26-1:Arrival in Berlin

On the morning of June 17, at 8:30 AM, Rui Xiaodan boarded a Lufthansa flight from Beijing Capital International Airport to Germany. After a ten-hour flight, she landed in Frankfurt at around 11:00 AM local time. From there, she took a connecting flight to Berlin Tegel Airport.

Xiaodan, visiting Berlin as Ding Yuanying's girlfriend, expected that Ding might have informed his friends in Berlin to assist her. However, Ding Yuanying had told no one about her arrival.

Xiaodan traveled light, carrying only a travel bag, a suitcase, and a brown shoulder bag containing personal items, tea, and business documents. After adjusting her watch to Berlin time, it was 2:20 PM. She took a taxi to 23 Buren Boulevard, entering Building 2 and climbing to the fifth floor, where she unlocked the door to apartment 511—Ding Yuanying's residence.

The room was dimly lit, with curtains drawn, and carried the stale air of long-term vacancy. Furniture was covered with sheets. Xiaodan opened the curtains and windows, letting in the summer sunlight and fresh air, then uncovered the furniture.

She started cleaning the apartment, from the kitchen to the bathroom, from the living room to the bedroom. Clearly a second-hand apartment, the walls, floors, and windows bore the marks of age, retaining their original décor. The tea set, slightly smaller than the one in the ancient city, and the crimson sofa were almost identical to those in the ancient city, differing only in color. The sparse furnishings—bare kitchen, high-end audio equipment, and the oversized sofa—reflected Ding Yuanying's minimalist lifestyle, devoid of flair or imagination.

After cleaning the apartment, Xiaodan made herself a comfortable bed with fresh sheets and a blanket and pillow from the closet. By 4:00 PM, she secured her important documents and cash in a wall safe, then locked up and took a taxi to Osweik Street, where the Beijing Euro-China Import and Export Agency's Berlin office was located.

The office was small, with a few desks and computers manned by Chinese staff. Xiaodan explained her purpose and presented her delivery documents, passport, and ID.

The staff warmly processed her request. "Your shipment includes six items, occupying one storage unit, and has been stored for 22 days. You'll need a vehicle and movers. Where would you like the items delivered? You'll need to pay the storage, handling, and transportation fees."

Xiaodan said, "Today, I need two items delivered: one to the China Garden Hotel on Unter den Linden and another to the Sorlind Casino on Kurfürstendamm. I'll pick up the remaining four items in a few days."

The staff explained the billing: "Storing four items still counts as one storage unit, and transporting two items counts as one trip. These are our minimum charges."

Xiaodan paid the fees, and 20 minutes later, a white van with four movers arrived, each carrying a piece of audio equipment in a 1.5m x 1.2m x 1m wooden crate, including the sound system and its components. Xiaodan sat in the passenger seat, directing the driver to Unter den Linden.

Unter den Linden, Berlin's most bustling area, was lined with churches, opera houses, and art galleries, with the Spree River flowing beneath Palace Bridge. The China Garden Hotel, decorated with red lanterns and golden dragon columns, was an unmistakable Chinese restaurant.

The van's arrival caught the attention of the hotel's doorman. Xiaodan explained, "Excuse me, is Mr. Zheng Jianshi here? I've brought something from a friend in China for him. Could you notify him and ask where we should unload it?"

The doorman was puzzled by the word "unload" until he saw the large crates in the van. "Mr. Zheng isn't here. Please wait; I'll get the manager."

Soon, a female manager in her thirties appeared, warmly introducing herself. "Mr. Zheng isn't here. May I know your name and what's in the crates? I'll contact him."

Xiaodan introduced herself, "I'm Rui Xiaodan. The crates contain a sound system."

The manager called Zheng Jianshi, handed Xiaodan the phone, and said, "Mr. Zheng is at the Anxi Tea House. He'd like to speak with you."

Xiaodan greeted Zheng, "Hello, Mr. Zheng. I'm Rui Xiaodan, a friend of Ding Yuanying. I'm here in Berlin for business and brought a sound system from Yuanying for you. Can we unload it at the hotel?"

Zheng responded warmly, "Rui Xiaodan! I've heard a lot about you from Chu Feng. Call me Zheng Da Ge (Big Brother Zheng). Yuanying hasn't contacted me in two years, and now there's news of him. Go ahead and unload. I'll join you shortly."

Xiaodan replied, "Zheng Da Ge, I also have to deliver a system to Jenny on Kurfürstendamm. I'm using a van from an agency with movers, so I can't wait for you."

Zheng said, "Understood. I'll meet you at the Sorlind Casino later."

Unloading the crates required careful maneuvering with ropes, boards, and wooden poles, carried into the hotel by four strong men. With the first delivery done, Xiaodan directed the van to Kurfürstendamm.

The Sorlind Casino was grandly adorned with neon lights, exuding a sense of opulence. Security guards in uniform greeted guests with polite vigilance. When the van parked outside, a guard approached, "Madam, why have you parked here? Do you need assistance?"

Xiaodan replied in German, "A friend of Jenny's brought her a sound system. Could you contact her to see where we should unload it?"

The guard, after seeing the crates, used his radio to contact his superior.

A middle-aged German man with blond hair and blue eyes emerged, introducing himself, "I'm Singer, Jenny's assistant. The van can't park here. Please have the driver move it to the back. Follow me, please."

The guard led the van away, and Xiaodan followed Singer into the casino.

The casino was bustling with activity, every roulette table crowded. The emotions of winning and losing were evident on the players' faces. Despite her seven years in Germany, Xiaodan, as a Chinese police officer, felt the stark contrast between the two societies. In China, gambling was illegal and viewed as immoral, yet overseas, many Chinese had gained a reputation for gambling. She pondered whether they sought release from long-held restraints or if Western societies were less concerned about such vices.

