chapter 13: Black Technology

"Dr. Luo, I didn't mishear, did I..." Anderson asked cautiously, "You just mentioned a three-digit number?"

"Yes, are you dissatisfied?" Dr. Luo looked fierce, "You want to hear a four-digit number?"

"No, I'm not dissatisfied, I mean..." Anderson struggled to organize his words, "Let me get this straight... You're saying that my magic circuit broke, I came to you for repair, and not only did my power not decrease, but it increased?"

Where the hell did this black technology come from?!

"What, you look down on me that much?" Dr. Luo roared angrily, "I've never done a magic circuit repair that made a patient's power decrease in my life!"

4:00 PM.

Red-eyed Fruit Alley.

Flower Cat and Mud Dog were soaked in foam, Du Juan and Yue Ji were entangled, and Wisteria and Green Creeper... were trampled to death.

In the narrow alley, the excited 3rd level middle-aged defense magician Anderson demonstrated his defensive magic skills to Dr. Luo and Ling Fei'er, with his left foot stepping on a Wisteria and his right foot stepping on a Green Creeper.

According to him, in the Cold Spring Harbor suburban defense army, he was known as the jack-of-all-trades of defense magic.

His chanting was powerful.

"Wind Wall!" "Ice Wall!" "Earth Wall!" "Fire Wall!"

"Apart from various walls, you can't do anything else?" Dr. Luo couldn't help but mock.

"It doesn't matter, it's not important." Anderson was a little out of breath, but his spirit was high, "What's important is that I'm cured, and I seem to be stronger than before."

His gaze towards Dr. Luo was full of gratitude, and also, well, the excitement of discovering a business opportunity.

The price of 400 rubies, miraculous effect, completely unmatched.

Anderson believed that as long as Dr. Luo agreed, forget 400 rubies, even if it was 4 million rubies, there would be people fighting to have this surgery.

Thinking about it, an 8th level grand magician breaks his own magic circuit, then has Dr. Luo repair it, magic power increases by 20%...

Furthermore, he breaks his magic circuit again, and has Dr. Luo repair it again, magic power increases by another 20%...

Do it a few more times, and he would be the strongest magician on the continent...

Do it a few hundred or even a thousand times, and he would become the legendary Magic King, Kristoff Levi...

Plan successful!

I actually found a shortcut to the throne of the magician!

"From your gaze, I read something." Dr. Luo interrupted Anderson's daydreaming, "I'm sure you've fallen into a paradox caused by a lack of medical common sense."

"Ah ha, haha." Anderson laughed awkwardly, his thoughts returning to reality.

Looking at the corpses of Wisteria and Green Creeper under his feet, Anderson was as if in a trance, feeling sentimental.

The image of his sick mother in bed, his child waiting to be breastfed, his superior officer urging him to retire, and the arrogant manager of the Nottingham Clinic flashed before his eyes...

Anderson sniffed, holding Dr. Luo's hand tightly, his arm with a few scars trembling: "Dr. Luo, really, really thank you, I will bring my family and gifts to thank you another day..."

"No need. I don't like this kind of method." Dr. Luo looked disgusted, "I did the surgery for you, you paid me the money, it's that simple, our transaction is already complete, don't make this matter too complicated. You should hurry up and leave, that would be the greatest reward for me. Don't delay my dinner."

"Oh, by the way, be sure to keep a low profile, don't promote my clinic to the outside world. If you have relatives or friends who need treatment, just bring them over."

Looking at Anderson's departing back, Ling Fei'er raised a question.

"Master, why not let him promote it?"

"Because my technology is too strong, and my fees are too low." Dr. Luo mumbled, "If it gets out, and other doctors find out that I'm hindering their wealth accumulation, wouldn't they send people to kill me?"


Ling Fei'er seemed to understand, and suddenly smiled.

"In the future, Master won't have to worry about such things anymore. If someone comes to bother you, I'll kill them."

Dr. Luo's eyelid twitched: "Kill... that's a bit too much, isn't it?"

"Okay, then I won't kill them."

Ling Fei'er was inexplicably happy.

In the future, I can be useful to Master. Will Master have some feelings for me because of this? Hehehe...

The Goddess of War, touching the sword handle at her waist, showed a smile that was so beautiful it was suffocating.