Reconnecting Ties

Having been initially angry at his two best friends getting together, Ron's Weasley temper was tempered somewhat by the chance of getting out of Snape's potions' class. There was a question he just had to ask though. "Harry, what about us?"

Harry's hand returned to Ron's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze as he laced his reply with obvious false sincerity. "Ron, I know we're close - but I just don't think of you that way. I asked Hermione to be my girlfriend, she said yes."

With his eyes as wide as saucers, a horrified Ron knocked Harry's hand away as he slid along the bench to open a gap between them. Hermione's loud laughter was soon joined by Luna's, and then everyone else at the table. Ron eventually play punched a grinning Harry's shoulder as he got the joke.

"You can go off some people you know…"

"Never gonna happen, Ron. This is Luna, Luna Lovegood. I just found out she's my godsister and hope Gryffindor will make her welcome - Ravenclaw certainly don't."

As Harry and Hermione quickly put some lunch together, they wanted to get to Lupin before he could leave the castle, they were interrupted by a grateful Neville.

"Harry, thank you so much for including me in the people who wouldn't have to get taught potions by Snape."

Reaching over the table, Harry held his hand out to shake Neville's. "I just found out we're godbrothers, of course I was going to include you. Did you know?"

Shaking Harry's offered hand, Neville reluctantly nodded. "My mother is your godmother. She's… She and my dad have been in St Mungo's for years."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

Hearing nothing but genuine interest in Harry's question, Neville told the truth. "I thought you knew, and didn't want anything to do with me."

Harry didn't know how to answer that, and thankfully Luna saved him from having to. "Three best friends, all godmothers to the three of us. Alice is your godmother, Harry. Lily is mine, and my mother was Neville's. That makes you my godbrother too, Neville, if you want?"

The two boys still had their hands clasped from shaking, Harry applied a slight pressure - encouraging Neville to say yes. With a smile at Luna, the shy boy said he would love to have a godsister too. Luna's smile in return practically lit up the entire Gryffindor table.

"Luna, Hermione and I really need to get to Professor Lupin before he leaves. He was, is, a family friend. It might take us some time to sort out the things we need to talk about but Ron and Neville will take care of you. You could trust either of them with your life."

Both boys sat up that little bit straighter as Harry addressed the rest of the people sitting around them. "As I said, her housemates are giving Luna a hard time in Ravenclaw - she will be welcome here. That means Dean, no hitting on my sister. Lavender and Parvatti, no pumping her for gossip. Gred and Feorge - no pranks."

"Hey Harrykins"

"Our mum can't stop us pranking"

"What makes you think…"

Both suddenly drew in a deep breath before looking at each other and communicating with just a glance.

"Yes, you were just pranked. It was harmless though, I just swapped your underwear with each other. A cruel prank would have been to swap yours with McGonagall's. Knowing your mum hand stitches your names onto your unmentionables, McGonagall would soon find out who to blame."

Ignoring the laughter all around them, a white-faced Fred managed to get a sentence out. "Harrykins - that would be unbelievably cruel."

"No, unbelievably cruel would be swapping your underwear with Snape's."

Both twins immediately pushed their lunch away, their previously pale parlour had now taken on a rather green hue. Professional curiosity finally won out though, George just had to know. "How did you do that? I never even seen your wand used. Where did you learn to do that?"

"It's in my blood, guys. My patronus is named Prongs, after my father."

It was now the twins turn to have eyes the size of saucers. "Oh son of Prongs…"

"Eh, did I mention a certain Padfoot is my godfather?"

"Pranking royalty here, Fred. I knew we liked him for a reason."

"Your godsister will not be pranked by us, Harrykins."

"Or my godbrother?"

Laughing at Harry's cheek, both nodded. "Or your godbrother."

Wearing a wide smile, Harry stood with the sandwich he'd yet to take a bite of wrapped in a napkin. "Thanks everyone, but we gotta go." Hermione was instantly at his side, her own napkin wrapped sandwich in her hand.

Neville couldn't believe how much his life had just been changed - no potions classes with Snape and no pranks by Fred or George. All Harry wanted in return was for him to keep an eye on Luna, who was his godsister too. That was something Neville had every intention of doing. Yes Neville was well aware he was excruciatingly shy but for Harry, he'd make the extra effort to get to know this girl.

"Luna, what can you tell me about my godmother?"

Asking Luna to talk about her mum was exactly the right thing to do. She chatted away until long after lunch had finished.


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