Taking the elevator to the sixth floor, Xiaodan followed Singer to Jenny's office, where she was in a meeting with Arab clients. Jenny greeted her with curiosity and grace, standing to welcome her. Xiaodan noted Jenny's beauty and sophistication, which seemed at odds with the casino environment, suggesting a complexity beyond appearances.

Xiaodan introduced herself, "Hello, Jenny. I'm Rui Xiaodan, a friend of Ding Yuanying, visiting from China. Yuanying sent you a sound system, which is downstairs."

Jenny was surprised and impressed by Xiaodan's fluent German and replied warmly, "Are you Ding Yuanying's girlfriend? You're even more beautiful than Han Chufeng described!"

Xiaodan smiled politely, waiting for Jenny's instructions.

Jenny said, "Ding Yuanying is an audiophile. His sound system must be extraordinary." Turning to Singer, she instructed, "Accept it and have the audio technician set it up in a suitable room. Notify housekeeping to arrange a stay for Ms. Rui. Take Ms. Rui to the classical bar to wait. I'll join you shortly."

Xiaodan said, "Thank you, Jenny. I've already set up Yuanying's apartment. You're busy, so I won't trouble you further. If there are any issues with the setup, please let me know."

Jenny insisted, "You're Yuanying's friend and my guest. Please follow my arrangements."

Xiaodan agreed, "Thank you," and followed Singer downstairs.

Singer made two calls: one to the security to unload the van and another to the audio technician to set up the system.

The classical bar, true to its name, featured a bar with various drinks, walls adorned with classical art reproductions, and a lingering scent of coffee mingling with soft, melancholic piano music. Singer seated Xiaodan in a quiet corner, and a waiter soon approached.

Singer asked, "What would you like to drink, miss?"

Xiaodan chose a modest and appropriate drink, "A cup of coffee, please."

Singer, ensuring the order was placed, excused himself, "Enjoy your coffee. If you need anything, just ask the waiter. I'll be back shortly." He then coordinated with the bar staff for payment details.

Xiaodan sipped her coffee, enjoying the ambient music, waiting peacefully. About ten minutes later, Jenny arrived, carrying a white purse and smiling warmly. Xiaodan stood to greet her.

Jenny ordered a coffee and, lighting a cigarette, apologized, "Sorry to keep you waiting. How should I address you?"

Xiaodan replied, "You can call me Xiaodan."

Jenny smiled, "Call me Jenny, no formalities. Your German is excellent. Where did you learn it?"

Xiaodan explained, "I moved to Frankfurt with my mother at age seven and studied there for nine years."

Jenny, understanding, nodded, "I've known Ding Yuanying and Han Chufeng since our university days in Berlin. They're both exceptional—learned and insightful. Chufeng is a man of grand ambitions, very orthodox; whereas Yuanying is more of a maverick, hard to define as better or worse than anyone else."

Just then, Singer returned, "Ms. Jenny, Mr. Zheng Jianshi from China Garden Hotel is here."

Jenny invited him in, "Please."

Zheng Jianshi greeted Jenny enthusiastically in German, then switched to Chinese for Xiaodan, "Hello, Xiaodan!"

Jenny gestured for him to sit, and Singer remarked, "Mr. Zheng, Ms. Rui speaks excellent German. It would be polite to converse in German."

Zheng agreed, "Of course," and ordered a coffee. He asked Xiaodan in German, "Is your accommodation arranged?"

Xiaodan replied, "Yes, it's arranged."

Zheng, puzzled, asked, "You delivered the sound system right after your flight? It must have arrived in Berlin a while ago."

Xiaodan explained, "The items arrived over 20 days ago, handled by the Beijing Euro-China Import and Export Agency. We shipped six sets to Berlin, and others to Paris and London."

Jenny asked, "What brings you to Berlin, Xiaodan?"

Xiaodan explained, "I have two tasks: obtaining evaluation reports for the speakers and sound system from an authoritative Berlin institution and securing national distributors in Berlin, London, and Paris. Yuanying said these documents are needed for the company and will be included in the multilingual user manuals for the speakers."

Zheng asked, "Is this related to that poverty alleviation project in the ancient city? Expanding to London and Paris now?"

Jenny, puzzled, asked, "What does poverty alleviation mean? Is it something Ding Yuanying is involved in?"

Xiaodan, reflecting, explained, "Poverty alleviation is a term with Chinese roots, similar to Western aid. It means helping rural poor farmers lift themselves out of poverty through their efforts. Yuanying's project has elements of poverty alleviation, personal motives, and academic aspects."

The waiter brought their coffee, and Zheng, after a sip, complained, "Yuanying should have informed me beforehand. Everything could have been arranged without involving an agency. Securing national distributors in three countries won't be easy. Let me know if you need any help."

Xiaodan replied, "Thank you, but I'll manage. I'm here to visit my mother in Frankfurt. Yuanying asked me to handle some company matters during my trip. I was hesitant, but he said even a fool could do it, so I agreed." She laughed.

Jenny, amused, added, "Yuanying is someone who avoids troubling others. He once told me a Chinese saying that impressed me, 'A gentleman's friendship is as light as water.'"

Zheng checked his watch, nearing 7 PM, and said, "We can discuss more over dinner. I've arranged a meal to welcome Xiaodan and catch up with Jenny."

Jenny insisted, "No, you're my guests here. Zheng, no need to go to such trouble."

Zheng pressed, "I insist. It would be an honor."

As Zheng persisted, Singer received a call. After hanging up, he informed Jenny, "The sound system is almost set up, but it has numerous configuration options. The technician is unsure of the optimal setup and hopes Ms. Rui can provide some guidance."

Jenny stood, "Let's all go take a look, Xiaodan, Zheng."