The New Boy

"Hi!" the boy greeted Drathal.

"What do you want?" snapped Drathal.

"I am looking for the way to the admissions office," he said.

"Go find it yourself," nipped Drathal.

"But you have the map, could you give me one," requested the boy.

"Oh, you want the map, come and grab it." Drathal raised his hands above his head teasing the short boy for his height.

"Please bullying is not good," pleaded the boy.

"Bullying? Bully? Do I look like a bully to you?" the word bully triggered something in Drathal. His eyes started changing colour.

But the boy was a peaceful one. "I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you," said the boy.

"Oh man, but you did, you did offend me," yelled Drathal.

"I am sorry," apologized the boy.

"No, no, you want a map, come and grab it, shorty," said Drathal. He stood on his toes and increased his height furthermore.

"Don't call me that," snapped the boy and his fangs showed.