'Solitis couritre similin un trisulcan cheminis. De primin directis ducitre erga incrementumis dum de outre emportre sol deorsumin un spiralis ad L'Abyssum.'
Solitude runs like a forked path. The first direction leads to growth while the other takes one down a spiral towards Th'Abyss.
The ebb and flow of time courses at a steady pace. As the solest and lunest dance above the horizon, weary hands toil to themselves. Each Twilicht passes like a mundane dream. 'How long have I been here in the Infernum?' Kiora asks herself. 'Time fades like a blur.' Her thoughts sigh.
Although the young Daemik's body does not show the clock's ticking, her heart feels the pang of loneliness. She sits at her new home, stirring honey into a cup of hot water. Glazed eyes stare into the ripples. Kiora holds up her head with a free palm.
"Everything is the same," she complains. Kiora draws a sip. "There's work to be had with little progress. Oh, what's even the point of all that is?"