The First Day

"She is coming! She is coming," everyone started whispering to each other. Talindra in her white power suit looked like a white tiger ready to devour everyone. A few people wanted to look at her as they had not seen her. A few people avoided her eyesight as they had heard about her temper. A few people were eager to work with her and a few wanted to hide from her.

"Everyone is staring at you," whispered Drelduin in her ears.

"Stop whispering in my ears, they are staring at that too," snapped Talindra.


"Let's go to the conference room. Every member of the board is waiting for you. They need a formal introduction," said Edhelriel.

"What? Oh no! Why do I have to meet with them? Can't we just start the work?" mumbled Talindra.

"You didn't meet with them yesterday at the party, now you have to at least shake hands with them. That is best for you," replied Edhelriel.