Chapter 3 - Madhouse

The enormous hall contained only seven doors.

Once there were more; 85 to be exact.

But as the years went by, the lunatics of the Madhouse were emptied out and their doors were removed. Over time, their belongings accompanied them as they were transferred to other facilities, on earth and off-world.

Until, by now, only the maddest of the bunch remained.

For these special few, the arrival of morning was heralded by the sound of a bugle, blasted from speakers behind reinforced glass.

The bugle sounded the arrival of a large lift. The doors of which hissed open and six armoured warriors stepped out. The Valoured had arrived.

The small group comprised of three men and three women, promptly separated into teams of two under the jarring sounds from the speakers.

"Get sharp! Get sharp!"

"Get on up, kids. Morning's come bright and early."

"Waaaake-up call!"

The lunatics in their cells gradually came awake. All except for the madman in Room 9.

He had never slept. At least, not fully.

Half of his mind had been slumbering, yes, but the other half had been dissecting the world map scratched onto the surface of his ceiling.

To an uninitiated eye, this map looked identical to the one commonly found in classrooms everywhere, but in the months he had spent etching it onto the plaster ceiling, he had added many dissimilarities. The most obvious being;

-Africa's eastern half had a long thin river system separating it from the reast of the continent.

–Asia and Australia were connected by a dotted land-bridge.

–the North American continent hosted a clear inland sea, covering all of Arizona and parts of Texas and California amongst other states.

–Europe and the Mediterranean were bent downwards in this map, placing Spain and France beside north-west Africa instead of above.

Only South America seemed more or less unchanged, but even it was subtly misshapen, with an inward divet where the Amazon River should have terminated into the Atlantic.

Truly the map was his most prized possession.

It was the result of careful labour, but more than that, it was proof that he had indeed gone mad.

Before he could submerge further into the grim thought, his left-mind was fully roused by sharp clangs from his door.

"Up, up,Subject Nautilus! It's morning. Head-count in five." A gruff female voice shouted.

"You maggots better be up for head-count or else you're getting boxed," a distant male voice jeered.

The lunatic called Nautilus finally closed his eyes.

In a quiet slip, the half of his mind slumbering awoke, and its waking counterpart fell to sleep.

He opened his eyes again, feeling refreshed and energised. Even his face, which was previously blank, suddenly changed to relaxed and expressive

He pushed off his thin blanket, exposing his naked body. Reddish-brown skin marked with silver scars covered his wiry muscles and long limbs.

Thick locs of loosely braided hair hung from his head. They brushed his shoulders when he sat up and stepped on the unadorned concrete floor

—A band of metal, with a blue gem and advanced circuitry, was attached to his left ankle.

Nautilus was used to the weight of it by now. He simply made his bed to regulation standard, still fully unclothed.

His feet impatiently tapped on the cold floor as he rapped the door with his knuckle. Here comes the humiliation.

"Permission to dress." he called out.

"Step back, Subject." A female voice ordered, and Nautilus complied.

The door beeped open and Two Valoured stood on either side of it.

The average Valoured warrior was two metres tall. The two before Nautilus were slightly above that height, leaving the lunatic of height with their chins.

With a snicker, a pair of dull grey briefs were handed to him. They were folded on top of a pair of loose boxers in the same dull colour.

"Get nice and pretty Nautilus, today's a special one." the Valoured on the right said.

He was new to the Madhouse.

His name-tag read 'Hunt'. Making him Valoured Hunt.

His partner, Valoured Jones, didn't even look at Nautilus, opting instead to give him a subtext heavy huff before walking off to clank another cell.

This behaviour was justified.

Nautilus simply bowed his head and slung on both articles of underwear: -briefs then boxers.

He then spoke, "Permission to depart."

Valoured Hunt answered. "Granted. Now off with you."

Nautilus stepped off the concrete flooring of his room and onto the metal grate of the suspended walkway. The cold metal left diamond shaped grooves on the soles of his feet.

The catwalk overlooked the entire Madhouse, encircling the whole cavernous hall.

Once, doors lined both levels of the hall and the sound of many footsteps on the catwalk and loud voices echoing together gave the Madhouse life.

—Even the Valoured guards were kinder.

Back then it was called the Dorms.

Now most doors had been plastered over, leaving only seven in use. Three on the level and side Nautilus was on, including his own. One was below him and two were directly across.

The last door was at the end of the huge hall, directly opposite the lift.

No one would be stepping out of it this morning... or any morning, any time soon.

From the two adjacent rooms that were across from Nautilus, a young man and a woman stepped out of each.

