chapter 11:Connected

When Jillian was about to asked the man that rudwick said suddenly they hear a knocked on the door


Her brother said

What is it?

Can you open the door ?

Jillian hesitate to open the door ,but rudwick said that it's fine , because her brother didn't see him

When Jillian open the door her brother asked her

I heard you were talking to a someone loudly ?

Her brother searched her room but unfortunately her didn't find anything

Do I?

Ah I have been misheard it

Then her brother looked at his sister eyes and noticed that her sisters eyes are swollen

Jillian you should rest now ..

Ah okay,but brother why are you wearing a glasses,you say that you didn't use that anymore?

Ah I just searching for someone .


yeah ,ah you should sleep now Jillian it's already 10 o clock.

Her brother leave and rudwick say something

Your brother was searching for the man that you are desperate to see ,but unfortunately he will be able to not search that,because Michael montefalco was no longer totally existed in this world anymore .

Wha-what do you mean ,he's exist !


Then Jillian asked him that if he knew how to be able to come back Michael montefalco ,she asked him with a eyes full of hope ,she knew that rudwick know how to be able come back Michael montefalco but rudwick said he didn't know.

I knew you know !

Maybe ,he's longer exist for now on ,but maybe then he's not ,It's better that he would no longer exist, because if he was exist he's life was totally meaningless to haven't be with you ,but if he was come back your'e only get hurt ....

Its better to hurt ,than to not see him !

Rudwick saw Jillian eyes in desperate .

He said that you can now forget him but you didn't,So I came into your room

Just as I promised to him ,that if you will not going to erase your memories of him ,I will erase that ,but I cannot do that because your love from him is much stronger than that .

Rudwick take a few step then he reach Jillian ...He looked at Jillian hand's and cast a spell to her and it's suddenly had a flower on her hand.Which made Jillian lose her unconscious

Miralla ,I knew your love from him is stronger but It will only hurt you ,you say that it's better for you to hurt than to not see him ,so I guess I should help the two of you....

Rudwick turned into his animal form and leave Jillian in her room ..

One week has past when Jillian didn't see rudwick,and one week has past when Michael was totally not able to exist in there world.

Ahh I hate that Marco so much!

Stephanie complaining,but Jillian was totally focused on her hand which is Stephanie noticed

It has been one week since you were looking at your hand ,is something wrong with your hand?

Ah there was a flower on my hand

Stephanie looked at it but she didn't see anything

Hey I didn't see anything?

Oh I guess I am the only one who can see that , Jillian said in his mind

But you know what ?

Know what ?

Jillian asked

There was a new transferee in the section of Aquino .,...

Stephanie replied but when stephanie said that there was a transferee in that section , suddenly the flower become colorful ,which made Jillian confused because the flower was totally gray back then but it suddenly had a color .

Ah I think he's name was jimmy?

Stephanie said a names several times ,but the flower totally gray and it's back to he's original color in gray ,then when stephanie said a name , Ezekiel Velasquez,the flower become more colorful and it has no longer gray

Ste-stephanie ....


What's the name of the new transferee?

Ezekiel Velasquez

Suddenly Jillian runned in rush to head to Aquino .

She knew that the flower was telling her that she was going to find Michael.Her heart was thumping and her eyes was about to cry .

She came into the room of Aquino ,she looked at the flower was become more colorful than before,which made her cry a little , as if the flower was telling her that she was near at Michael,she sat down in front door of entrance.Then he hear a man voice ,which made her heart more thumping more and more .

Why are you at the front door of entrance?

She looked ,then there she see a man who looked exactly like Michael,which made her cry more ...

Hey ?

Ahh you -you came back ,i-im totally glad

Jillian said and she hugged the man who looked exactly like Michael

I-was so worried and desperate to see you .....

Chapter 11:End