WebNovelRUDE LOVE62.00%


Our mother...Eddie resounded in her head.

Or the fact that we've kept it a secret that we know each other since when i was a little boy and you helped my mother in taking care of me the way you've been doing for her. He paused a little.

Eddie wondered why ther was a pause...

She wanted to know everything she needed to know them all.

She's tired of being kept in the dark. Tears found the way between the corner of her eyes. Has aunt Stella really kept things from her??

Maybe worse James continued. The fact that we are siblings who couldn't live together and enjoy and enjoy a normal childhood like the twins we are....

James is my brothers...Eddie snapped her eyes opened immediately sitting up on the bed with utmost shock .....

Her heart beat accelerating....


Aunt Stella and James quickly rushed to her aid while Jaydin went to get the doctor.

The doctor came in checking her heartbeat and all the necessary things he needed to check.

Is there anything putting you in shock that you would like to share Eddie....Doc asked.

I want to go home doc....I'm I fit to do so Eddie asked.

Yes Eddie you are just make sure you take your medications regularly and clean your wound so it doesn't get infected.

Thanks doc....

The doctor discharged Eddie...

She wore new sets of clothes. James offered to drop Eddie and aunt Stella at their house while Jaydin went back to the company.

The ride home was silent. When Eddie reached home she went upstairs and locked her room door.

Aunt Stella went up to Eddie's room and noticed the door locked.

Eddie open up the door you need to take your medications....

I don't want to talk to you aunt you lied to me I'm fed up aunt I want to be alone ....Eddie shouted.

Eddie pls come out let's sort things out. I'm sure you heard everything at the hospital regarding to the way you reacted but pls can you we can talk things over like we've always done.