WebNovelRUDE LOVE12.00%

Chapter six

Yeah! My promise.

Don't you be of help James....

Walking back to the sofa....he sat on it.

I could be of help...

And who do you recommend??

Eddie Sara....

No way...Jaydin rejected. James laughed ok loud at Jaydin's response. Isn't she good enough...James asked.

She is bit also a whole hell lot of trouble.

James,she's to arrogant and I feel this is just the beginning.

That's what your family needs Jaydin and you know it.

Yeah I do James.....

I have dinner tonight with my girlfriend and her best friend at her aunt's house.

Do you mind coming along.

Nope I don't ,just the status.

Not to poor ,not to wealthy....

She owns a mini restaurant and has three children.

Fiancee.....Jaydin said.

I'll do the introduction when we get there no need to be in a hurry.

I bet she'll be beautiful...The James I know don't go for middle class beauty.

James chuckled.

Hey Jaydin you need a woman,really I'm no longer going to be single anymore bro.

Come on James I'm not ready. I'm still young I'm not an old man like you, Jaydin joked.

Wats the best friend background.

Middle height.....James started.

Go on....

Dark hair.....

Green eyes....

Snow white skin...



Round face....

Dark curly hair ....

You seem so intrested in your finder's best friend than your fiancee James.....Jaydin commented.

Hold on Jaydin I'm not done.And what else Jaydin asked.

She's single and twenty two years....James said. Jaydin scrunched his brows there's only one girl he knows with all this characteristics. Single, arrogant,prideful,twenty two years, surely he couldn't be mistaking,