The man had a short military cut with platinum blond hair. The woman had a strawberry blond pixie-cut.

He was designated Subject Hazur-4L.

His twin was designated Subject Hazur 3S.

But everyone just called them Bugs and Babs.

The pair's actions and motions were synchronised to the second. They stepped out of their rooms with the same foot and faced the door at the same time. Then, they turned to face one another with relieved smiles and obvious joy.

Bugs wore only boxers above briefs.

Babs had on boxers and a grey sports bra.

After a brief embrace, they faced Nautilus.

Their expressions were disapproving.

Nautilus looked down at their ankles, seeing blue-gem bands, he turned away from them. He clanked down the hallway just as the other two doors on his level opened.

Emerging from the nearest room, Greenie looked at him blankly.

Designated Subject Aerous-2, the human shaped emerald gas shook his head silently and dissipated into a moving cloud, carrying along his metal anklet.

Beyond Greenie's room was Subject Terro-47's, the staff called him T47.

His peers called him Wukong.

From the room surrounded by three Valoured, a great upright ape stepped out.

His long, barrel-shaped chest was beneath a leopard print shirt. His slightly short legs were draped in tailored and reflective grey trousers, trousers that ruffled over his hand-like feet.

He did not have an anklet on him .

Wukong's face looked human only at first glance, but it was his subtly overlong arms that gave away his hybrid nature. That, and the golden-brown hair that bristled his body.

When Wukong's yellow eyes met Nautilus', the ape grinned, exposing sharp canines. "Nautilus! I haven't seen you in ages, brother."

Nautilus's brow furrowed. "You saw me last night."

"Ah, yes. Of course. I'm just a bit dizzy." Wukong chuckled.

When the ape's breath reached Nautilus' nose, the scent of rice wine was heavy on it.

"Are you drunk?" Nautilus inquired.

"Shhh" Wukong said, "I'm just dizzy."

Before Nautilus could answer, the three Valoured reached them. Valoured Jones was at the head.

"Move it!" She ordered, adding a brutal shove to Nautilus for emphasis.

He quietly assented and began walking towards the metal stairway leading to the lower level.

When Nautilus reached the bottom, he looked up at the Valoured. Wukong was surrounded by four of them now; Valoured Hunt had seemingly joined the group.

The ape gave them a final wide smile and leapt off the metal walkway.

He landed smoothly right beside Nautilus. He tried to stand but he staggered a bit before he slung his arm around Nautilus' shoulder. "Like I said, bro, I'm just dizzy."

It was Nautilus' turn to laugh. "So where did you get the wine, Wukong?"

The great golden ape looked scandalised. "What's with the Wukong shit, litter brother. Call me Big Bro Wu." He then looked around conspiratorially. "And let's just say I got the sweet nectar from a friend."

Nectar was what they called alcohol in the Madhouse. Back when a few of them first figured out the lovely phenomenon of fermentation.

The memories of youthful rebelliousness brought a sad smile to Nautilus' lips.

"The same friend who got you the clothes?" he asked 'Big Bro Wu'. 1Sahj;nj;

Wu preened. "Looks nice, eh? Authentic too. Pants are designer, straight from Italy. Really hugs the eggs right." The tall-ape picked at his crotch.

Nautilus found the ape's odd behaviour in character. Wukong had a tendency for theatrics, often portraying ove-the-top characters.

The best thing to do was to play along until he got bored.

So they walked arm in arm, laughing until they reached a circle of metal tables at the centre of the hall.

Four people sat quietly together, two Valoured in the distance watched over them.

Babs, Bugs, and Greenie sat across from a babbling young man.

His back was turned to the approaching duo of Wu and Nautilus, and, like Wu, he did not have a blue gem anklet on.

Instead he had on khaki cargo shorts and a blue hawaiian shirt. His bright green hair was in a long messy state, with some tufts brushing over his brow.

In a smooth motion, he brushed his hair aside, revealing an emerald green vertical eye at the centre of his forehead.

The eye flashed twice and his head swirled towards Wukong and Nautilus.

Standing up with his arms extended, he laughed. "A haha, brother Wu! Long time eh." He ignored Nautilus.

"Dee-Fox? You're still here, old dog?" Wukong jibed.

Nautilus' eyebrow quirked. The two had separated just the day before.

"Eh, I didn't like the noise outside." Dee-Fox joked, clasping Wukong's hand. "How'd you flounder into here."

"Too much heat out there, brother fox, it really gets the fur sweating."

The two fell into an easy conversation, leaving Nautilus stranded. He awkwardly neared the table where his three fellow troublemakers sat.

They shifted away from him but he looked away, pretending not to notice.

