The Back to Office

Talindra got back in her car and sighed loudly.

"Everything alright?" asked Opal.

"Don't ask. Younger siblings are a pain in the ass," she sighed again. She placed her hands over the window and with her nose outside the windows she took a deep breath.

"Feeling okay? Shall we move?" asked Opal.

"Yes, Opal, let's!" she smiled at him.

Talindra reached the office and ran to her cabin. "Let's start the meetings" she ordered Leela.

"Calm down! Take a deep breath and drink this," she offered her a glass of water.

Meanwhile, Baraion checked Othorion's window and came out of his room. He again locked the door and gave instructions to his servants to feed his brother. He went to his car and called up his architect friend, Veda.

"Hi! How are you doing?" asked Veda.

"I need your help," said Baraion.
