Did You Hurt Him?

ALEX tried to slap his hand off, but Diego wouldn't budge. "Look at me, shrimp, if you don't do it, I'll kill you, and even if I don't, I'll make you miserable, and you don't know what the heck I can do to you. So, what will it be?"  

"I'm pretty sure you've never even killed someone in your entire life." 

"Right, but you won't be a bad first."

"Go to hell!" the omega spat at him. 

"Still being stubborn! Those legs don't look too bad to break." 

"Touch me, and you'll regret it." 

"Make me!" He snatched him by the collar and yanked him off the floor. "Now we go out there, and you be a good boy!" 

"Boy?" Alex was beyond offended. "I'm thirty-five!" 

"Don't care." He began dragging him back into the living room. "We just had a nice little talk, and he's agreed to do it without condition."  

Nix looked at them, and his eyes shifted to the bruise on Alex's neck. "A nice little talk, huh? Did you hurt him?"