Raven fled through the window, but his hellbent killer had already spotted him up from a tree before going in pursuit, hot on his tail.

 As expected he could already sense another presence around him, despite the heavy rain that had started falling.

He could very well tell that someone was after him. His vision having confirmed that for him, he picked up pace as thunder rumbled in the sky and the rain the rain fell more heavier.

 The person pursuing him suddenly jumped unto a tree and launched himself forward catching up to Raven and throwing him a hard kick from behind. Raven tumbled hard and hit his head against a tree, but he immediately bounced back on his feet and fled.

He was a well trained fighter, but he just couldn't face whoever it was chasing him. As he knew that powerful or not, if he stopped for a minute, he was bound to die by this person's hands.

 With a strong will and determination to live Raven ran for his life, his Sharp eyes desperately searching for anywhere he could hide or use as shield.

 Suddenly, something struck him from within , like lightening, sucking all his energy, his breathing ceased and he stumbled and fell, still he wouldn't just stay still and wait for his death, slowly and with shaky hands he began crawling away but few feets from where he laid wrecked, he saw two pairs of sturdy foot standing in his way and he knew it was non other than his killer, those sturdy foot rose to step down on Raven's fingers, pinning it to the ground.

 Thunder struck loudly admist the harsh rain, as Raven's killer slowly lifted his hood off his face.

"Ryles?" Raven's voice held a note of surprise, as he looked up at the man in front of him, with a shock filled face.

 "Tell me, what are you doing here in Mythoria?" Ryles bent to his level to hear him speak, but Raven didn't attempt to Open his mouth. His vibrant green eyes, glowing in the dark, and reflecting the sillhouette of Ryles.

 Tension hung in the air, both dreading what was to come next. The occasional flash of lightning did nothing but enhance the menacing look of Ryles as he loomed over Raven.

 Raven was smart enough not to struggle, he instead remained as still as wood

'They wouldn't kill me right? , they still need me ' Raven thought to himself but even he realized how stupid that sounded.

"why? " was all he breathed out, despite having so much to say. He was smart enough to understand that, Ryles showing up like this meant he was ordered to kill him. He just couldn't understand why...

 " Ask master himself" was Ryles' response as he drove a dagger into Raven's chest. His scream was accompanied by a loud thunder, and suddenly it was as if his strength had returned.

He pushed Ryles' off with so much force that something like light blasted out of his hands and sent Ryles' flying to hit a tree. Blood spurted out of his mouth immediately as he curled in pain for a split second, his pupils dilated.

 Raven was beyond shocked as he didn't understand how he had come to posses such powers. It was like something deep within him was unlocked.

 Immediately getting up on his feet, he began sprinting with insane speed, despite the overwhelming pain coming from his chest. He didn't dare pull out the dagger as he was well accustomed with these type of poisoned weapons.

 Ryles' had also sprinted after Raven immediately, this time drawing out his sword as he didn't know what other dangerous trick the boy would pull again.

 Ryles couldn't deny that he was surprised, as he never knew Raven could be this powerful. The kid had hidden himself quite well. Maybe that was why master wanted him dead.

 The heavy rainfall made it hard to see or keep track of the boy, but Ryles' was well trained to use his other senses and he spotted Raven above, sprinting stealthily but slowly from tree to tree.

" smart, aren't you?" Ryles smirked at the boy's intelligence.

That was why it had been hard to track him, He leapt off the ground, flicking poisoned blades which accurately hit and cut him deeply across the shoulder

 Another pained cry filled the forest as Raven lost balance and fall with a thud, Ryles without wasting time descended on him and drove his sword into his gut.

 Thunder struck loudly, as a moment of silence passed with them holding each other's gaze. Blood slowly gushed out and flowed to the edge, dropping down into the deep waters below, reminding them both that they were at the edge of a cliff, with a large river flowing down below.

 Ryles eyes trailed from the edge of the Cliff back to the gasping Raven, his eyes hardened, as he watched Raven green eyes glow for a split second. Ryles couldn't understand what the boy but he was sure the boy was anything but normal.

 Driving his sword deeper into the little one he swiftly pulled out the small dagger he had previously drove into his chest earlier, allowing the poison to take effect.

 " I'm sorry but you have to die"

He whispered but Raven heard, his face twisted in pain along with tears that had gathered at the rim of his eyes, threatening to fall.

 Ryles stood straight and finally pushed Raven off the cliff with his foot, he stood watching as the boy slowly slipped off the steepy edge into the deep cold water.

His eyes drowsy and the light in his eyes getting dim, as he slipped in and out of consciousness before getting swallowed by the large amount of water, never to resurface.

 Ryles stood there at the cliff edge for a long time before finally leaving, his receding figure painting him in the image of a sad and lonely Man who couldn't hurt a fly.

 The heavy rain soon reduced to a light drizzle with constant rumbling of thunder.

The river retained back it's calm flowing motion as green glowing light aligned inside the water, Serene and breathtaking mixed with blood. It was almost similar to a dancing aurora light in the sky, except that this was taking place in a river.

 This strange phenomenon was although beautiful, there was no one to see or witness the beautiful moment born out of pain. The green dancing aligned light spread throughout the river, rolling gently to both ends of the river.


 Seraphina, sat up from her bed and walked to her window in haste while sniffing the air. She had sensed something amiss, since it started raining but right now it just intensified, a great shift of magic in the air.

 'A mythical creature ' Seraphina smiled to her self. How long had it been since something like this happened.

'Pure blooded mystics' were rare and very precious she could only imagine how powerful this one would be.

Her magenta eyes flickered with greed, she must get her hands on this thing 

" Let the hunt begin" she said before letting go off the curtains