The red-haired man

On the narrow street.

The blonde man in the lead's mouth hooked into an evil smile, his golden hair swaying gently in the breeze, as if it was deliberately gentle.

"Oh, baby, why are you crying? Who bullied you? Brother help you fight back, come on, tell brother about it."

His fingers gently traced over Lisbeth Dawson's delicate porcelain-like shoulders, a disturbing tease.

Lisbeth Dawson's body trembled with fear, her eyes filled with stubbornness and defiance, her voice took on a hint of shrillness, "What do you want!"

Between the words, she struggled violently, trying to get away from the repulsive touch.


The man in the lead didn't pay attention to her resistance, instead, he gently imprinted his lips on her trembling shoulder, leaving a series of hickeys of varying depths, as if declaring his sovereignty, cruel and unrefusable.

Tears streamed down Lisbeth Dawson's face, and her helpless sobs echoed through the air, "No, no, please, let me go."

Just at this moment of despair, a sudden flash of red like a blazing fire rushed out from a dimly lit alleyway nearby, it was a red-haired man, his furious voice broke the original dreariness, "Fuck you, dare to fucking do something on my turf! Who the fuck is so ungrateful!"

His appearance was like the passage of a fierce wind, instantly stirring up the vile theatre.

The red-haired man's body was athletic, and he fought with those punks, every movement was sharp and dry, the battle scene was intense and chaotic, just like a war without smoke.

Time was frozen at this moment, until the dust settled, and the surroundings returned to a dead silence.

Finally, the fighting stopped.

The blonde man and his men were all bruised and battered, while the red-haired man remained upright, unscathed and with a powerful aura.

"Damn it, Baird the bastard drugged me with something! I can't get any fucking strength out of me!"

The blonde man's voice was filled with disbelieving rage, his feet trembled uncontrollably, but he still stiffened his neck and gritted his teeth, "Little brat! You listen to me well! This account, I have written it down, sooner or later I will have to settle it with you!

That woman, consider yourself lucky that I rewarded you!

Don't forget, I'm a member of the North Underworld family! We'll see!"

His threats echoed in the air, but they seemed so powerless.

Lisbeth Dawson, on the other hand, seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the wake of all this chaos, the reckless bravery of a stranger that lit a warm light for her in this cold city.

The red-haired man lazily flicked the dead branch in his hand, which he had picked up at random from the edge of the forest path, and tossed it down as casually as if he were discarding a useless worry.

He spat, his voice tinged with uninhibited and disdain, "Bah, f*ck a retard, I don't have that kind of free time to play with these ignorant clowns, I'm still waiting for the Lone Jing Clan's expert to have a real fight!"

After saying that, he turned around fiercely, that moment, like the most gorgeous sunset in the spring suddenly appeared, the absolutely beautiful face in the sunlight outlines appear particularly moving, the angles are clear, the features are exquisite, like heavenly craftsmanship carving.

This stunning sudden, so that is frozen standing Lisbeth Dawson can not help but be stunned, the heart secretly marvelled, this, this is simply the Creator's preference, too beautiful.

As the red-haired man approached step by step, each step seemed to step on top of Lisbeth Dawson's heartstrings, she suddenly snapped back to her senses, a trace of panic flashed across her face, "You, don't come over, I'm warning you ..."

The corners of the red-haired man's mouth lifted into a playful smile as he gently lifted Lisbeth Dawson's chin, the movement both gentle and irresistible.

Lisbeth Dawson's body involuntarily trembled, instinctively closed her eyes, her heartbeat was like a drum, and countless random thoughts flashed through her mind, "He, he shouldn't be trying to ..."


Just when she was nervous to the extreme, his slightly teasing voice came from her ears, "Heh, think I'm going to kiss you? That's funny."

 Lisbeth Dawson's eyes snapped open, her cheeks flushed crimson, and a pang of chagrin ran through her, how could she have been so naive?

The redhead laughed even more cheerfully at the sight, "What, mesmerised by my charms? Well, that's normal, most girls react this way when they see me."

His eyes were full of confidence and smugness.

Upon hearing this, Lisbeth Dawson's anger surged up and she unceremoniously slapped her palm out, shouting, "Shameless!"


Her hand was easily caught in mid-air by a warm palm, the force was light but made it impossible to break free.

The red-haired man's eyes instantly became sharp, and a flash of ferocity made Lisbeth Dawson involuntarily tense up, and her breathing became cautious, "You, what do you want ..."

Before Lisbeth Dawson finished speaking, the red-haired man already had a careless look, dropping a frivolous sentence, "Whatever!"

Lisbeth Dawson stood there alone, her heart beating wildly, her cheeks heating up, at a loss for words for a moment.

This was not the first time she had been molested, but strangely enough, this time, apart from the initial anger and panic, she did not feel the slightest disgust, but instead, her heart was a mixture of flavours, complicated and difficult to discern.

Noticing that Lisbeth Dawson did not follow, the red-haired man stopped his steps and turned back with some impatience, "Why are you still standing still? Hurry up and follow me, don't tell me you're scared?"

The words were both challenging and vaguely caring, adding a bit of unknown interest to this chance encounter.

Lisbeth Dawson slightly pondered, between the flow of eyes, as if thinking about his own in this huge city, whether there is still a corner of the corner can be safe to avoid the wind.


Thoughts eventually turned into a soft sigh, she gently raised her steps, followed the upright figure, stepped into the unknown journey.

Tong Quan Building, this giant in the steel forest, with its lofty posture stands in the sky, the top floor is like a palace on top of the clouds, away from the hustle and bustle, permeated with an unrivalled arrogance.

The sunlight penetrated through the thin clouds, dappled on the crystal clear glass curtain wall, reflecting dazzling light, like the junction between the heavenly world and the earthly world, mysterious and solemn.

"Hey, big brother is back!"

A clear call broke the silence, followed by Baird's slightly exaggerated voice of surprise.

When he noticed Lisbeth Dawson, whose temperament was as gentle as water, immediately behind the man, his eyes flashed with disbelief, and his mouth couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, I actually saw my sister-in-law in my big brother's lifetime! This is simply more magical than the Dokuroku Nine Swords reappearing in the jianghu!"

At the end of his speech, Baird did not wait for the others to react, and already pulled Lisbeth Dawson over with enthusiasm, as if he had found some rare treasure, looking up and down, with curiosity and love in his eyes:

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, just like a fairy coming out of an ancient scroll!

Let me give you a formal introduction, my name is Baird, Ice is my surname, Night is my first name, doesn't it sound very meaningful?

I, my elder brother Theobald, and my brother Quinn, the three of us have teamed up to create an organisation called 'The Dokuro Three Nights', isn't this name particularly domineering, the moment you hear it, it makes people think that we are the kind of existence that can stir the winds and clouds of the rivers and lakes?"

Lisbeth Dawson was a bit overwhelmed by this sudden enthusiasm, her face blushing slightly as she hastily waved her hand to clarify:

"Eh, you misunderstood, I'm not your big brother's ... that, or don't call me sister-in-law, I'll be embarrassed."

At the same time, the side of Theobald is also a face, voice with a few points of unquestionable majesty, and just now Baird's ease is very different:

"He's not your sister-in-law, don't call him that from now on!"

These words almost sounded at the same time as Lisbeth Dawson's words, the two men's gazes inadvertently met in the air, a subtle and awkward atmosphere quietly spread in the air.