Yank Kai - 2

The "treatment" went on for 10 days and in the end Liu Zheng was able to extract and purify all of Yang kai meridians and yang kai reached 4th stage tempered body. Even if he didn't have the golden skeleton he could reach the transcendent realm in 6-7 years on his own with the resources he would get after returning home. 

"Thank you so much Senior brother Liu. I do not have anything of value to offer you right now but i will do anything you ask of me. You have given me a new life as i am finally able to cultivate. I am willing to do anything to return this favour" Yang kai went on his knees to thank him for his help. He could finally ease his parents burden, become stronger and help his little sister too.

"I do not need anything from you. I only wanted to help someone who deserved help and that's all" Liu Zheng said and continued.

"But if you really want i would like you to swear your loyalty to me and in return i would help you gain strength which would be out of this would. I will help you become so strong that even the strongest of the cultivators from all of the Han Empire would be like ants to you. I know it must be really hard to believe so that is why i will give you a few months to decide and show proof of my words through my own strength. You already know that i didn't have any cultivation a few months ago and now i am a Qi transformation peak stage who is able to defeat many high level Separation and Reunion realm experts with ease and this strength will continue to increase until it reaches the peak of this world and breaks through." Liu Zheng started yapping to coerce yang kai to swear his loyalty.

Yang kai had a hard time believing him and thought even though he had seen his progress and could also miraculously heal him but knowing how powerful the people on the top of this world are as a member of the Yang family he had a hard time believing him. He also didn't want to swear his loyalty to not just him but anyone as he believed in staying independent no matter what but seeing that he had given him some time so he decided to think about it and if he really proves his word than he won't have any problem in following him.

(Keep in mind yang kai has suffered more than the original here without any sort of hope so it did break his mentality a bit.)

"I really do want to repay your favour but with all due respect i cannot swear my loyalty to just anyone because i have some reasons of my own and have seen some really powerful people. So only if you show me that you can be much better than them then only can i give my loyalty to you." Yang kai said as politely as he could.

Liu Zheng thought that he would need yap much more and need to reach a new break through in the Dao of yapping to be able to at least make yang kai consider it but Liu Zheng was very satisfied with the outcome and said "I will give you the proof and hope for a positive response you too but don't be too burdened as you won't receive any ill feelings even if you reject it."( even though liu zheng was sure to eliminate him in case he refuses because his luck is too much of a threat)

Liu Zheng gave yang kai a heaven grade non attributed cultivation technique which he got from the sect master's library and left for his house to make preparations for leaving the sect.

When he reached home he saw Xia Ning Chang waiting for him outside his house.

"Long time no see, Sister Xia and congratulations on reaching the True Element realm" Liu Zheng had become much closer to Xia Ning Chang during the trip so they were a bit more casual though she still was shy by nature.

"Th-thank you junior brother. These are some pills i made which would help you heal your injuries in any kind of emergency and the rest are good for your cultivation." she handed over Liu zheng a few bottles full of pills.

"There was no feed for you to do so much Sister Xia but thank you so much i would need them to break through to the separation and reunion realm." he replied.

"This is the lease i can do for you after you helped me last time. If you n-need any kind of help you can always aske me." 

"Talking about help i really do need your help with something. Can you provide me a few books on herbs and alchemy as well as a small cauldron as well. I will certainly repay you for it next time."

"N-no, you don't to repay for anything when you haven't even asked for much. You can come to meet me tomorrow morning at the contribution hall to get these things" Liu Zheng thanked her again and both bid each farewell for the day.

Liu Zheng asked for these things to practise alchemy in his free time because this is the best way to stay relevant, make connections and most importantly money not just here but everywhere even the demons will value you a lot if you can make them some pills.

Liu Zheng's Qi control as well as his ability to see through and understand spirit arrays better from the sharingan makes him the perfect person to study alchemy.

Since he has already reached the peak of Qi transformation in the last 10 days also have earned enough experience and understanding of the martial dao, he is ready to break through to the next realm.

Liu Zheng's POV, 

This is time i went to the sect master's peak to break through due to the availability of a Qi gathering array on the whole peak which makes the concentration of Qi much more dense than anywhere in sect except inside the dragon ravine. The sect master didn't mind as well and decided to watch over me while i break through. 

I sat in a meditative position and started to try to break through the barriers of the Qi transformation realm.

I took me about an hour but i was now really close to break through and needed just one last push.

I started to absorb all the surrounding world energy at a visibly large quantity and used it break through to the Separation and Reunion realm.

[Congratulations host, you have broken through to the Separation and Reunion Realm]

[Congratulations host, your sharingan has evolved to two-tomoe Sharingan]

I finally understood how yang kai was able to break through multiple layers at once. Whenever i break through I absorb a lot of world energy which tempers my bones, blood and everything in my body to make it stronger just like any other cultivator. In this state golden skeleton absorbs much more world energy than normal and gives some of it back which results in more than one break through. The more energy you absorb during your world energy baptism the more you can break through. 

I quickly ate all the cultivation pills given by Sister Xia and pushed my Quincy cultivation body to the limit to absorb as much world energy as possible during the baptism. It took a minute but golden skeleton finally gave some of it back though not as much as expected and allowed me to breakthrough thrice and i reached Separation and Reunion Stage 3. 

I checked the system and these were the following changes,

Cultivation - Separation and Reunion 3rd stage 

Body Cultivation - Separation and Reunion 1st Stage

Combat Power - Separation and Reunion 7th Stage (Shikai)

Sharingan - Two Tomoe 

Charm - Handsome

I could feel my visual prowess has increased too which i would test out later.

"Your break throughs are as shocking and heaven defying as always." Sect master said from behind me.

"Thank you sect master for watching over me. I have to shamelessly ask you to help me in consolidating my cultivation." I asked.

He understood my intentions and said "You are probably the best talent the high heaven pavilion has ever produced. You don't have feel any shame in asking for such things. It is my duty as your sect master to help you in such things." He understood my intention took out his sword and prepared a battle stance.

"Please go easy on me, sect master" I said as i summoned zangetsu and charged towards him.