The uncomfortable atmosphere was quickly cut by a shout. "Subjects! Attention!"

The six of them quickly fell to formation.

Side-by-side, feet together, and arms clasped over the lower back.

The four with anklets on stood at full attention, Dee-Fox was in an easy crouch, while Wu held attention only for an instant before yawning and stretching.

Valoured Jones's squad stood before the rag-tag group of youths. Jones herself began typing at the computer on the forearm of her exo-suit.

Without looking up she said, "Subjects! It's another bright and lovely day, and we are all blessed enough to get to enjoy another head-count."

She raised her head to stare at Nautilus. "Despite the complaints from some, The Major continues to see the effectiveness our little exercise at curbing... disloyal behaviour. This means they shall continue as long he is in charge here at our lovely Madhouse."

With an especially sadistic smile, she added. "Now, stand six feet apart. Arms to the side and legs wide. Face forward and keep your jaw tight."

The two soldiers who had been watching over the meeting approached. One carried a remote-like tool. The other held a thick hose pipe.

After checking her wrist-screen, Valoured Jones called, "Subject Hazur 4-L, step forward."

Bugs stepped forward.

"Please provide your gem." Valoured Jones said, disinterested.

Bugs got on one knee. Like some supplicant before his king, he knelt to prise the blue-gem from his anklet.

The Valoured with the remote-like instrument, Valoured Raju, pressed the device against the gem, which flashed twice before all of the blue apparently drained out, leaving a clear white diamond the size of a baby's fist.

The gems were mana storage gems, and combined with the anklet, they constantly drained anyone who wore them; sapping their bodies of vital life force.

"Reinsert your gem." Valoured Jones said evenly.

A beeping from both the anklet on Bug's ankle and the machine in Valoured Raju's hand confirmed the placement of the gem.

Valoured Jones moved on.

"Subject Aerous-2, step forward."

The living green gas turned into a foggy haze and then recoalesced into a feminine shape a single step ahead of where it was. It shifted once more and gained more angularity, becoming much more masculine.

"Subject A-2, please provide your gem."

Despite being capable of floating the gem from its socket, Greenie opted to haze his form and reshape himself into a kneeling position.

With a rumbling voice like thunder, he curtly said, "Here."

Valoured Jones stared at Greenie intently. Her constrained aura subtly pulsed until the subject bowed his head.

This was the purpose of the head-count, to teach humility to those who had rebelled!

Soon all of their turns came, all except Wukong and Dee-Fox, who had no anklets and were fully dressed; this punishment was not for them.

Regardless, they kept at attention with a seriouness that reeked of mockery.

When at last Nautilus was on one knee, he looked at the flag conspicuously placed on the wall over Valoured Jones' shoulder. It was the flag of the Bayne Clan; blue on black, with silver stars and a white spear.

Treasonous thoughts passed through Nautilus' mind. He could not explore them though, because at that moment, the lift suddenly whooshed into motion.

The doors parted after a final click of the internal mechanisms, revealing a man standing next to a dazed-looking young woman.

The man was in his middle years, with flecks of grey peppering his black hair. He was dressed in a military suit, which, coupled with his confident bearing, gave him a strong aura of authority.

The woman next to him, however, radiated timidity and nervousness. She looked to be in her late twenties and wore a grey pant-suit along with a black head-covering that revealed only a soft face.

Confusion and wonder played through her features as she took in the enormous hall and it's inhabitants.

Captain Raymond stepped out of the lift first, and then gestured for Nadia to follow him.

Nautilus quickly affixed the gem back into his anklet while Valoured Jones rushed to intercept the captain and his companion.

"Captain Raymond sir, you're early." Jones said.

"It appears I am," he looked at the youths standing in line, "is the head-count complete?"

"Affirmative, sir. All four are present and reset." Valoured Jones reported. "And as you can see, T47 and Darimon-4 are also still present."

"Good. Then, Jones, tell your men to assemble. I'd like to introduce to you all the new Overseer."

Unconsciously, Valoured Jones looked over the captain's shoulder, expecting to see another person she had missed. After a few glances she hesitantly looked at Nadia.

A small frown was on her brow when she said, " Affirmative, sir."

She called out, "Subjects, attention!"

With her hands she signed, 'squad 3, form prongs'

The six youths stood at attention once more. Three Valoured stood besides Bugs and two sans Valoured Jones stood at Wukong's side.

This left 11 people facing the trio of Captain Raymond, Nadia, and Valoured Jones, who had taken a position behind the captain's right.

"Good morning kids." the Captain called out.

"Good morning Captain Raymond." the youths called out with tired voices.

