
big news

Four month pass by and now Arthur inside his apartment getting ready to go the job at the restaurant.'i don't expect four month have pass and now I have my own apartment that I rent using the money from my part time job ant the restaurant'. Arthur then continue walking toward the restaurant while hearing people talking about new anti villain that has been roaming the city. On the way to his job Arthur walk pass by television store. Arthur take a look at the news. News reporter 'good morning centre city today at six o'clock one villain and one hero has been found in the alley tie together hanging up side down from the building. If you asking who work this is,it was phantom and how do we know that she left a note and in the note have her name on it. If you know something about or information about this anti villain name phantom please let the hero know together we make centre city the best city to live on. That's all for today news let's move to weather'. Arthur then walk away while saying 'it they fault to be honest'.

Flash back to yesterday at night

Arthur sitting on corner of building while eating his dinner 'man today work are really tired on top of that I have to look out make sure all men are safe back home ahhhh!' he eating his dinner with annoying face before caught off guard by man screaming on the alley. 'man this world are really need some help with this problem' Arthur the put down his food and put on his suit 'i hope that this is some fire type talent so I can test this bad boy out'he reference to his suit witch has been upgraded using some kind fire resistant material but he can't test it out because he never meet fire or heat types talent. Arthur then continue to cover his body with aura and run towards the soud of screaming. It not take Arthur to long to spot to girl try to rabe a teenage ' what the , he just a teenage boy. This world really need some help lucky for you I'm already here' Arthur then set up a camera recording the scene before jumping down to help the boy.

'hello ladies and gentlemen having good night aren't we' he say while landing in front and on top of the boy 'hey son need some help' he then look to the women 'wait you a villain and you are hero so you to work together to do something unholy to this poor young boy?'. The villain 'you phantom the new anti villain I hear a rumours about being the Strongest anti villain aver in history' she try to tie Arthur using her talent witch Arthur cut the string 'wow so your talents is some kind robe or something like that. What a shame I looking forward to fight fire type talent tonight but nah who care' Arthur try to attack her but get send flying to the wall by the hero 'what in the world was that' he look to the hero who have grown two time from the original size 'god damm, your talent allows you to double the size or what? Nah what ever the biggest the size more easy to hit' Arthur the run towards the hero while take his katana out and start to hit the hero every inch of her body 'well that was harder then I thought. Wait where your friend went?' as Arthur saying that the villain already behind Arthur and knock Arthur katana off his hand. ' seriously what now I need to make my katana tie up my waist or what' Arthur frustrated ' Avery time I fight my sword always get knock off my hand' Arthur then get ready to close combat 'yeah like I have another choice' . The villain run towards Arthur ready to punch using her hand witch get warped by string. 'yeah not happening' arhut said before throwing nails towards the villain makeing her fall to the ground 'ouch it must hurt landing using your face isn't?' end of flash back. 'yeah they deserve it' Arthur the walk inside restaurant and start to working. 'hey Art!' a voice calling for behind Arthur. 'oh John what's up?', turn out it just John who has been work together with Arthur at the same restaurant.'not much just want to ask you something. Do you want to continue your study I mean not far from hero school they build normal school only for boy. So do you want to join me in this school?' John said to Arthur. 'sorry man it not that I hate the plan but you know right my back story I mean what if my family I was there. I guarantee will go there try to take me home and the rest you know right'. At this point John already know what happen to Arthur when he was a boy but Arthur don't tell John about anti villain stuff to John. John then say 'if you think about it again. You are right I mean the even use they talent to beat you up man look at you left arm it has burnt mark on it. I much luck because my mom don't beat me and my dad for being a man'. Arthur shock by John because her mom is nice towards them 'well if you put it that way you pretty luck guy don't you' Arthur then get up and served customer. It was a busy time for the restaurant because of the school almost start and all parents buy they daughters new equipment for them. 'ahh finally we can take a rest' John say while Arthur sit next to him.'hey John can I ask you something' Arthur say. 'yes go on man , ask what you want it's okay we are friends don't hold back with that question' John say. 'okay. What do you think about new anti villain that roaming this city? I mean she did save people from hero or villain right' here Arthur using she because only girl have talent in this world and he don't want tell anyone about he being a anti villain. 'you mean phantom?' john ask again 'yes that phantom' Arthur said.' well she did save people but I still puzzled by her choice for being anti villain instant being a hero. Don't get me wrong I mean she did poses a strong talent but she Chose to ack as anti villain and now hero and villain on her tail' John answer Arthur question. 'what is she have a reason to do so?' Arthur ask John again. 'even if she have a reason she can't do something illegal like that in this world every hero need a licence to being a hero otherwise they will do what ever the want forgetting the rule that have been set by government' John said again answering Arthur question. Arthur look at john puzzle 'wait you have to take a licence to be a hero!'

