Demon King

"Is this the man Percy reincarnated in his favour ... What a disappointment ..."

Lisbeth Dawson looked around to make sure no one was listening sideways before speaking hesitantly, "Are you referring to me?"

The man's eyes were full of contempt, "Heh, that's about it, it seems he has always had bad taste."

Lisbeth Dawson was puzzled and curious, "You know Percy, but I don't understand what you're saying."

The man did not answer directly, but only laughed coldly, "Hmph, Percy has made us lovers separated from each other, yin and yang forever, he has caused my beloved to be in such a situation, I will let him experience what it means to be in pain today!"

The man's figure flashed, like a phantom in the night, instantly approaching Lisbeth Dawson, those powerful hands suddenly locking onto her slender neck, easily lifting her whole body in the air, the cold hard wall instantly becoming her helpless reliance.

Lisbeth Dawson's eyes were dilated by suffocation and flushed with a white film of pain, the flame of life wavering as if it were about to be extinguished at that very moment.

Unwilling to give in to this, she scraped together the last remnant of her will and strength, and groped tremblingly towards the depths of her pocket, where a glimmer of hope lay--the

The letter that had been quietly delivered last night.

That letter, like the light of salvation, illuminated a ray of life for her on the edge of despair.

The demon king's attention was attracted by this sudden action, his eyes fell on the envelope, those few glittering, hot gold writing words "Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion", in the dim light appeared particularly eye-catching, transmitting a kind of not to be underestimated majesty.

To this name, even the Demon King could not help but feel a bit wary in his heart.

In the vastness of heaven and earth, the owner of the Nine Winds Xuan Pavilion was like a reclusive emperor, although he was far away from the hustle and bustle and didn't get involved in worldly affairs easily, but once his majesty was challenged, even an ancient giant demon would have to weigh the consequences.

These few short words were like invisible shackles, allowing the Demon King's power that was about to go out of control to be restrained for a moment.

He swept a disdainful glance at the paralysed and dying Lisbeth Dawson, and turned his attention to the letter in his hand, rudely tearing open the envelope:

"My lord, how long have you been away? We have not seen each other for several years, if I may count. Why do you have to sink in the world's troubles, why not come to our pavilion, enjoy a pot of tea, and catch up on old friendships, wouldn't that be nice?"

The words in the letter were gentle but contained a weight that could not be ignored, clearly a gentle warning, attempting to calm the storm that was about to erupt.

The Demon King laughed coldly, a hint of contempt flashing in his eyes, "Hmph, hmph, you hold this hostage and think you can do anything to me? A mere letter, and you're trying to bind my will? This is really ridiculous! You shouldn't have forgotten that when I am burning with anger, even she can't stop me. Today, I will get rid of this person!"

After speaking, the Demon King tightened his fingers once again, intending to completely end Lisbeth Dawson's life.


Just in the nick of time, an even fiercer demonic wind swept in, and along with the sound of the wind, a woman with a stunningly beautiful appearance suddenly appeared in the room.

Her demeanour was elegant, with an unquestionable determination in her eyes, and with a wave of her hand, she gently set aside the Demon King's hand that was strangling Lisbeth Dawson's throat.

"Brother, turning back is the way to go, you being so stubborn will only cause our entire family to fall into the land of doom!"

The woman's tone was gentle but firm, every word revealing a deep concern for the family's future.

Her appearance undoubtedly brought a turnaround to this extremely tense atmosphere.

A hint of surprise appeared between the man's brows, his tone tinged with disbelief, "Sister? What a surprise, she has gone to such lengths to achieve her goal this time, inviting a great person like you. Wanting to see you is simply harder than climbing up to heaven."

The woman laughed softly, her laughter was like the spring breeze, gentle with a few moments of calmness, "Hehe, brother you are being too flattering. I was originally a member of her command, to serve her is my job, why do I need to say 'please'? This is merely a matter of duty."

The man slightly sidestepped and prepared to leave, his words accompanied by the sound of footsteps fading away, "Since it's Sister herself who is here, Little Brother naturally has to give this face ..."

The voice gradually dissipated into the air until it disappeared completely.

After the man had completely left, the woman slowly turned around and gently pulled up Lisbeth Dawson, who was beside her with a bewildered face and had clearly not yet recovered from the sudden change.

After a moment's silence, Lisbeth Dawson looked as if she had just awoken from a dream, disbelief and confusion sparkling in her eyes, "Have you made some mistake? I don't even know you guys!"

The woman gently shook her head, the corner of her mouth hooked into a bland smile, "Oh, it should be my confused brother who recognised the wrong person, and I'm really very sorry for causing you unnecessary trouble."

Although there were doubts in her heart, she did not show them on the surface.

She did not ask much about why her master had asked her to guard such an ordinary looking girl.

In her opinion, as long as it was her master's order, no matter what the reason was, carrying it out was the way to go.

As time passed, the crowd around her gradually dispersed, but Lisbeth Dawson was still in a daze, as if the whole world had become unreal at this moment ....

She sat frozen in place for a while before returning to her senses.

Starting to work on the messy scene in front of her.

Carefully carrying Auntie Red, who had unfortunately passed out from the chaos, Lisbeth Dawson wasted no time in rushing out of the place of wrongdoing.

After all, Hannah Jones and the others were still unconscious in this house, and she dared not risk being in the same room with them.

For the night, it seemed, she would have to take Auntie Red to a hotel for the time being.

When Hannah Jones woke up in the morning and realised her absence, she would naturally be unable to pursue the matter and would have no choice but to leave.

Thinking this way, Lisbeth Dawson's footsteps became more and more determined and disappeared into the depths of the night.