What Did He See In Her?

THAT was ridiculous! 

Now this was really beginning to get on her nerves because for four more days, things went on like this and nothing changed. He didn't say a word to her, they barely saw each other, and he never once slept in the same room with her. 

What was his problem? She couldn't figure it out. He'd force her to sleep in the same room with him, and now he wouldn't even bother to. He'd force her to dine with him, and now he eats alone even before she attempts to.

He made sure to always let her know he was leaving, and now it was almost as if he didn't care. How could someone take a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn that easily?  

This was frustrating her more than she could take, and she found herself scratching her hair so angrily that it looked as if she could rip off a few strands.