Talindra and Baraion would look at each other, would try to talk to each other but could not gather up the courage. They could not look at their siblings suffering anymore. Talindra sighed loudly and made up her mind that she had to talk to Baraion. No matter what he was thinking she no longer could see Talilia suffer.

Talindra walked across Talilia's room and heard her sobs. She clenched her fists and hesitantly opened her door.

"What are you doing?" asked Talindra.

"Nothing!" said Talilia and hid her face. "Just watching a series and then I will do my homework. You can submit it tomorrow to the dean."

"You can come to the college with me if you want. That way you can meet with your friends too. Edi and Guru were asking for you," said Talindra.

"I miss them too, they were too good to me," said Talilia.

"What do you want for dinner?" asked Talindra.