chapter7:Ocean Blue eyes

Sunday came:

Jillian was getting ready because she and Stephanie will going to the market to buy the things that they needed in there tle subject ....

Jillian, Stephanie is here ..

Her brother said

Jillian rush to meet Stephanie she and her was getting ready to buy the things that they were needed,and they get in the car because her brother said that he will be driven...

Meanwhile at the market:

Jillian what do you think In this apple?

Stephanie said while holding a two fresh of apple..

Stephanie they are fresh , fresh fruits is what we needed...

Jillian said and snatch the two apples to Stephanie and place it into the basket..

Jillian if we were making a fruit salad maybe we should buy a fruit salad in canned?

If I buy that ,were not getting a higher score ... grade's is more important than me ...

Yeah , because your copying Albert Einstein

If you didn't help me to find a fresh fruits I will gonna replace you .

Don't replace me ...

If you didn't want to be replaced then help me find a fresh fruits okay ?


Jillian come back to her house at afternoon,they buy the things that they are needed and arranged them...and chat there team members on gc

In the GC:

•Guys me and Stephanie buy the things we were needed tomorrow ,so don't forgot about the things that I say ,about the things were needed tomorrow....


•Yes we will not forgot that ....


Then the Monday came and its time to perform there performance task in tle in each group ... They head in to the laboratory in tle and arranged the things in the table ...

Okay ,all of you have a equipment's ?

Jillian asked


Then there tle teacher came and asked them

Okay class anyone in here,have all apron? Equipment?

Yes ma'am!

Okay ,so all of the group have that ,then you can start to perform your performance task now ,leader give me a one fourth sheet of paper and list all of your team members that are present today

Each leader had listed there members and give it to there teacher ..

Four leaders had giving me a one fourth

sheet of paper ,so all of you can start now ...

The teacher said .

Each group had performing there performance task ..

Meanwhile Jillian and her team members also doing a great job to get a higher grades....The four group is finished now and they bring there performance in there tle teacher and there teacher said that she will come to there room and announce the four groups about there grades...when they finish cleaning...

They finish cleaning the laboratory and head to there room

Okay now I can announce all of your score now ,group 1 : your grade is 94

Ma'am but why it is 94?

I said that last month,that if you buy a fresh fruits you will get a higher grade but 1,2,4 buy a fruit salad in canned so your grade will be 94 and group 3 has a grade of 96

Woah we reach a 96 score !

Stephanie said

Maam but it's a biased..

There one classmate said

I'm not a biased...I said that Truth that if you buy a fruit salad in a canned don't expect me to give you a higher grade ,

There teacher replied and looked at her phone and saw the time

oh right it's your break time now ,you can all have a recess

There teacher congratulate the group 3 and leave the room.....

did you see Michael?I'm gonna bring he's phone back to him

There classmate asked Jillian but Jillian didn't knew where is Michael but something came up in her mind

Maybe he's in the laboratory?

There classmate hand over Michael phone to her asked if she can give it to him...


The hell you're the one asked to Michael that if you can use he's phone to take a picture into your performance task and you're asking Jillian to hand it to him?!

Stephanie said and Jillian stopped her

Its okay ,I can give it to him


Thank you Jillian,you save me today , because my girlfriend keep getting angry at me lately ...

Then there classmate leave the room in rush

I hope you two broke up!

Stephanie shouted..

Stephanie stop.


You can go to the canteen,I will come when I give it to Michael okay ?


Jillian looked for Michael in the laboratory, and he saw Michael cleaning his aapron , Jillian hand over he's cellphone to give it to him but she was shocked to see Michael, because Michael was covering he's face and the only one can see is he's eyes ,and that was shocked Jillian because he's eyes was exactly the same at the man he dreamed everyday ....

You're eyes seem just like an ocean and exactly as him .....

Jillian said

Chapter 7:End