Chapter 10: The Haelstrum

For the beginning of the night, all is calm. However, as Kiora trudges deeper in slumber, conflicting voices demand her attention. The lone soldier grimaces in her sleep. Her mind's eye fails to dream. Instead, all Kiora sees is an impenetrable darkness. The words that reach her insist on beckoning the young Daemik. For what cause, Kiora is uncertain.

"Non vouletta allertre," she whispers. "I do not want to go."

Her mumbles draw Luce awake. He flutters his eyes open. Without understanding the situation, he regards her with concern. The sweat beading down her face startles him.

"Kiora," he says out-loud. "Are you okay?"

He shakes her gingerly by the shoulder. Kiora's condition worsens as she hyperventilates from her internal discomfort. Despite the rapid increase in her breath, Luce tries to remain calm. He places a hand on Kiora's forehead. 'She has a fever!' His brows lift with shock. Carefully, he maneuvers her body flat on the mat. As he rises to his feet, she jolts awake.