Heartbreaking Scenes

Lisbeth Dawson, with a tremor in her voice and a subtle glint of anticipation in her eyes, whispered, "Thank you very much indeed, Brother. May I ask, can you tell me exactly which of the West Hill villa complex he went to? There are numerous villas there, and each one of them is unique, so without a specific name, searching for it is like finding a needle in a haystack."

On the other side of the mountain, the West Mountain villa cluster lay quietly amidst the lushness, echoing the East Mountain villa cluster, and although they were both havens for the rich and noble, they each had their own style.

Between the villas are scattered, each has its unique name, like a pearl hidden in the forest, if not know it like the back of your hand, even if it is close at hand, it is difficult to easily visit.

Servant A's expression was enlivened by his memories, a hint of a playful smile hanging at the corner of his mouth as he slowly said: ''I remember at that time, when the young master was leaving, Miss Jones was having a little moody moment, and seemed to be arguing about something. Let me think, oh, right! Young master mentioned ...Diamond Villa!That's right, young master did head to Diamond Villa!"

These three words were like a spring of fresh water, instantly rushing into Lisbeth Dawson's heart, making her eyes suddenly light up, and the three words "Diamond Villa" were like a magic spell, echoing in her ears, bringing her an unprecedented shock.

So, even though there was a gap between them, he still had a place for her in his heart?

This unexpected discovery made her mood inexplicably happy, and she subconsciously rubbed her hand gently over her still-unnoticeable abdomen.

Although she was no longer the person Percy Spencer saw her as, this tiny life in her belly was, after all, the fruit of their love, and she firmly believed that blood was thicker than water, and that he would accept this little life that was about to arrive.

Nodding gratefully to Gatekeeper A, Lisbeth Dawson decided to embark on her quest alone.

Knowing full well that she was pregnant, she deliberately changed into lightweight trainers, forgoing her usual favourite high heels.


Even so, more than ten miles down the journey, her feet are still inevitably new shoes rubbed out blisters, every step is accompanied by a vague pain.

This kind of pain is difficult for outsiders to understand, but she gritted her teeth and insisted, because the love in her heart, like a burning flame, gave her endless strength and courage, driving her forward step by step, in the direction of the man who had haunted her.

Ten minutes seemed to stretch into eternity, flowing slowly through the silent night.

The moonlight spilled softly over the ground, lending a faint silver glow to the impending encounter.

She, Lisbeth Dawson, stepped gingerly to the intricately carved gates of the Diamond Villa.

The door was closed, but the warm yellow light that filtered through the cracks was like a gentle call, luring people to explore.

The world outside the door was quiet and mysterious, in stark contrast to the vague bustle inside.

Doorman A stood by the door, his tall and lanky figure stood out in the night, the familiar face of Lisbeth Dawson.

"Hello Brother, I'm sorry to bother you so late, I'm here to see Percy Spencer, is he in there?"

Her voice was soft with a hint of urgency, her eyes flashed with anticipation and unease.

Doorman B sniffed, a flash of hesitation flashed across his face, "Erm ... he's in, but ..."

His tone was a little hesitant, and his eyes unconsciously glanced down the hall, then he lowered his head, looking slightly embarrassed.

Lisbeth Dawson sensitively caught this dissimilarity, and his heartstrings were inexplicably tugged.

"Can you let me in? I have some urgent business with him."

Lisbeth Dawson's tone took on an air of insistence, and her eyes were firm, as if she had already made up her mind.

Doorman B looked a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, Miss Lisbeth, it's really not that we're intentionally making things difficult, it's just that without the master's permission, outsiders are not allowed to enter at will."

Faced with the doorman's refusal, Lisbeth Dawson frowned slightly, and with a twinkle in her eye, she suddenly pointed to the doorman's left side and cried out in feigned surprise, "Ah! Look at that!"

Doorman B reflexively put his hand into his coat pocket and quickly pulled out a delicate pistol, his body tensed up and alertly looked to the left with an air of being on the verge of an enemy.

And yet.There was nothing there but the shadows of trees swaying in the wind.

"Eh? Strange, there's nothing!"

Doorman B muttered suspiciously and looked around, but saw nothing but tranquillity.

"Miss Lisbeth, are you looking at it wrong, there is indeed nothing over there!"

When he turned his head to confirm with Lisbeth Dawson again, he was shocked to realise that the slender figure had disappeared.

"Hey, Miss Lisbeth, you can't go in there!"

Doorman B then realised and hastily called out, but all was lost.

Lisbeth Dawson made use of this momentary distraction to push open the heavy door with agility, and in a flash disappeared into the brilliantly lit hall.

The moment she stepped through the threshold, Lisbeth Dawson's heart beat so violently that her palms involuntarily covered her lips, as if to suppress the awe that was about to escape her lips.

Hot tears rolled down and scalded her cold fingertips, and that was because the sight before her exceeded all her imaginations and expectations--