
"I…slipped in." Alex lifted his head and brushed off the bangs of wet, dark hair that latched onto his face, obstructing his view. "Thank you." He took in the appearance of Diego, whom he had only ever seen in the media, alongside his other two brothers and sister, only to flinch in shock.  


"What?" Diego asked and turned his head to look at him. However, the instant they locked gazes, that flame burned in their irises, their souls zinging. It was instinctive, but he had touched the smaller omegan man, and the second that spark shot like an electric through his entire body, he jolted backward away from him, his eyes frighteningly widening. 

Alex was equally lost, so much so that his mouth had dropped open wordlessly.  

"W-what the hell? That can't be possible! Wait, am I hallucinating? This can't-"