" Please.... please don't.... " Percival begged frantically, pressing his forehead to the dirt.
But when he dared to look up again —they were gone.
And so was the gold
" Aaaaaaahhhhhhh ! " His anguished scream echoed through the night. He turned in blind fury, and began delivering kicks to the bound captain repeatedly. Radolph suffered in silence, groaning in pain while enduring the assault for something that wasn't even his fault.
Dawn slowly breaking over Alcheria, casting golden Rays upon the southern lands of the empire.
Inside the palace, life had already begun to stir. Maids bustled through the hallways, rushing to complete their morning duties. Guards stood at attention, prepared for the day ahead.
King Atticus lay in his chambers, with one of his concubines when a firm knock interrupted the moment.
" Your majesty, it's your humble servant, Gideon, " A voice called from outside.
" The king stirred. He recognized the voice —it belonged to his most trusted aide.
" Enter, " he commanded, stepping out of the bedroom to the adjoining chamber.
Gideon wasted no time.
He stepped inside, immediately offering a curt bow
" Your majesty, there's something you must see, it's urgent " His tone grave.
The king's jaw tightened, yet he remained composed. Over the years he had mastered the art of staying in control.
" Lead the way, " He said, slipping on his royal robe.
They stepped out, with Gideon two steps behind.
The king's mind churned with irritation.
If this was again, another of the court members ploy. He wouldn't be merciful this time.
Gideon led the king towards the vast balcony, pushing the double door opened and gesturing for the king to step outside.
Outside, the view was breathtaking , but neither had the luxury of admiring. Their attention was drawn elsewhere.
Far from where they stood, way outside the kingdom, fiery red smoke shot into the sky —one explosion after another.
King Atticus's face darkened. His grip tightened on the railing.
" It's a distress call, your majesty " Gideon confirmed. His voice steady, but the tension was clear. " The merchant..... They... " He trailed off
He didn't need to finish, his sentence. The king already understood.
" Leo and his men..... " The name left his lips like a curse.
His blood boiled at the thought of it all.
How dare these outlaws humiliate him like this ?
To rob a merchant backed by all four kings ? , Without fear or regard for royalty.
What an insult..
And definitely an insult like this mustn't go unanswered.
" Prepare the horse, " He ordered. " We ride to Mythoria. "
Gideon bowed before sprinting from there to do as told.
Just before he could leave, a bird swooped in
Gideon caught it, swiftly loosening the small letter fastened to it's leg before setting the bird free once more.
" Your majesty, a message for you, " he extended the parchment with another respectful bow.
The king snatched the letter. Unfolding it quickly , he scanned the contents.
Each word made his expression harden.
His jaw clenched. His breathing became ragged.
Sudden burst of laughter.
Cold, humorless, unnerving.
Gideon felt his skin crawl with unease.
" Your majesty? " He called cautiously.
But the king ignored him
Instead, he turned with adept swiftness and burning rage. Storming back into his chambers.
At the same time, Crown prince Caspian arrived, concern etched into his face.
" Your majesty, i saw the distress sign— "
The king just hastily brushed past him before he could even finish. His look brimming with determination.
" Gideon! " He barked.
" Bring me my horse. We ride to Mythoria. " Gideon wasted no time, swiftly sprinting off.
The king slowly turned towards his own son, the crown prince.
Both locking eyes with each other, different emotions displayed within them.
One brimmed with power, the other swam with desperate determination.
The war had just begun...
There were cheers and joy among the gang.
Everyone was drinking and ululating. It was chaotic, but a good kind of chaotic.
They all began toasting and Ryles raised his cup, cutting through the noise.
" To Raven, " he declared.
" We couldn't have done it without him. "
The so called Raven only bowed his head in acknowledgement and went to sit in a corner , His small frame curling up as he played with a coin, tossing it every minute while observing the group as they celebrated.
It had always been how he behaved, he was reclusive and withdrawn from the world, except when he was needed. Everyone knew his nature, so they didn't bother him.
The mood shifted when master Leo stepped in. He had been meditating for hours, but now, his presence commanded immediate silence.
They all bowed at the same time
"Welcome master" Leo sat on the majestic chair in front of everyone.
"Welldone boys. you have done excellently as always. " he smirked, staring at the huge pil5 of gold in front of him.
" I believe you all know the next thing to do once you get your share. " He stared at each one of them
" To lay low, relocate or stay hidden" They chorused and he nodded a graceful smile on his lips.
" On the next full moon, everyone should come to the mountain side, where the sun never touches" it was a code word for another of their secret hideout, and everyone understood.
His gaze remained fixated on Raven , who stared back just as intensely, with no trace of fear or doubt in his eyes.
Ryles watched the silent exchange with growing curiosity.
Loe gave everyone their shares and went back into the inner room, along with Ryles trailing behind him, who came out seconds later to call the little one into the room.
The celebration continued in their absence. Ragnar entertained the others with a coin—flipping game to determine where each member would relocate. The goal was to avoid crossing paths while lying low.
With Raven and Ryles gone, the last two locations would be assigned to them by default....
" Master " Raven bowed as soon as he entered, his green eyes holding intensity of what was to come.
" Little one " Master loe smiled at Raven, gesturing for him to sit. " You did well tonight" his eyes bored into Raven's
" I couldn't have done it without the squad " he humbly replied, refusing to be flattered. Leo smiled knowingly, which bothered Raven a lot.
"Is there anything, you want to share with me?" Leo gently let down the question like a father who wanted to give his son a piece of advice.
But Raven knew better than to trust anyone, though his eyes swirled with so many questions he really needed answers to , he kept them to himself. He tried to look as blank as possible, knowing well that their Master could read minds
" No master" he answered crisply, his eyes unwavering. Master loe only nodded like an understanding old man.
" Good, remember if you ever need to talk,or have something bothering you, I'll I'm here for you" with that said he dismissed Raven before finally facing Ryles.
The ever loyal Ryles had told his master everything that happened including how Raven felt confident about the outcome of the situation during the operation.
This totally caught master Leo's attention, he had always suspected the little one to be something more and he appeared to have guessed right.
Master Leo had been right to trust his instincts —the boy was indeed something else.
Ryles stared at his quiet master, he was no fool to not realize that his master had some kind of ability to foresee an event. He had always had his suspicions for years and it had been confirmed, the moment his master told him to let the little one lead.
' does the little one also see things?' This thought brought a frown on Ryles face like he had finally caught onto something .