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering crystals, casting a soft glow throughout the chamber.

Inside the throne hall, King Thandor was seated on his throne. He had long, silver hair and a regal presence. His daughter, Princess Elara, stood beside him. She had beautiful, lustrous platinum silver hair that fell in waves around her shoulders, and her eyes were a striking shade of green.

Their conversation was interrupted as the doors burst open. A soldier rushed in, his face pale with urgency.

"Your Majesty, Princess Elara, forgive the intrusion," the soldier said, bowing quickly. "There is an urgent matter."

King Thandor sat up straight. "What is it, soldier?"