A Healer's Stand

She was shocked at what he was saying but Harry didn't care, he went straight for McGonagall's jugular. "Guess what, I don't trust you to protect me from it happening either. The headmaster would tell you it was for my own good, and you would meekly go along with it. You're the Deputy Headmaster at Hogwarts but sit quiet as a mouse and allow his pet Death Eater to run roughshod over your house of the brave - even at quidditch."

Hearing that left McGonagall lost for words, something Dumbledore never suffered from. "Mr Potter, this dramatic change in your attitude - your whole personality - needs to be investigated. I'm sorry but I must insist you come with me to my office so we can examine what has happened - and try to fix this."

Harry was about to explode, and tell Dumbledore where he could shove his office, when he felt a calming hand on his shoulder. Poppy was once more coming to the rescue.

"Excuse me, Headmaster, but that's my job. I would never dispute you are a very learned wizard but, amongst those many qualifications and titles you hold, it falls to me to point out none of them are for healing. I shall be keeping Mr Potter, and Miss Granger, in the infirmary until I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they are whole and hale."

"I can't allow that, Poppy."

"You can't stop me, Albus. In regards to the health of these children, my position overrules yours. Since it was you yourself who stated Mr Potter's health needed to be investigated, I fail to see how you can change that."

Albus was livid. This was the second time in a matter of hours his decisions were being questioned by a member of staff. Harry's insolence was bad enough, and to hear him spouting what could possibly happen if he was dragged along to Albus' office - in front of his friends and Poppy - meant he needed to be careful how he handled that side of things. To have Poppy thinking she could ever overrule him inside Hogwarts was something he had to immediately slap down.

"While I said the changes in young Harry needed investigating, no where did I even hint those changes required medical intervention. I merely wished a chat with the boy, to see if we could get to the bottom of this."

"That's fair enough, Headmaster, but I now suspect there is another reason behind the lad's change, and I intend to discover what it is. That sir, is my job. Should I be able to give him clean bill of health, you of course could have your chat with him then. Mr Potter, I want you on that bed over there. Miss Granger, you may take the one next to him."

"Poppy, not only do I find this action totally unnecessary, I get the feeling this is a deliberate attempt to deny me access to Mr Potter. That is way beyond your remit, and something I can't permit to happen."

The healer stood her ground. "If you think that, then dismiss me. I would like to point out that you cannot have Hogwarts open without a healer, and I would intend to very publicly claim for unfair dismissal by Albus Dumbledore.

A wizard of your stature should not be throwing his toys out of his pram when things don't go your way, in front of students too. It demeans not only you personally, but the esteemed position of Hogwarts Headmaster."

While hating being cornered like this, Albus was well aware the esteem Poppy Pomfrey was held in by the witches and wizards of Britain. Her many years caring for the students of Hogwarts meant she was probably the best known healer in the country.

When Poppy Pomfrey spoke, people would listen - and Albus couldn't afford for that to happen. There were certain events that had taken place inside the castle in the last few years that Albus didn't want anyone looking too closely at. He made a snap decision.

"Very well, you may keep Mr Potter and Miss Granger here. However, until we can ascertain exactly what the problem is, I fear we must deny them any visitors..."

Ron quickly objected. "What about me? I went through the same things, shouldn't I be in a bed here too?"

A quick surface scan of the boy's thoughts let Albus see he had no idea what had brought about this change in his best friends, only that they had changed. Not wanting to deal with Molly's concerns over her youngest son being confined to the infirmary, Albus vetoed Ron's suggestion.

"While that may be so, Mr Weasley, you are not displaying the severe attitude adjustment that your two friends are. I'm sorry but my decision on this is final, and I would now ask you all to leave."

Hermione pulled Luna into a comforting hug, but she also wanted to whisper some instructions in the girl's ear. "Dobby will pass messages between us, and also take anything you want to your father. Call for Dobby when you need him."

Knowing exactly what Hermione was doing, Harry asked Ron and Neville to keep an eye on Luna for them. Their three friends then left the infirmary, and Poppy got right down to work.

"Right you two, I have to warn you the next few days are not going to be pleasant. To get to the bottom of this, we're going to have to rule out all possibilities. We'll start with purging potions, just in case someone managed to slip you something that has both of you acting in this manner."