Tempers Flare

Severus Snape was in a foul mood. Not that he was ever in a good mood, but his temperament today was of a particularly vile variety.

The thought of being able to watch as Black was kissed by a dementor left Severus relieved he was wearing a robe, his physical reaction brought on by the anticipation of witnessing this wondrous event would certainly have been noticeable in anything less 'roomy'. To somehow have that delectable pleasure snatched away from him at the last minute was a right kick to the plums.

For Potter to then speak to him in that derogatory manner, before point blank denying any involvement in Black's escape, was the straw that broke the camel's back - and Severus' resolve to at least maintain a pretence of being a law-abiding wizard. His wand was coming out and the brat was going to feel pain - excruciating pain.

Now that he had calmed down slightly, Severus realised that Poppy had actually done him a massive favour. Casting the torture curse on their precious 'Boy who Lived' - in front of the Minister of Magic and the Chief Warlock - was probably not a good idea. Severus couldn't see even Albus being able to save him after casting that curse on Potter.

His anger had lasted all night though, and was still looking for a very specific outlet to erupt all over. Watching as the youngest Weasley boy sat eating his breakfast alone didn't help his temperament any either. Although he was now somewhat grateful to Poppy, Severus certainly wasn't going anywhere near the infirmary to look for Potter. Having the business end of her wand mere inches from his face once was more than enough for the potions professor, he had no wish to offer Pomfrey the opportunity for a repeat performance.

That Albus appeared to be simply ignoring all that had unfolded last night was also strange behaviour for the old wizard, behaviour that Severus was struggling to understand. The brat had stood there facing a professor down, staring straight into Severus' eyes in challenge, yet the only read he could get from Potter's spawn was anger - no thoughts whatsoever. The brat was normal like an open book, waiting to be read with the merest glance. Surely if the boy had learned to shield his thoughts then Albus would be concerned…

Severus' own thoughts were interrupted by the epicentre of his ire entering the great hall for lunch. With a cry of 'Potter' so powerful that it could almost be measured on the Richter Scale, Severus headed straight for his prey - determined that the Potter boy would be quaking in his shoes by the time he was finished with the brat.

Seeing the bat swoop towards them, Harry tried to release Hermione's hand in case he had to fight. Hermione wasn't having any of that, and she told him so over their bond. 'We can't fight him - yet. Let him make an arse of himself in front of everyone. If he tries anything, we'll just say no - let them expel us.'

Harry finding humour in the situation confirmed to Hermione her betrothed was still in control. 'What happened to the girl who thought death was preferable to being expelled?'

Hermione joked right back. 'I got me this kick-arse boyfriend who showed me different…'

Snape was on them before they could continue their mental conversation, both also noticed Dumbledore and McGonagall heading in their direction too.

"Potter, detention with me until the end of term - starting right now." Grabbing Harry's sleeve, Severus started dragging the boy out of there.

Harry was well used to getting dragged about by his uncle but this time he could do something about it. Snape had forcefully dragged him about six feet, pulling Harry's left hand from Hermione's. Placing that now free hand on his right shoulder, Harry used his ring to cast a very low powered cutting curse. There was no flash of magic though the entire hall heard the ripping sound that resulted in a bemused Snape standing there with the now detached sleeve of Harry's robe in his hands.

Knowing this could quickly get out of hand, and the entire school was watching, Albus had to intervene. "Severus, what seems to be the problem here?"

Harry got his complaint in first. "The problem, Headmaster, is that a Hogwarts professor just manhandled me - using enough force to rip right through my robes."

"Nonsense Harry, I'm sure we can soon have this misunderstanding sorted out. We'll have your robe fixed in a jiffy..."


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