26-4:Sound and Silence

Grebesen's negotiation skills had resulted in a stark contrast in pricing: the same tests that Ding Yuanying had negotiated online for 4000 Marks were now secured at 1800 Marks through Grebesen's in-person discussions. The final cost of 2700 Marks, approximately 1500 USD, was well within the 3000 USD Xiaodan had prepared. With the 3000 USD originally meant for Zheng Jianshi still in her bag, she had ample funds to cover the testing fees.

Driving through several streets, they arrived at the Mihagen Electroacoustic Technology Lab, a place that looked more like a garden than a technical research facility, surrounded by lush greenery and well-kept buildings. Several cars were parked outside, including the Mercedes van with the audio equipment. The absence of the van's crew indicated that the equipment had already been unloaded.

Inside the lab, the project engineer handed Grebesen a fee schedule for the tests and led them to the finance office. Xiaodan paid a total of 1530 USD for the two tests and the deluxe binding of the four official copies of the reports. The engineer then provided a brief overview of the testing procedures and precautions before leading them to the anechoic chamber. Before entering, they all switched to special soft-soled slippers.

The anechoic chamber was a 40-square-meter room with no windows or natural light, illuminated entirely by artificial lighting. The ventilation system was equipped with sound filters, and the surfaces were covered in sound-absorbing materials like glass wool, foam, and wool fabrics. The walls and ceiling were lined with irregularly shaped, cream-colored wedges. This room was both acoustically isolated from external noise and a simulated natural space, so quiet that one could hear their own heartbeat and so empty that there was no sound reflection.

The test equipment, a Knot H3-103 computer testing system by Krelaumer of Germany, collected sound from different angles and distances, transmitting the data to another room for comprehensive analysis of frequency response, impedance, and other characteristics, with data recorded and graphed. The test setup included top-tier components like the flagship C09 split CD player, C2-04 tube preamp, and MC-2 tube power amp from Rheinsound of Germany. The test CD was "Daughter of Heaven," an audiophile favorite by Star Records, covering vocal, instrumental, and frequency range requirements.

Though Xiaodan didn't fully understand the array of microphones and equipment, she recognized the test CD. Seeing it used in such a prestigious setting, she felt a mix of excitement and pride, knowing Ding Yuanying owned this valuable album.

Once the audio setup was complete, Grebesen's assistants and the driver left, leaving only Grebesen, Xiaodan, and the engineer. The engineer, with a small wireless earpiece and a lapel microphone, coordinated with the control room next door to start the tests.

The first test was on GeLuShi's dual-layer, multi-component audio system. Xiaodan, familiar with the system, managed the sound matching and integration based on her listening experience. The testing was meticulous, with the engineer frequently requesting volume adjustments, different tracks, and alternations between vocal and instrumental tests, all while coordinating with the control room.

After over an hour, they moved on to the individual speaker test. Grebesen and his assistants removed the audio system, leaving only a pair of GeLuShi speakers. Xiaodan connected the standard terminals and exited the chamber, leaving the rest to the engineer.

Grebesen, seeing the driver and assistants waiting in the van, told the driver, "You can head back. There's no need for everyone to wait here. I'll handle the last pair of speakers."

The driver agreed and drove off.

Grebesen asked, "Nervous?"

Xiaodan replied, "Not too nervous since the speaker drivers are already well-regarded."

Grebesen said, "Objective measurements are crucial, but many audio qualities can't be captured by technical means alone, making subjective evaluations equally important. Musicality can only be judged by listening."

Xiaodan asked, "Subjective evaluations mean expert listening tests, right?"

Grebesen confirmed, "Mostly, but it also includes user reviews. Singer instructed to deliver the evaluation report to him immediately as the CEO is very interested."

They chatted while waiting. After about 40 minutes, the engineer informed them that the speaker sound collection was complete, and the speakers could be retrieved. Xiaodan and Grebesen each carried a speaker to the car and then followed the engineer to the control room to collect the test reports.

The control room was filled with various instruments and document processing equipment, with technicians at work. This automated system handled everything from data analysis and graphing to comprehensive evaluation and report printing, with the final binding done by the staff and signed by the department head.

The audio system test reports were ready, and Xiaodan signed on behalf of Beijing GeLuShi Company. After about 20 minutes, the speaker test reports were completed as well. The entire process took nearly four hours, ending around 6 PM. Xiaodan, unable to interpret the technical charts and data, gleaned from the summary that the results were positive.

Before driving, Grebesen explained the results, "The frequency response curve and cumulative spectral decay are ideal. The speakers' sensitivity is a bit low, common in high-end models. Despite your setup not being as advanced as Rheinsound's, the balance, volume, and clarity are superior, proving the benefits of dual-layer multi-component driving."

Relieved, Xiaodan said, "Thank you. Let's go. If it's not too much trouble, could you drop me off at the China Garden Hotel? I want to give Mr. Zheng a copy of the report for his agency negotiations."

Grebesen agreed, "Alright, to the China Garden Hotel first."

Xiaodan called Zheng Jianshi, "Big Brother Zheng, it's Xiaodan. We just left the Mihagen Lab. The test reports are ready, and the results are excellent."

Zheng, pleased, said, "Wonderful! Congratulations!"

Xiaodan continued, "I'll drop off a report at the hotel for your agency talks. I'm done here, so I'll say goodbye to Jenny and tidy up Yuanying's apartment before heading back to Frankfurt tonight. I haven't seen my mother in two years."

Zheng said, "Good, good. I'll wait for you downstairs."

Ending the call, Xiaodan gazed out the window, eager to share the results with Ding Yuanying. However, she knew it was unnecessary as the outcome was expected and it was midnight in Beijing—he'd be asleep.