Hybrid Spirit Race (New)

{A-Note: 1.Forget about the original abilities and origins. I have changed a lot of things to make it something natural in the Martial Peak world.

2. After true foundation every attack of zanpakuto causes spiritual damage too.

3. I will try to add as many pictures of the techniques as possible so check the comments of the paragraphs. }

Let us first start with ones with the opposite nature.

1. Light/Yang Spirit Race (Shinigami)

 - They are a spirit race which are born with a Yang attribute Zanpakuto which awaken when they reach initial element realm. Known for high intelligence.

2. Dark/Yin Spirit Race (Hollow)

- They are a Spirit Race which are born with a Yin Attribute Zanpakuto which awaken when they reach initial element realm. Known for their instincts.

What is a Zanpakuto?

Definition - A Zanpakuto is a sentient spirit source of the Spirit Race with a specific attribute (Yin or Yang) and a corresponding Weapon Dao which is made of not Divine Source Strength but instead Qi and Spiritual Energy with a growth very similar if not better than divine spirit sources

Since it is very similar to divine spirit source, We'll use the similarities and differences between them to understand it :-

(Divine source here means Divine Spirit Source)

1. The divine source and zanpakuto are both a the source of power for divine spirits and spirit race respectively where the former is made of divine spirit source strength and the later is made of Qi and spiritual energy instead.

2. Both of them have an attribute from birth. Yin, yang, one of 5 elements, ice, lightning etc. for divine spirit source and yin or yang strictly for zanpakuto deepening on the race.

3. Both of them have an affinity towards one of the 3000 Grand Daos. Divine spirits like dragons have affinity for Time Dao, phoenix for Space Dao etc while Spirit race's Zanpakuto have great affinity towards a Weapon Dao like swords, spears, saber etc.

4. Zanpakuto is spirit source which is completely sentient, having its own personality and form while a divine source have the same form as the wielder with no sentience except a few instincts.

5. Divine spirit only have to grow to increase their strength, developing the strength of their bloodline through their source while external resources only help in aiding the process of growing up. For Spirit race, As long as one's capacity to hold power grows, one's zanpakuto will naturally adapt to grow with them, never exceeding the limit of their body and soul. 

Asauchi (Vessel) - An empty weapon with no special attribute, array or abilities which is imbued with energy of the host and zanpakuto for an amount of time to properly manifest your zanpakuto in physical form. 

• The grade of weapon determines the limit of strength your zanpakuto can exert so one must have a sword in the same grade as their cultivation or above.

Eg- If your Asauchi is of Saint Grade then maximum strength it can withhold is 3rd Order Saint level so if you are a 1st Order Saint, you should have a Saint King Grade Asauchi to maximize Zanpakuto's power

A Zanpakuto have two release state:-

1) Shikai (Initial Release State) - One needs to learn his Zanpakuto's name and establish communication with it in order to manifest its power in the real world. Qi and spiritual energy increase - 2X

2) Bankai (Final Release State) - One needs to materialize and defeat his zanpakuto spirit in the real world to gain its complete acknowledgement and achieve this state where you completely summon your Zanpakuto from your knowledge sea to use its full power. Qi and spiritual energy increase - 4X to 5x(max)

 •Both release state only increase Qi and spiritual energy of the Zanpakuto (Your Weapon) with no separate physical enhancements to host.

-Liu Zheng's Light and Dark Spirit Race powers are not separate, he only has one zanpakuto with both attributes (Yin + Yang) combined.

3. Quincy

They are a Spirit Race born without a zanpakuto or having any attribute from birth but have the ability to draw in the surrounding Qi and Spiritual Energy to increase their offensive and defensive powers as well as form various constructs to aid them everything.

Bloodline techniques and powers listed below:-

1) Blut Vene - By making Qi directly flow through your blood vessels, users of this technique can drastically increase their defence to inhumane levels. 2X to 4X.(MAX)

2) Blut Arterie - The offensive form of **Blut** which grants the user inhuman attack power. 2X to 4X(MAX)

•both cannot be used at the same time 

3) Blut Vene Anhaben - The Quincy Progenitor and Liu Zheng have the special ability extend their Blut Vene outside of their body through their hands to form a spherical barrier around themselves that blocks attacks before they can make contact with his body. Defensive power max- 5-6X (10x at Open Heaven.)

4) Quincy Spirit Weapons - A Quincy combines the world energy in the atmosphere and the power of their Qi in order to form a weapon. 

•A Quincy with significant mastery of their power is more likely to produce weapons with a far more physical, metallic appearance (Looking like a real weapon).

•The armaments formed through this method will called with a "quincy" prefix. 

E.g.- quincy bow, quincy sword. quincy needle etc. ( from chapter 7)

5) Quincy Cultivation Body - It is a special cultivation physique unique only to the pure blooded quincies who have the blood essence of the Quincy King Yhwach or Liu Zheng which allows absorb and refine Qi at an unbelievably higher rates than normal. 10x(Initial) to 30x(Max) but the process of cultivation rate increase is gradual and 30x is mostly achieved at High Rank Open Heaven.

6) Quincy King Cultivation Body (Unawakened) 

7) Hirenkyaku - advanced Quincy movement technique, allowing the user to move at high speed by riding on the flow of Qi created below their feet.

- Quincies don't have any release state like the other two Spirit Race, but with their ability to use utilize 


Bloodlines Techniques of Light Spirit Race :-

- Light Spirit Race doesn't have bloodline techniques, only those learnt through scriptures which are lost.

Bloodlines Techniques of Dark Spirit Race :-

- A lot of Dark Spirit Race technique are instinctual which have a lot of potential for improvement depending on the user.

Sonido - High Speed movement technique used by hollows. It creates a booming or static noise. It does not exert any qi during use, thereby making the user more difficult to detect when moving. Due to this, Sonído is very practical for hit-and-run tactics.

Cero - The practitioner fires a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the target. While in most cases it is fired from the mouth, some High-level Dark Spirit Race can fire cero from their hands, fingers, and other parts of their bodies. (Red) 

- It's growth potential and versatility are near limitless, Its limitations depends on the user.

Gran Rey Cero - By mixing their own blood with a cero, a high level hollow can fire a cero with much greater attack power and speed, in addition to having a change of colour unique to them. It is many times more powerful than a normal cero, disturbing the fabric of space as it travels. Upon release, it spins like a razor as it compresses and decompresses due to the sheer speed and raw power. (Purple) (In Bankai)


Liu Zhengs's Bankai - Tensa Zangetsu

- The Bankai of Liu Zheng combines all 3 powers of the Spirit Race (Light, Dark and Quincy) within him by achieving a balance of Yin and Yang Qi from Zanpakuto and World Energy through Quincy heritage inside his body resulting in a 5X increase in Qi and Spiritual energy and 5X physical enhancement Blut Techniques. 

- It is special and unique as this state can be maintained endlessly.

- It has potential of further growth.

Man and Zanpakuto Unification - Liu Zheng's trust and acceptance towards his Zanpakutos allowed them to fuse together achieving this unique state.

-Usually the power increase of Bankai are only applicable on the zanpakuto but due to his unique heritage and relationship with his Zanpakutos, they become one and the same. Hence, all effects apply on himself with the power being internalized rather than an external manifestation of the weapon.