Chapter 1: What Kind of Hellish Place Is This?

"Ugh, my head hurts…"

Alex opened his eyes, staring blankly at the starry sky above.

'Where… is this place?'

He turned his head to look around, but all he could see were broken wooden boards. The sound of squeaking wheels and the urgent clatter of horse hooves filled his ears.


A sharp pain in his head made Alex groan. He closed his eyes and tried to recall everything that had happened before. If he remembered correctly, he was outside, and then…

"Young Master! Young Master, are you awake?"

As Alex struggled to remember, an old man suddenly appeared beside him. The man was old, with a head of white hair and a long white beard.

He was wearing a tattered leather armor and had a long sword strapped to his back. His appearance was so peculiar that it left Alex momentarily stunned.

But what puzzled him more was that the old man was speaking a language he had never heard before, yet somehow, Alex could understand him perfectly.

Even so, Alex's confusion did not subside.

'Who is he?'

'Why is he calling me Young Master?'

'Who… am I?'

"Ugh… Ah!!"

Just as Alex was about to try and remember more, a piercing pain shot through his brain, causing him to clutch his head and cry out in agony. Seeing Alex in pain, the old man became even more frantic. He hurried to Alex's side and firmly gripped his shoulders.

"Young Master, are you alright?! Don't scare me!"

"I… I…"

Despite the old man's frantic shouts, Alex couldn't say anything. His head felt like it was going to split open, and his vision started to blur and distort. But soon, he saw a blue light unfurl in front of him, forming a strange but familiar interface. A gentle voice sounded in his ear.

"Syetm activated… System booting up… Soul wavelength detected… Beginning authentication…"

"Ugh… Ah…"

Alex felt pain not only in his head but also throughout his body, as if he were being flayed alive. His blood seemed to flow backward, his breathing became rapid, and his heart pounded as if it were trying to escape his chest. All he could do was clench his fists and grit his teeth to endure the sudden onslaught.

"Lord Carter! They're catching up!"

"Damn it! Get the Young Master out of here, we'll hold them off…!"

"Watch out—!!"


Amid the chaos and shouting outside, a loud explosion suddenly rang out next to Alex. The next moment, he felt himself being thrown out of the carriage like a discarded ragdoll, hitting the ground hard.


Alex felt his back slam into the ground, the impact momentarily alleviating the burning pain in his body. This allowed him to regain some control over his movements, and he turned his head to look around.

All he could see was a wilderness shrouded in darkness. Nearby, a carriage was engulfed in flames, and the horses pulling it were reduced to charred remains. In the distance, he could vaguely see figures locked in combat.

They seemed to be a group of retainers fighting against opponents in silver armor, resembling knights from a game.

What kind of hellish place is this?

Even though the fighters were putting up a brave effort, Alex could tell they were no match for the knights in silver armor. In a few swift moves, the knights had slain the retainers, leaving their bodies strewn across the ground.

"Young Master! Run! Get out of here!!"

The old man was still fighting desperately, waving his sword and shouting at Alex to flee.


Alex didn't know what was happening, but he knew he had to leave this place!

But… his body wouldn't obey. For some reason, he felt incredibly weak, every muscle aching, and he had no strength left. Just supporting himself was a struggle, let alone trying to stand up.

"Soul wavelength authenticated, binding complete. Executor, please activate the dimensional map."

The voice in his ear remained calm, and as it spoke, a strange, intricate circle appeared in the center of the interface in front of him. It looked like a map, but one depicting multiple universes or dimensions, and it seemed oddly familiar to Alex…


Hearing a scream, Alex looked up dazedly to see the old man being impaled by a knight in silver armor. The old man turned his head in despair, reaching out a hand towards Alex.

"Young Ma—!"

However, before the old man could finish his sentence, a flash of silver light swept through, and the next moment, Alex watched in horror as the old man's head fell to the ground, his body collapsing soon after. The knights then turned and walked towards Alex.

'I'm going to die!!!'

Even though the knights wore helmets, obscuring their faces, Alex could feel their icy, murderous intent. Just feeling their gazes made him think his neck was about to be sliced off. But… he couldn't resist at all.

Is this my only hope?

Staring at the strange circle before him, Alex gritted his teeth and reached out, trying to tap the peculiar circle.


But before Alex could lift his hand, an iron boot stomped down heavily on it.


The excruciating pain made Alex groan, and before he could react further, another knight grabbed his hair and lifted his head.

"Is it him?"

The knight's voice was cold and indifferent, like a machine devoid of emotion. Upon hearing the knight's question, a figure in a black robe standing a little distance away nodded slightly.

"Yes, it's him. The artifact must be on him."


Receiving the confirmation, the leading knight nodded and swiftly brought his sword to Alex's neck.

"Hand over the artifact, and I'll give you a quick death."

'Artifact? What artifact?'

Feeling the cold blade against his neck, Alex looked at the knight in bewilderment. His mind was in a complete mess, not knowing what was happening or what his current situation was.

The only thing he understood was that these people were hunting him down for some artifact… But what artifact? How should he know?

'I have to try!'

With this thought, Alex bit his lip and glanced at his right hand, which was pinned under the knight's boot. Noticing Alex's gaze, the knight also looked down at his foot and instinctively stepped back.


Seizing the moment the knight stepped back, Alex quickly withdrew his right hand and tapped the circle in front of him. Immediately, the circle began to spin rapidly, light gathering and forming into a large, ornate book that emitted a radiant glow.

"What is this?"

The knights, seeing the book appear before Alex, stepped back in astonishment, holding their swords uncertainly. In contrast, the black-robed figure was ecstatic, almost jumping up and shouting.

"This must be the artifact! Don't let him activate it, kill him!"

At the black-robed figure's command, the leading knight raised his sword and swung it forcefully at Alex.

At the same time, as if responding to an invisible call, Alex reached out and touched the book.

In that instant, his world shattered like glass.

"Child, when you were born, the Lord whispered your name…"

An ancient voice echoed in Alex's mind, and before his eyes appeared towering mountains, prosperous and beautiful cities, towns, and wilderness…

"Child, I watched with pride as you grew day by day, becoming a symbol of justice…"

Flames consumed entire cities, once filled with laughter, now reduced to ruins and remnants. The never-ending blaze mirrored the color of blood, bringing unending destruction and hatred to the world.

"Remember, we have always ruled this land with wisdom and power…"

Flower petals turned into cold snowflakes, and former followers fell one by one. In a dark, eerie cave, a long sword shining with azure light stood quietly, awaiting its wielder's arrival.

"I also trust you will use your immense power wisely…"

A howling blizzard engulfed everything, trees withered, the land was covered in ice, and the living fled.

Only the undead, groaning in agony, emerged from the flames and darkness. They formed an army, a force so terrifying that it made everything tremble in fear. They advanced, tearing apart anything in their way, bringing only blood and death.

Alex opened his eyes again.

The visions had vanished. Before him, a knight's blade was descending towards him. He could even see his reflection on the silver blade.

But the voice still echoed in his mind.

"One day, my life will come to an end, and you will be crowned as king."

A cold, immense power erupted within him at that moment.