Arthur shock not knowing about this earlier.'yeh man you don't know. I mean it not your fault not knowing about this thing. We are guy and we don't pay so much attention to this matter but at least you know about this thing Art. It a common sense though' John said looking at Arthur puzzle expression. 'what do you mean I know about that thing, I just testing you man' Arthur try to Cover up that he not from this world. 'any way our work are done after we serve that two customers' John point at two female hero that just enters before closing time. 'yeah I take this you just rest here' say John while walking to there table. It all went smoothly until one of the hero grab John hand and start to disturb John by saying 'hey cute why don't you come with us and have some fun'. John start to panic because this is his first time get in this kind of situation.'no thanks miss but I still have work to do' John say. 'so if you done with your work it's okay to come with us? We promise you will have some fun with us' the second hero said. Arthur then get between them and cald the situation down by saying 'sorry ma'am my friend here already promised me to take a look at this city seen it my first time here so I don't really know place around this city'. 'well why don't I show you around? After I look at you, you have cute face with nice body's the first hero said. ' thank you ma'am but I don't want to disturb your working as hero by spending your time with this lowly man' Arthur say. After some time the two hero give up try to invite John and Arthur. 'well have a nice day ma'am' Arthur said watching the two hero now leaving the restaurant. Arthur then take a look at john who still afraid about what just happened. 'hey man you okay?' Arthur ask John, 'yeah I'm okay but I'm still afraid what will happen to me if you don't take action at that time. I mean this thing always appear in news where they found dead bodies of man without shirt or pants on and say this thinyis villain doing, I don't know that's hero will do something similar' John still trauma think what will happen to him. 'yeah you are right. Hey our shift is done why don't we go to arcade and play some games over there? Don't worry this time it on me.are you in?' Arthur invite John to go to arcade and help him forget about what just happened. 'yeah I'm in man' John accepted the invite. After that the two friend now playing arcade and having fun together. 'hey man this is fun don't you think' John say to Arthur 'you sure can say that again man' the two of them ow Playing game without notice it now dark outside. 'hey I think it time to go back John' Arthur say. 'yeah let go home now' John and Arthur walk out from the arcade and walk back home. On his way back home Arthur hear some noise from the alley. 'and here we go again' he then put on his mask and suit helping the poor guy. As always Arthur tie the hero up side down and run from the scenes after confirm the guy safety. ' well I'm getting use to this kind of thing' Arthur now try to change to his normal shirt but get attack form behind by someone ' seriously why you all always attack someone from behind' Arthur the turn his back and see top five hero night owl 'wow you one of the top ten hero, top five night owl I'm right?' .Night owl (Edin) ' surrender now phantom or we will do this in hard way'. 'wait we?' Arthur puzzle before someone walk out from the shadow 'wow you top nine hero Ninja' Arthur say looking at the hero. Ninja ' Give up phantom or we forced to use violent to do this. If you surrender yourself we can take you to hero school and teach you how to be hero the right way' she say while taking about her katana. Night owl 'yes phantom you have bright future as a hero but let me help I'm one of the teachers at this school I can lend your hand' while ready to use her talent. 'ummmm what about no? If me at school who will protect all the man I mean you not going to do it right?. Look there' Arthur point at the guy who almost get rabe by to hero earlier 'why don't you two take care of it earlier? oh right it just a man and why you waste you time on man right' ninja and night owl now confused hearing Arthur voice. 'wait a minute you a man!' night owl said in shock tone. 'wait really?' ninja also shock by the fact. 'what if I say yes what you gone rabe me or what?' Arthur mocking them. 'but you have talent and men don't have talent' ninja said. Night owl still in shock about this discovery. 'yes and bu the way I suggest you two cover your eye' Arthur said whill throwing flags grenade in fort of them. Ninja and night owl cover their eye hoping not to get blind by the flash grenade. After some time Ninja and night owl uncover they eye and didn't see anyone in front of them meaning Arthur already escape. 'we need to tell the others about this' Ninja said .'okay let's talk about this tomorrow and I know the right place to talk about this' night owl say . Mean while Arthur is now running away from them 'i don't have a dead wish to fight top five and nine hero' Arthur now far away from them. 'but they found out that's I'm a guy! I'm so dead now. Let's move slowly next time' Arthur then change his suit to casual shirts and enter his apartment after that he take a shower and go to sleep.

