Outside the office she felt like crying,her eyes stinging and burning..

What had she done...

She wasn t that rude....or was she??

What will she say to aunt Stella??

Aunt I wasn t qualified enough ....or aunt that company isn't really my sperk.

Jeez,what is she thinking, whose company sperk wony be the Lee's company...where the sky coverer works in.

I'm doom for sure,

Im so in for a long talk tonight. I will surely get more than an earful from aunt Stella.


She picks up her phone ...aunt Stella!!

Bad timing aunt. She said to herself.

Picks up the call.

Hey aunt....

How are you doing...

You okay.....

Yes Eddie how is today's work going...hope you are qualified enough.

Yeah aunty...I haven't met the sky coverer yet so I really don't know yet. She lied.

Make sure you are qualified enough Eddie and please look for a man.


No talking Eddie,Sophie is coming over for dinner with her fiancee....

Her fiangee...ok I'll be there. It's not the matter of being there I want you to be happy Eddie and build a family of your own.

Aunt Stella wish at all times. She has three kids Dean, Rianna and Dylan.

Dylan is nowhere t okk be found he comes around when he feels lkke and Rianna, that will be a story for another time. Dean who knows probablystill hunting for anything under skirt and not being able to keep his dick where ot belongs. And me, her niece her only hope. I have to do what it takes to make her happy.

Ok aunt I'll try my best to find a nice guy..

And I'll also be ther for dinner tonight and I'll sleep over.

Thanks Eddie...take care of your self.

I'll aunt. But make sure not to ober work yourself.

Ok...just get the job.

I will me ...I always get qualified for everything and this won't be an exception You don't have to worry Eddie all m th wishes goes with you...

Thanks aunt.

Hangs up the call....

I'm 6orally doomed.