Distance or No Distance?

NIX felt his hands twitch, and in a mere second, he gripped Valeric by the collar of his suit and began to shake him violently. "You emotionless man, you're ruining my entire hard work! How hard can it be to understand? How hard can it be to understand that she clearly doesn't want whatever distance you're giving her? She never smiled, said thank you, or even appreciated it, so what makes you think she's happy about it?"  

"I am confused." Valeric flickered his eyes tiredly. "She doesn't like when I'm close to her, and she also doesn't like when I give her distance. It does not make sense to me." 

"That is why feelings exist!! Things aren't always common sense, okay?" Nix shook him widely and abruptly let go, exhausted. "Please stop with this distance thing, unless she is happy about it. If she is not, quit it. You're going to worsen your relationship at this point!"