The Unexpected Turn

The Shadow Hand's grip on Astoria tightened despite their compromised safehouses and disrupted supply chains. In a dimly lit room hidden deep within the city, two figures stood facing each other, the weight of silence hanging heavily between them. After what seemed like an eternity, one of them broke the silence, his voice laced with displeasure and thinly veiled threat.


"Leader is not pleased with your incompetence, Varek," the man's voice echoed coldly in the confined space. "You've not only failed your assigned task but have also stirred up a hornet's nest for The Shadow Hand."


Varek, a hardened operative with a scarred past, remained stoic, his jaw clenching in frustration and shame. He had been entrusted with a critical mission: to kidnap Sophia, the daughter of the influential Fista Guild leader. The plan was to use her as leverage against the guild, but Varek's failure had jeopardized everything.


"Leader also demands the monster core you were tasked to retrieve," the man continued, his tone growing more ominous. "You know the consequences of failure, Varek. This is your final warning."


With those words, the man stood up abruptly, his form melting into the shadows as he disappeared from sight. Varek stood alone in the darkness, his fists clenched so tightly that his nails drew blood from his palms. Anger and fear churned within him as he contemplated his next move, knowing the dire consequences of disappointing The Shadow Hand.




Meanwhile, Zane and Kevin had taken a few days off from their rigorous training under the watchful eye of the Fista Guild. Despite the relative calm, Zane couldn't shake a lingering unease after his recent encounter with Lucas and the subsequent battles against monsters. Physically healed by the guild's treatments, Zane found himself plagued by a growing sense of unease that only intensified over time. He attributed it to exhaustion and stress from their dangerous missions but kept his concerns to himself, not wanting to burden others with worries about his well-being.


At home, Zane found solace in playful banter with his younger sister, Ameli. Their sibling rivalry often spilled over into playful fights and teasing matches, providing a much-needed distraction from the shadows that loomed over their lives. Kevin, on the other hand, immersed himself in understanding and assisting his family's business affairs, grounding himself in the mundane tasks of everyday life amidst the turmoil of their secret battles.


Days passed uneventfully, the peace only punctuated by their routine school activities. Zane, Kevin, and their classmates found themselves in PT class, lined up on the field under the watchful eye of their instructor. Push-ups and sprints were the order of the day, and despite Zane's enhanced abilities, he found himself competing fiercely with Kevin and his classmates for the top spots.


Breathing heavily after finishing second in the sprint, Zane mused inwardly, "I still can't beat him, huh?" His competitive drive pushed him to excel, yet Kevin's natural talent and training with Zane made him a formidable opponent.


After the exercises, the instructor directed students to retrieve equipment from the storeroom. Zane volunteered, entering the dimly lit room and gathering the necessary items. As he prepared to leave, a deep, gravelly voice shattered the silence.


"You seem to be living quite comfortably," the voice rumbled from the shadows.


Startled, Zane turned to see a figure emerge from the darkness—a man with a rugged appearance, sharp eyes, and a muscular build that exuded strength and danger.


"Who are you?" Zane asked cautiously, instinctively stepping back.


The man's gaze narrowed, his tone sharp. "You don't need to know. What I need to know is where the monster core is that you took from those useless kidnappers."


Zane's heart skipped a beat at the mention of kidnappers, his senses on high alert. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, his voice steady despite his rising fear.


The man scoffed, his demeanor shifting from inquiry to threat. "Playing dumb, huh? I know you're the one who disrupted my plans. I'm restraining myself from tearing you apart to get that core."


Zane's blood ran cold. He made a split-second decision, summoning his abilities to flee—but as he moved, his feet slipped on the icy floor. Panic surged through him as he realized the room had been subtly frozen, trapping him in place.


"You think you can run?" The man's voice rang out, cold and mocking. "I'm not as foolish as the others. I've done my homework on you, Zane Skyler. Awakening at fifteen, losing your father early, and now protecting a single mother and younger sister. Nothing extraordinary, except for your exceptional control over your abilities."


Zane's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan as the man continued, his voice sinister yet oddly composed. "Here's my offer: Tell me where the core is, and work with me as bait to lure the Fista Guild. They'll come rushing to save you, and I won't harm you or your loved ones."


Caught between fear and desperation, Zane hesitated, weighing his options. "Okay," he agreed reluctantly, hoping to gain some leverage.


The man smirked, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Good choice," he said, moving closer to enact the next phase of his plan.


In a split-second decision, Zane launched himself at the man from behind, aiming to incapacitate him—but before he could strike, he froze mid-air. A chilling realization washed over him as the man effortlessly turned, locking eyes with Zane.


"I warned you," the man said calmly, his words carrying a weight of finality.


With a swift, powerful punch, the man struck Zane squarely in the chest. Pain exploded through Zane's body as he was propelled backward, crashing into the icy floor. Darkness enveloped him as unconsciousness claimed him, the world fading to black.


The man looked at Zane's body and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "That's why I don't like kids."




Hours later, Zane awoke in a daze, his head throbbing and body aching. He found himself in an unfamiliar place, restrained and surrounded by shadows. Fear gripped him as he realized the gravity of his situation. The man had captured him.


The man stood before him and said, "So, you are awake."


Zane adjusted himself and looked at him. "Look, I don't have time, and those guild members are not coming to save you. They don't even know you are here. So, it will be good for both of us if you listen to me."


As Zane was thinking deeply, he saw something in the darkness. When it became clear, he was shocked. What the hell is he doing here?!




Kevin's POV


Kevin had always been cautious, never one to let his guard down. The recent events had him on edge, and his instincts were screaming that something was wrong. Zane went to store room but didn't return even after so much time, he went to check on Zane and saw the man taking him away.

Kevin ready to attack him but stopped in between when he heard a loud sound coming from behind and saw everyone run in panic and scream for help as he saw low rank monsters attacking the students.

kevin contacted to mr. Marcus and explained the situation, Marcus told him to not go after him and wait their but kevin hang up and followed the man.




Inside the warehouse, Kevin moved stealthily, his senses heightened. He heard muffled voices and cautiously approached, his heart pounding in his chest. As he peeked around a corner, he saw Zane restrained and a man standing before him, speaking in low, menacing tones.

Kevin's blood ran cold. He needed to act, but he couldn't just charge in recklessly. He had to find a way to create a distraction and get Zane out safely. Spotting a stack of crates nearby, Kevin formulated a plan. He knocked over the crates, causing a loud crash that echoed through the warehouse.

The man turned sharply, his attention diverted. Seizing the moment, Kevin sprinted toward Zane, reaching him just as the man realized what was happening.

"Kevin, what are you doing here?" Zane whispered, his voice filled with a mix of relief and fear.

"Saving your sorry ass," Kevin replied with a determined grin. "Let's get out of here."

Before they could move, the man lunged at them, his expression twisted with rage. "You think you can escape that easily?"

Kevin barely managed to dodge the attack, his heart racing. "Run, Zane!" he shouted, positioning himself between Zane and the man.

Zane hesitated, torn between fighting and fleeing, but Kevin's urgency pushed him into action. As Zane made his way toward the exit, Kevin engaged the man, using his agility to avoid the powerful blows.

Zane turned to look for Kevin, he was dodging the man attacks but he couldn't found a way to escape the man was more experience and stronger than him.

"I am done with this!" the man shouted and attacked, Kevin dodged it but that was a trap and he launched a next attack creating long ice spear and sending it towards him, Zane saw this happening he ran towards Kevin but it was too late.

The spear pierce through his body making a hole in his stomach, Zane went pale couldn't believe what just happened as he watched Kevin body fell.