chapter 16: Wedding

It has been 10 years since Jillian and Ezekiel was graduate in there school . Juvellian and Shelly was at here at the mall looking for a gift that they can gave to her future brother and her sister Because her sister was getting married in one week....

Juvellian was looking for a watch that she can gave to his future brother,and dress for her sister ...

Hon what are you looking for?

Shelly asked her

A watch and dress

But there's plenty of watch in here...

Suddenly there was an employee,came in and asked him

Sir ,what kind of watch ,do you looking for ?

The employee said

I'm looking for a silver watch and white dress as well....

If you looking for a watch and dress ,I will assist you sir

They followed the employee and finally Juvellian found a silver watch,and Shelly found a beautiful dress..

It has been one weeks since juvellian and Shelly buy a gift.Juvellian and Shelly was getting ready to attend to the ceremony...

Brother juvellian,do you think Jillian and Ezekiel will like a pink roses to there ceremony?

Stephanie asked

I'm sure ,they are

Juvellian said

But what about my gift babe ?

Marco asked ,it has been one year since Marco and Stephanie dated

Huh ,what gift ?

My kiss?

Stop that Marco

Stephanie face was getting red when Marco suddenly approached her and he's face was getting closer ...

Okay stop that ....we will getting be late if you keep going to that .

Juvellian said

Mom ,dad ,we were getting late ....

The boy said

Okay sweetie ,we were getting in the downstairs okay ?

Shelly said

Will it be okay if I will getting first in the van?

Okay sweetie....

The boy rush but when he was getting closer and closer to the van suddenly there was a man standing in front of him,the man was having a long hair,his hair was white and he's eyes was gold ,that man was rudwick

You're name is Glenn right?

Ho-how did you know my name ?

It's simple ,I can know you're name when I just looked at you and you're future as well ...

But who are you?

Im your auntie best friend

Best friend?

Yes ,and I came here ,to gave my gift, could you gave my gift from her ?


Rudwick gave a gift ,and it's necklace,the necklace was beautiful that it made the child staring at more

Beautiful right?

Yes ....

That necklace will protect the child in her belly and will protect the love ones that she love ...

But she's not pregnant yet ...

I'm sure she is ...

Then rudwick leave....

At the ceremony:

Jillian was so beautiful And that necklace that Glenn gave when the ceremony was not about to start made her gorgeous more ,when he walked in aisle and Ezekiel was so handsome,the sky was clear and the bird suddenly created a symbol with a heart

I promise to that man Infront of me ,that I will cherish him ,and I will protect him and I will be giving him a best life ...

I promise to that girl standing Infront of me ,that i will protect her no matter what ,I will created a happy memories from her ,and i will giving her a best life ,I only wish that the woman I love standing in front of me ,will not cry anymore....

The people at the ceremony confused for what the two said a name miralla and Lireon but they decided to ignore it

,When the ceremony was about to end

The father asked Jillian

Do you truly love him?


And you

Yes ,with all of my heart

You may now kissed the bride

I love you so much miralla.....

I love you too ,Lireon...

The necklace suddenly shine more that it made the people look more at the two, rudwick was there too at the church ,happy to see that he's brother could smile like that

Finally they can be happy together as they want

But what about the man you just said to miralla?

Oh about him ?

Yeah the man that ,miralla and Lireon suffer from the past ..

I erased him ,that man was no longer be reborn ,he will not harmed my brother and he's lover anymore

Rudwick said in a cold voice

You're such a cold person when they harmed the love ones you love ,and you didn't hesitated to kill them

Of course,it's because they are piece of trash ....

It has been 2 years since Jillian and Ezekiel married.

Jillian giving birth to there first child and they named there child Rose..... The child was beautiful and her eyes was blue and her hair was curly just like Jillian

Rose was more like you Jillian....

Ezekiel said

Nope ,she's more not like me,


It's because her eyes was more like you Ezekiel,her eyes was like an ocean ...

And she is beautiful just like her mother

Ezekiel stared at her eyes and Jillian was getting red ,that it made her to avoid Ezekiel stared

Hahaha ,are you flirting with me right now?"""

Yes hahahaha

We will now getting started now

The other man said

They at here at there house having there photoshoot because They having there first portrait family....

I love you Jillian....

Ezekiel said

I love you too ....

Okay 1,2,3 ,smile


Chapter 16:End