"Today is a special day here in the 'Hole,' especially for you kids in the 'Madhouse'. After a month of delays, I would like to introduce you all to the new nanny, miss Nadia Yousef, who has come in early just to show how excited she has been to meet you."

Each of the six subjects carefully inspected the demure woman in grey. Under their scrutiny, she felt feint.

"Miss Nadia will be taking care of your needs for the foreseeable future..." Captain Raymond paused slightly when the lift whooshed into motion, but quickly resumed, "I'm sure we're all acquainted with the Overseer position by now: she will be your primary intermediary to the staff and the outside world. You will obey her commands and if there is any doubt you will refer to me or Captain Theria. Now, please introduce yourselves to miss Yousef."

Captain Raymond did not wait for the introductions to begin: the doors to the lift had opened and four people had stepped out.

The first was a giant of a man, clearly Valoured.

He wore a grey exo-suit, with strips of green fabric over the chest adorned with medals. He had a bushy grey mustache and close-cropped grey hair. He had a thick, almost physical, aura of power tinged with rage and blazing fury.

He was Major Desmond Bayne, the man in charge of the facility.

After him stepped out Captain Theria Bayne, his daughter. She was clad in ostentatious golden armour and openly wore a spear and assault rifle.

The last two to step out were a spry man in his fifties and an alluring younger woman. Due to their strong similarities in appearance, they were obviously father and daughter, just like the pair that had preceded them out of the lift.

The Major barrelled into the hall already fuming.

"Raymond, you little rat, what gave you the gall to send her in without seeing me."

Though the man had just barely whispered the words, his strong voice carried it throughout the echoic hall.

Captain Raymond took the insult with a smile. "Uncle, I waited for your summons in my office, they never arrived so I thought it was tacit permission. The fault is truly mine. Though perhaps if you re-established my acces–"

The Major huffed. "Don't try your luck with me, lad."

Offhandedly, the Major's aura expanded, covering him, Captain Theria, and Captain Raymond.

For mortals, nothing too remarkable occurred except that it became distinctly harder to hear the trio's words.

For Valoured, a rush of power smashed into them. It strongly coerced them to look away from the small assembly, and while it could be ignored, the power only disappeared when obeyed.

This was the effect of a Gloried Valour on their inferiors!

The Major seemed oblivious to the sudden discomfort of Valoured Jones and her squad: none of the youths or the visitors were Valoured.

The Major looked over Captain Raymond and asked his daughter, "That's her, yes?" He had tipped his head towards Nadia.

Captain Theria nodded. "I verified it during our talk. She's the real Nadia Yousef."

"Or believes she is." Captain Raymond darkly remarked. Before the Major or Captain Theria could answer, he added. "So who's that you've brought in."

The Major clenched his jaw and then said, "Hertz Engelman with his daughter slash assistant, Daria. They're members of the Engelman Clan, vassals of our allies, the McDermots. They're mostly invested in interplanetary trade and dabble somewhat in entertainment and media."

Captain Theria, who had mostly kept silent, finally spoke, "What's their story?"

"The Engelmans have only recently become a wealthy clan and are now looking to expand into one of the more contested worlds." The Major explained. "Their shaky foundations present a weakness as the family has a concerning lack of military might to defend all their wealth."

Raymond nodded. "They say they're here to purchase geno-soldier templates?"

"Affirmative. They're ready to make a substantial investment in gestating a couple thousand. They have also secured a reserve of Valoured to command them." The Major answered with a smile. "It just so happens that Mr. Engelman is a more hands-on buyer, and sought to see the merchandise in action before finalising anything."

Raymond allowed himself a small smile. He looked at the stalwart man quietly talking to his beautiful daughter.

Though Daria Engelman paled when compared to most Valoured, Captain Raymond could see that she carried a rare kind of sensual beauty.

Her prominent cheekbones and full lips were well placed on her pale round face. Framed by silky dark hair, it all combined into a stunning beauty.

Daria smiled at her father, then her eyes flickered towards Captain Raymond, as if aware of his musings.

When her gaze had moved away, Captain Raymond fell deeper into contemplation.

The Engelmans claimed they sought to purchase geno-soldier templates from the facility. And alongside the vouch from the McDermot Clan, they had the funds and a legitimate need.

So truthfully, it was a well conceived lie, it was just unfortunate that their real purpose was more transparent than they believed.

In fact, their purpose had been orchestrated by the Major and Captain Raymond!

Because the real reason the Engelmans were here, was to facilitate a break-out, and Captain Raymond was here to help them –without their knowledge.

But for the plan to work, Nadia Yousef was crucial.