Destruction and Aftermath

Sitting in a hot bath, with Harry's arm comfortingly around her, Hermione was still shivering. Using Tom's knowledge stored inside Harry's head, they had easily discovered the diadem he'd turned into a horcrux. Harry didn't have any problem stabbing it with one of the basilisk fangs either. It was the gut-wrenching scream that signalled the end of this particular soul anchor that affected Hermione so badly.

Yes this was Voldemort, and they had just destroyed a piece of his soul - and that's where Hermione was having the problem. It felt like cold blooded murder, and had shaken her to the core. Harry had her wrapped protectively in his arms and was also in her head to try and offer support.

"Hermione, that's what makes us different from them. You have a good heart and a conscience that will guide us both. I could never turn to the darkness with you in my life, you simply wouldn't let me."

"Harry, you could never be dark either. I've seen your heart and it's every bit as good as you claim mine is. It was just the shock of hearing that thing scream, and seeing the consequences of deliberately setting out to kill something. Intellectually I more than understand we need to destroy these things, it was the practicality of witnessing it that chilled me to the bone. Ten minutes in a roasting shower and now sitting here with you and I still can't shake it off."

"Maybe you need something to take your mind off it, like looking at where we want to spend at least the summer. Might take my mind of you in that swimsuit, at least before I get slapped for some of the thoughts running through my head."

"Harry, you're more likely to get snogged than slapped. Still, looking at where we want to hide from the world sounds like a great idea..."

Dobby appeared with the folder before they could even call for him, and had already charmed the documents waterproof. The room had provided them with a sunken tub that was about eight feet square, and four feet deep in the centre. The young couple were sitting snuggled into one corner, both wearing the swimwear that had been provided too.

Remus had four choices for them but Hermione could feel Harry's excitement the moment he opened the second one. It was easily the largest of the four, but having its own private beach on Italy's Amalfi Coast mean this one instantly got Harry's vote. Going over the other three, he was delighted when she confirmed that one was her choice too.

"Imagine getting up in the morning and being able to look out the window at the ocean, that would be fantastic."

"Harry, this is going to be your home. I'm sure we can find a bedroom that has a sea view for you." Hermione loved how the simplest of things could thrill Harry. With their choice made though, neither was in any hurry to leave this wonderful bath. Harry soon had his arms wrapped around Hermione again. She could feel the contentment practically radiating off him so Hermione just had to say something.

"As well as its own beach, that house - Ok, we can't call something with over forty bedrooms a house. It's a bloody mansion, with its own swimming pool too. What I was trying to say is that we could do this a lot more often."

"Hermione, anytime - you will never have to ask me twice. It's moments like this, just sitting here holding you, that make me feel I can cope with anything."

"It's exactly the same for me, Harry. This is so new for both of us but the bond our rings give us will keep it honest. I know you find me attractive, that's not something I expected..."

"Hermione, I think you're beautiful. I'm amazed and so thankful you're prepared to take a chance on us being a couple. I just keep thinking back to my mum saying we could be so much more, I already know that's what I want. I'll try my very best to make that something you want too."

"Boys can be so silly sometimes, why do you think I kissed you? I want that too, Harry."

The trials and troubles they'd faced tonight, and even those they knew had still to come, were being forgotten about as the young couple lived in the moment for now. Without having to discuss it, both understood they weren't ready for anything more serious than some snogging.

Carrying out that action while both of them wore very little, and were soaking wet, would easily provide memories powerful enough to generate their patronuses. Since this room couldn't be found, and Hermione had a device that would allow them to go back in time to where no one would miss them, neither was in a hurry to stop this very pleasurable activity.


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