A Call for Change

Hermione had shocked them into silence so Harry gave them an insight to just why they were doing this. "In a school baring the Potter name, there will be no bigotry, no one will be lording it over anyone else - including us. This will only work if we are treated as ordinary students too."

"There will be no trolls, no basilisks, no dementors, no famous defence teachers who can only perform one spell - obliviate. Hogwarts has been a nightmare for both of us from the instant we walked in the door. I'd never flown a broom before starting here yet McGonagall put me on the quiddich team - because she wanted to win the cup."

"I wasn't even asked if I wanted to play, I didn't even know what quidditch was. The same first year we went to McGonagall and told her the stone was in danger, she refused to believe us. Dumbledore said it was safe, end of story - except it wasn't. Ron, Hermione and I got past those traps, and I was left to face Voldemort and kill Quirrell - I was ELEVEN!"

Taking Harry's hand in her own, Hermione summed it up for them. "Harry and I both went through six years of muggle school before coming here. If any muggle school was run as badly as Hogwarts is, the government would soon step in and close that school. With the Ministry being as badly run as Hogwarts, and no alternative school within Britain, we're stuck with Hogwarts and Dumbledore - unless we do this. Both Harry and I have had enough of us being annually landed in deadly danger. How long will it be before our luck runs out?"

Having calmed down enough to continue, Harry laid it all out for them. "My mum and dad gave their lives so I could live, not so a demented headmaster with his own agenda could keep putting me into situations where I could lose that life. The gold in my vaults is no good to me if I'm dead."

"I'm the last of the Potters, I don't even know who that gold goes too if anything happens to me. I want the name Potter to live on long after I'm gone, opening a school - and making it a great school - will see that happen. This is not something we're doing on a whim, we're deadly serious. Funds to put all this in place will be available right after we get to Gringotts, that will be the same day we get out of here."

Hermione was enthusiastically nodding in agreement. "We can get to you over the holidays, and it will also be like a holiday for you too. We don't want to say too much on where the building's location actually is, but it has its own private beach on the Mediterranean Sea. Even if you just come and offer your ideas, we would still love to see you there."

It was then Poppy offered her own opinion on the matter. "I've obviously spent more time with these two lately, I can assure you they're serious about this. So serious, I've already agreed to go and have a look for myself over the summer."

Pomona was suddenly all business, letting everyone know she was at least interested in the idea. "When do you foresee this proposed school opening?"

Harry answered as honestly as he could. "Ideally, the first of September. I feel it might be later than that, though I hope to miss spending another Halloween here. We would rather open later and have things ready but do see the problems of not opening for a new school term starting in September - we could lose a lot of potential students that way. It will all depend on the building, and of course the staff. If we get the people we want, then that decision would be up to the Headmistress."

None missed Harry's deliberate use of Headmistress, or the fact both he and Hermione were staring at Pomona as he used it. She had her next question ready, and neither teen even attempted to hide their smiles. "How soon could we get these Portkeys?"


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