Hatred between families

And Lisbeth Dawson.

Feeling the pain coming from his leg, he couldn't help but frown.

In his tone, there was a hint of annoyance and disbelief:

"What are you doing? Is there something wrong with your brain? Why are you climbing the wall of my house, do you want to steal something?

Do you know that I can immediately call my father to come and beat you to death!

Unless you kneel down right now and kowtow to me three times.

Then, crawl over my crotch, I might consider letting you go."

At that time, he.

It was just a kid around the age of ten, innocent and vulnerable.

It was at this moment.

That already weak good feeling was completely shattered by her cold and sharp words.

It was like a pot of cold water that quenched all the enthusiasm.

Since then, every time I met her, the heartbeat I once had turned into a trace of loathing in the bottom of my heart.

It was like a cold wind in winter, chilling the heart.

He could never forget it.

The name Lisbeth Dawson, like a brand, was deeply engraved in his heart.

It became a memory that could not be erased.

At that time, he was a carefree member of the Spencer family clan.

But the wheel of fate mercilessly pushed them into the abyss.

Experiencing the clan fleeing in all directions, searching for a ray of hope.

That day.

The sky was as dark as a thick block of lead, layers and layers of clouds obscuring the sky.

At the age of 16, his tender shoulders had begun to bear a weight that did not belong to him.

Holding his 8-year-old sister Anne Spencer's delicate hand in one hand, he travelled through the bustling but strangely cold streets.

The wind had begun to pick up the drizzle.

Coolness through their thin shirts.

A reminder that a downpour was coming.

They desperately needed to find a shelter.


That once warm home, the Spencer family, is now a forbidden place.

Firmly occupied by the Graham family.

Every message from there is like ice, freezing any hope of returning.

The cruel order given by the Graham family is like an invisible sword hanging over the head, and any trace of the Spencer family will lead to a killing.

The two of them, brother and sister, are dependent on each other.

The shadows of their parents drifted away until they disappeared.

To say they were separated may be a self-deception.

In fact.

It was their parents who chose to abandon them in order to survive.

Anne Spencer, an 8-year-old girl, became the only light in Percy Spencer's life.

And the reason he kept going.

Their mother, many years ago, left this world quietly on a bleak and stormy night.

Leaving behind two still young children and endless grief.

What the father did, however, was to defiantly marry the Brown family's first lady just three days after their mother's death, when the dust had not yet completely covered her grave.

Behind this marriage lies a complex political calculation - the

Father claimed that by marrying the Brown family, he could gather more power and gain the support of other families to fight against the powerful Graham family.


To Percy Spencer, it all seemed more like a selfish choice on the part of her father.

It was a betrayal of her mother's feelings.

More than that, it was a complete disregard for the emotions of his children.

During these years, he and his sister embraced each other and became each other's most solid support.

In fact.

Spencer and Graham intricate struggle between the two families.

For the Brown family, such as the smallest clan, is undoubtedly the sky is out of reach of the changing winds and clouds.

Can not touch, more talk about intervening to help.

That day.

Time seems to have lost its meaning.

In the endless flight, the two were physically and mentally exhausted.

Just then, the sudden onslaught of coldness behind them made them instantly alert, but it was too late to react.

They only felt a blackness in front of their eyes, and the cold and hard cloth cover instantly enveloped their sight, and the world was plunged into a darkness of despair-

They had been kidnapped.

The destination was the Dawson family.

The name "Lisbeth Dawson" has left an indelible mark on his heart.

The time in prison, the torture he endured, is something that even the most brutal history books would be hard pressed to find.

Those heinous tortures are from the hand of a girl of only ten years old.

If not personally experienced.

No one can believe that the world can have such ruthless and very creative means.

Shortly after being kidnapped.

His sister was roughly dragged out of the cell.

Right behind him.

He, too, had been dragged out of the dungeon where he had not seen the light of day.

Although he left the cage a little later compared to Anne Spencer.

But as soon as he stepped out of the cell door, the sight in front of him made him feel like a knife in his heart...

Five or six men aged between forty and fifty, with twisted smiles on their faces, were abusing his sister ...

And the mastermind behind all this.

It was Lisbeth Dawson's dad.

Seven-year-old Anne Spencer.

A little princess who should be enjoying a carefree childhood.

But in this hellish prison, she suffered unimaginable torture.

Her tender body was unable to withstand the cruel treatment.

Her breath gradually weakened and eventually stopped breathing.

Before dying, her eyes pierced through the despair, and seemed to still stubbornly search for his figure.

Those eyes, full of pleading and reluctance.

Wordlessly, she said:

"Brother, avenge me."

Self-reproach pressed on his heart like a boulder.

He hated his own powerlessness, hated that as an elder brother, he couldn't even do the most basic protection.

But even stronger.

It was the bitter hatred for those scumbags-

When he was still as the Spencer family clan's bright and shiny young master, these people tended to follow the trend, flattering and smiling.

Now that the family has fallen, they are as greedy and ruthless as vultures, revealing their hideous true colours.


He underestimated the perversion and cold-bloodedness in the hearts of these old men.

When the flame of Anne Spencer's life went out.

Instead of stopping, they extended their claws to him.

Attempting to drag him into a deeper abyss as well ...

At that moment, the ugliness of human nature was exposed and chilling to the core.

Thinking back to that unforgiving past.

Percy Spencer's eyes, the moment he gazed at Lisbeth Dawson, were like the dark cloudy sky, revealing a touch of gloom and viciousness.

The corner of his mouth, outlined a cold arc.

The heart secretly mocked:

Heh, Edward Dawson, did you ever expect that those excruciating tortures you inflicted on our siblings back then would now become the irony of your fate.

Since you chose to run away and hide from the world.

Then, let your innocent daughter bear all this.

I will make you happy.

History is always surprisingly similar.

A father's debt.

The debts of the fathers are repaid by the heirs.

Think back to the beginning.

Percy Spencer was tortured for three days and nights.

Almost exhausted the last ounce of strength in his life.

In the end, he was thrown back into the damp and dark dungeon in a state of chaos.


Perhaps the heavens have not closed their way.

With the desire for life, and an indomitable will, he miraculously escaped from the tiger's mouth, and fought his way back to the Spencer family's makeshift shelter.

It was his only ray of hope.

It is also the harbour where he can survive and obtain the family's shelter.

If not for this, I fear that he would have become a shovelful of dust in the Song mansion.

The people in the family, who witnessed his return from the dead, were amazed at the transformation.

In the past, that insignificant, almost negligible small role in the Spencer family clan, as if in one night experienced the phoenix nirvana, reborn in the fire.

With extraordinary perseverance and superior wisdom, he not only led the Spencer family out of the trough, but also re-established in the forest of luxury families.

Although not fully restored to its former glory.

But also enough to make Spencer's name once again resounded in the sky.

Compared to today's only know how to show off their wealth, the bottom of the shallow Dawson family, is undoubtedly the existence of the crushing level.


Percy Spencer did not know.

When he embarked on his revenge plan, Edward Dawson had already learnt of the news.

Out of consideration for his daughter's safety, heartlessly sent his only pearl secretly out of the house.

And exchanged his daughter with someone else.

In order to protect her from the worst.

And so, in that fateful moment of vengeance, Percy Spencer made the high-profile capture of Lisbeth Dawson.

An innocent girl who should never have had to bear this burden.

Edward Dawson, however, remains at large and is the target of Percy Spencer's continued pursuit and capture.