
Arranged in the first cabinet.

It was a dazzling large crown encrusted with pink diamonds.

Those tiny and flash of pink diamonds, although in the corners of the edges and corners have been slightly mottled, dropped a few diamond traces clearly visible.

But that only belongs to its noble temperament, did not therefore have the slightest loss.

On the contrary, under the baptism of the years, adding a touch of charm that does not fall into the commonplace.

It is not only pure and elegant, but also playful and lovely, quietly telling a story of the past.

It was dropped by Lisbeth inadvertently.

It was carefully picked up and brought back to him.

Though this crown had suffered an unknown number of falls in his anger, every touch seemed to evoke complex emotions - a mixture of love and hate - in him towards her.

Every time he remembered it, endless bitterness tumbled up in his heart.

One could only vent one's emotions silently in this way.

Turning to the second exquisite locket.

Inside rested a half jade pendant of warm color, which exuded a faint but persistent fragrance, like a whisper through time and space, mysterious and evocative.

This was the gift of the girl who had lent him a helping hand in his time of need.

That girl had saved him twice.


In the second rescue, but unfortunately led to the sacrifice of her own brother, this memory has become a permanent pain in Percy Spencer's heart.

Whenever he thought about it, a kind of guilt flooded him like a tide.

This piece of jade pendant, one end green as spring, one end white as snow, each holding half.

He held one of them.

The last item in the collection was a tie that shone with gold.

Whenever Percy Spencer's eyes skimmed over it, an unspeakable soreness would rise in his heart.

The familiar yet distant voice seemed to ring in her ears again:

"My dear, why do you always prefer those dark colored ties? They make you look too dull and simply old-fashioned, really not handsome at all."

"Hmph, is it? Are you already starting to dislike me? My heart, it hurts."

"Aiya, don't be so childish, you should know that I will never dislike you. Here, this tie is for you, wear it, it's guaranteed to make you look brand new."

These words, words and phrases are full of the tenderness and sweetness of the past.

But now they can only be turned into a gust of wind that gently brushes the lake of Percy Spencer's heart.

Let him indulge in the past tenderness and the reality of suffering.

It is difficult to extricate himself.

When Percy Spencer first saw the tie, his heart was full of embarrassment and helplessness.

The shiny texture of the gold, shining in the light like it could burn people's eyes, such a flamboyant and his usual calm wind is not compatible.

So much so that he was almost embarrassed to wear it around his neck for fear of attracting strange looks from others.

However, as fate would have it, the tie he once shunned became his most precious reminder after Helen Jones died saving his life.

Whenever he touches it, the sad but tender memories come flooding back like a tidal wave.

It made him unable to let go of it for a long time.

Wrapped under the fourth black plastic film, is a seemingly insignificant small box, but carries an unresolved relationship in his life.

It was his birth mother, Charlotte Elizabeth.

Elizabeth family's famous fortune-telling family's eldest daughter's relics.

Elizabeth's family has been practicing divination for generations, and she is well versed in fortune-telling, and Charlotte Elizabeth is one of the best, who has been telling him since he was a child that there will be a great calamity in his life.

This mysterious locket was specially left to him by her, instructing him to give it as a token when he meets the one destined to end a lifetime of love.

As for the last item, a secret he had not been able to open so far, it was begged by his father who traveled far to the mysterious Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion.

It was a locked treasure box that was said to contain the karma of his three lifetimes.

It also hid the mystery of being able to reverse life and death and save a person's life.

His father told him that only in the most critical and critical moments.

Only in the most crucial and critical moments can the seal be lifted, allowing it to exert its endless power.

The night is late, Percy Spencer frowned tightly.

His eyes hovered over these items for a long time, and more than an hour had quietly passed.

He couldn't help but think of Lisbeth Dawson, the woman who had been ruthlessly banished during the day.

A complex of emotions came over him.

Both annoyance and a hint of inexplicable concern.

He whispered softly to himself, as if to convince himself, "Go ahead, think of it as passing time, even if it's just to give her a few irrelevant taunts in a playful manner."

Driving to arrive at Diamond Villa.

The quaint mansion was silent in the night.

Percy Spencer hesitates for a moment before stepping inside.

The air here is filled with the traces of time, only an old maid, whose name has long been blurred by the years, because her father gave her the simple but cozy name of "Auntie Red" on a whim.

Since then, this name has become her only mark in this world.

Seeing the young master arrive, Auntie Red sighed softly, her eyes filled with complicated emotions.

The young master had lost his gentle mother since he was young, and in his heart, he carried an unresolvable grudge against his father.

Such an upbringing.

It had indeed caused him to endure many undeserved sufferings.

"Young Master, you're here."

Auntie Red's words carried care and heartache.

Percy Spencer looked at Auntie Red, the person who was once the closest to his mother's side, and his attitude naturally exuded an undisguised respect.

"Auntie Red, there is no need to be polite. You have taken care of me like a mother for so many years, we have long been like family. Please tell me, how has she been?"

Percy Spencer's voice was gentle with a hint of urgency.

Auntie Red sniffed, and her brows couldn't help but furrow gently as she let out another long sigh.

In her heart, there was both the confusion of the unknown and that of clarity.

She could see clearly that the young master's feelings for the young lady were based more on duty and a sense of gratitude.

As for the young girl outside the door, she detected a touch of warmth in the young master's heart that had yet to be extinguished.

"Alas~ Young Master, it is rare to meet true love in life, if you do, you must cherish it, lest you regret it for the rest of your life."

Percy Spencer's face sunk slightly, looking a little displeased:

"Auntie Red, it's better to tell me directly about her current situation, there's no need to say anything else, I'm pressed for time."

Auntie Red then led Percy Spencer to Lisbeth Dawson's room.

Only to see a petite figure lying on the bed, breathing lightly, if not for the subtle rise and fall of the chest, Percy Spencer almost mistook it for a still image, and his heart couldn't help but surge with emotion ...

The two leaned against the doorframe in silence, their eyes falling on the sleeping little man.

For a while, only the air of silence remained around them.

Finally, it was Auntie Red who broke the silence, her words always beginning with a long sigh:

"Alas, this night, I was startled by a cry.

Pushing open the door, I saw the young lady alone, covered with wounds, sobbing alone in the road.

She then could not support herself and fainted, so I hastened to bring her back and carefully applied medicine to her, hoping to give her a piece of peace even in her dreams."

How she appeared is still a mystery.

Percy Spencer's brow furrowed as he heard this.

Lisbeth Dawson's heartbreakingly frowning form came unbidden to mind.

Auntie Red took out a compact tape recorder from her sleeve and continued, "Also, I quietly recorded what she said in her dream, so listen to it, Young Master."

Lisbeth Dawson's slightly muffled and anxious call then came out of the recorder:

"Percy, don't go, don't leave me alone!Percy ..."

That cry pierced Percy Spencer's heart like a fine needle, causing certain emotions deep within him to be violently tugged up.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, both touched by this deep love, but also a vague pain that was hard to let go of -

Since you love me so much, why did you not only fail to lend a helping hand when I was most in need back then, but instead gave me even deeper hurt and humiliation?

Such a question, like a fog that can not be solved, lingering in his heart for a long time.