Next day

Arthur wake up from his sleep and get ready to work.Now he walking down the street hearing noise in every direction. 'what happen I mean it always so noisy but not this is far from normal' Arthur mumbling under his breath. Arthur then stop and look at the news.news report 'godd Morning centre city I'm here to bring you a big news today at eight o'clock first boy with talent has been announced at the hospital. And the name of this boy will be keep secrets for safety reasons that all from us and yes phantom hit again yesterday night hanging two more hero up side down with a note saying phantom was Here. That's all from me now move to weather'. Arthur shock hearing about the news ' I mean, I already predicted about this but I don't think it will be this soon. So that is all this noise is about' Arthur then continue his way to job.' good morning everyone!' Arthur said while see everyone is busy more then usual. Arthur then try to find John. 'hey man what happen here?' Arthur ask John. ' you don't know someone already book this restaurant for I don't but the manager seen to stress about it. You should go get ready they almost here I gusee' as John said that the door to the restaurant open and all top ten hero enter at the same time. 'yep I'm dead' Arthur say U der his breath. The ten hero's enter and sit at the table. 'hey man can you serve them. I will be back after I get changed' Arthur said try to run a way. 'nah man you do it' John reply while run to the back af the kitchen. Arthur look at john who already at the back of the kitchen 'yeah I'm really dead' Arthur gather all his courage and walk towards hero's table ' good morning ladies welcome to our restaurant what can I get you all for' Arthur say while stay calm all the time. Afthe they place there order 'ikay that all's?' Arthur ask and all of them nod at the same time 'oaky I be right back' Arthur the walk back to the kitchen placing the orders and walk to John 'come here U traitor'. 'im sorry okay look over there it all top ten hero what you want me to do huh?' John say. 'hohoho don't worry because you came with me to bring them food' Arthur say with a big smile on his face. After the food all done John and Arthur start to take the food to the hero's table and the last food was send by Arthur. 'here you go miss one set of breakfast and enjoy your food' Arthur then walk away but get stop by Edin(night owl) ' excuse me boy what Yous name' she ask. 'uhhh my name is Arthur miss' Arthur answer without thinking.'do we ever meet each other because your voice kind similar to someone' she ask again. Arthur then take a look at Edin who now staring at him and now Arthur remember that he encountered the two of them' haha I get it a lot from customer but I'm sure if it that we never meet miss'. Ninja then talk 'are you sure about it because you voice is similar to someone'. Arthur now remember everything that happened yesterday and noticed that this is the hero he run away yesterday. Now he panic 'um what does that mean miss' Arthur ask ninja. Before Ninja can talk top two hero cut in by saying 'okay it enough your two can you not disturb this young boy with his work. But I need to admit Arthur was it?'. 'yes miss, my name is Arthur' Arthur said while standing there in cold sweat.'ah my name is Sara or my hero name is salamander the top two hero.i need to admit that you is working here at such young age bo, I'm impressed by your courage to work. Why don't you take a break here sit next to me ?'.'im sorry miss but I don't feel comfortable if siting between top ten hero's ' Arthur said and walk away.'sowhat are the talking about' ask John who already hiding behind the counter. ' if you want to know why don't you go sit down next to them?' Arthur said to John.

At top ten hero's table

'so ninja, night owl why don't you tell us about what you want to talk about'. Ninja' night owl why don't you tell them'. Night owl (Edin) 'last night we come across phantom and we find out that he is a boy teenage boy to be pacific' the table then goes in shock because of what Edin said. Luna ' so you telling me that there are two boy with talent all this time and one of them is phantom and another one is Joshua the third'. Sara' wait so that son of the most rich family have talent?' .'i see so that guy have a talent' Arthur say under his breath.'well thas a big news to all of us here' say Arthur again.