Old story 2

"Hehe, come or not come as you please, whether you can continue to stay in this school or not depends on you ... hahahaha!"

The arrogance and disdain contained in this voice was like the cold wind of a winter night, piercing straight through the heart.

Helen Jones' voice trembled slightly, mixed with pain and helplessness, like a final struggle before making a certain difficult decision: "Okay, I will go."

Behind this short answer, how many unknown sorrows and compromises were hidden, only she understood.

The night was deep.

In a brightly lit part of the city, Wind Hotel, the bright pearl of the city, the room 888 within it is even more mysterious.

Inside the room, a woman of outstanding beauty sat quietly on the edge of the bed, her body was only draped in a thin texture of clothing, as if at any time the coolness of the night would penetrate.

Her eyes were complicated with a mixture of apprehensive anticipation and hard-to-conceal fear.

Percy Spencer had snickered a little in his mind, thinking that the woman would not really have the courage to go to the appointment, and he had not really expected it himself.

But as time went on, an inexplicable sense of duty drove him to go--

What if, indeed, she was waiting there?

The moment he stepped into the room, he was stunned by the sight that was enough to make his heart race.

He hadn't expected that she, who appeared to be soft and petite on the outside, would have such an attractive body.

Even the slightly daring attire did not cover up her innate elegance and charm, and compared to those deliberately groomed ladies in the hotel, she was no less attractive.

Seeing him enter the room, Helen Jones reluctantly summoned up courage, stepped forward lightly, her arms slowly encircled his waist, her voice was as thin as a gnat, with a few points of uncertainty and nervousness: "You, you're here, I'm, I'm ready."

Those trembling hands gave away all her uneasiness.

Percy Spencer gently broke the hands that encircled his waist, and a complex emotion flashed in his eyes, "What's your name?"

The question, it seemed, was asking for more than a simple name.

"I... Me? My name is Helen Jones.This, this is my business card."

The action of handing over her business card seemed a little rushed, and even though she wasn't sure if Percy Spencer would accept it, she subconsciously made the gesture as if it was the only dignity and self-introduction she had left.

"I... Let's get started."

Helen Jones's cheeks tinted scarlet, spreading all the way to the base of her ears.

"Pfft, you really think I'm like that."

Percy Spencer suddenly let out a soft laugh that was a mixture of surprise and relief, as if he were laughing at the misunderstanding.

"Is a degree from this school really that important to you?"

There was a touch of probing in his tone, trying to understand what had driven her to this point.

Helen Jones didn't make any more noise, just quietly lowered her eyes, and it was like a thousand thoughts were hidden within that soft nod, imperceptibly running through her clear eyes.

Her silence was a silent acceptance of her current situation, and the precipitation of her surging emotions.

Percy Spencer's tone carried a hint of imperceptible tenderness and care, he said, "Well, you go home first, it's getting late, as a girl, you should know how to protect yourself, be careful on the road."

His eyes pierced through the night, seemingly paving the light of concern for the road she was about to travel alone.

In the face of Percy Spencer's words, Helen Jones's expression instantly turned panicked, her eyes flashing with disbelief and supplication.

"Do you ... have something against me?"

Her voice was thin and trembling, "Please, just give me another chance, I really, really need this degree."

The corners of Percy Spencer's mouth curled into a faint smile that hid a few complex emotions behind it.

"I'll talk to you more about this when I get back."

With those words, he turned to leave, leaving Helen Jones with only a resolute and tall back.

His hand gently waved, and even such a simple gesture of farewell seemed to contain strength and warmth.

Perhaps it was at this moment that a seed called admiration was quietly planted in Helen Jones' heart, which broke through the ground without her realizing it, and quietly grew towards that faraway figure.

Time jumps as fast as a flipbook, and Percy Spencer's memory returns to that unforgettable summer vacation, the beginning of which is as clear as yesterday in his mind.That was the beginning of the story of him and Helen Jones, he countless times fantasized that he could return to that moment, refused to fall that innocent confession, perhaps that would be able to change the trajectory of destiny, so that Helen Jones did not have to save him and lost his precious life, this regret and guilt as a heavy shackles, day after day, tortured his soul.

In that lei hot summer afternoon, the library fire accidentally occurred like an out-of-control beast, mercilessly devouring everything around.

Percy Spencer calmly and quickly organized the evacuation of the crowd, after confirming that everyone had left safely, he was about to leave this dangerous place, but in the panic and smoke caught a touch of fragile figure --- it was unconscious Hazel.

It was the unconscious Helen Jones, who was clinging helplessly to the wall, as if she would be engulfed in flames at any moment.

At that moment, Percy Spencer's heart shrunk violently, not thinking about personal safety, he did not hesitate to rush into the fire, every step is full of determination and firmness. Fire

The heat of the flames was almost suffocating, but his gaze was like a torch, locked tightly on Helen Jones' position, and that deep-seated worry and reluctance turned into his only motivation to move forward.

On the brink of life and death, he only wanted to grab that glimmer of hope and pull her back from disaster.